系 別: 工程技術(shù)系
專 業(yè): 機械設(shè)計制造及其自動化
姓 名: 張增良
學(xué) 號: 05211525
在我國,由于清掃車發(fā)展時間較短,使用數(shù)量較少,研究開發(fā)人員有限,又沒有專門的研究機構(gòu) 對其進行研究,所以缺少對清車主要部件的關(guān)鍵技術(shù)研究,為了提高吸掃式和純吸式清潔車設(shè)計的 能力,必須對其主要部件——清掃系統(tǒng)、風(fēng)機、風(fēng)道系統(tǒng)和除塵系統(tǒng)以及零部件的耐磨性等進行試驗 研究,以提高清掃車設(shè)計的理論水平。
風(fēng)機是清車中一個相當重要的部件,風(fēng)機是清潔集塵的心臟部分,大的風(fēng)量和風(fēng)壓是高效集 塵的可靠保證,必須選用高效能的離心式風(fēng)機,由于清掃車的作業(yè)工況的不穩(wěn)定性,因此在選用風(fēng)機 時必須留有一定的余量這樣才能保證清掃車在各種路況下達到完美的集塵效果,由于空間布置的限制風(fēng)機的外形應(yīng)盡可能緊湊,同時降低噪聲是選擇風(fēng) 機時考慮的重要因素之一。我國清掃車的風(fēng)機與發(fā)達國家的有較大差距,目前,我國清掃車的風(fēng)機大 多數(shù)都采用通用風(fēng)機或由通用風(fēng)機改制的風(fēng)機。由于通用風(fēng)機是為一般用途的通風(fēng)而設(shè)計的,其體 積、耐磨性、防塵能力等都不能滿足清掃車惡劣工況的要求。可以說,目前我國清掃車使用的風(fēng)機, 大大影響了清掃車的性能。因此,清掃車生產(chǎn)企業(yè)應(yīng)加強對清掃車專用風(fēng)機的研究,從風(fēng)機葉片形 狀、葉片材料、進出風(fēng)口的形狀和位置、加工工藝等進行探討,設(shè)計出體積小、風(fēng)量大、噪聲低、耐 磨的風(fēng)機。
壓縮空氣系統(tǒng)也是清掃車作業(yè)動力的重要組成部分,壓縮空氣系統(tǒng)是由底盤發(fā)動機提供壓縮空氣 驅(qū)動氣缸產(chǎn)生預(yù)定動作完成以下各項功能 :調(diào)節(jié)盤刷接地壓力、對盤刷起緩沖保護作用, 當遇到凸起地面時會順勢上浮,氣壓的調(diào)節(jié)在駕駛室內(nèi)完成, 滾刷兩端各有一個提升氣缸,另一端懸掛在車架上,操縱電控系統(tǒng)使氣缸帶動滾刷完成升降動作, 提升氣缸還可以調(diào)整接地壓力,使之與地面有20o 圓弧接觸。提升氣缸為液壓阻尼氣缸,保證始終與地面接觸且接地壓力相等,還可起阻尼緩沖作用, 保證滾刷不受沖擊。吸口翹角氣缸可抬高吸口前緣將大塊垃圾吸入,在開始或停止時提升氣缸將吸口 提升或降至地面。
清掃集塵系統(tǒng)包括盤刷裝置、滾刷裝置、吸口裝置、和集塵箱等部分,這是清掃車的關(guān)鍵部件。 盤刷裝置擔負著清掃和收集護欄附近和隔離帶角的垃圾的任務(wù),它由盤刷及支架、油馬達、擺臂機 構(gòu)、油缸及支架、鋼絲及滾輪機構(gòu)擋板及傳動機構(gòu)組成。滾刷裝置主要是對公路中部大面積的路面 清掃和將垃圾收集到吸口附近,它由滾刷、罩殼、油馬達、擺動油缸、提升油缸及轉(zhuǎn)動支架等部分組 成。吸口裝置將吸口經(jīng)過區(qū)域的垃圾經(jīng)吸口管道吸進集塵箱,主要由吸口、軟管、支架、支撐小車、 吸口提升缸、吸口翹角缸等組成。集塵箱:它是清掃車垃圾收集沉降儲存運輸?shù)娜萜鳎瘔m箱門的 開啟和垃圾的傾卸是由底盤發(fā)動機動力輸出接口驅(qū)動液壓油泵提供動力的,在集塵箱中有沖擊板,折流板,尾部還有長方形鐵絲濾網(wǎng),這些板塊增加 了氣流的碰撞效果,易于垃圾從氣流中分離沉降。另外掃刷接地壓力的大小,不僅影響清掃車的清 掃效果,而且對掃刷的磨損也產(chǎn)生重大影響。我國清掃車的掃刷接地壓力是由清掃車操作人員手動 調(diào)整,一般情況下,操作人員最多只是在出車時對掃刷接地壓力進行調(diào)整,有的甚至是幾天才對掃 刷接地壓力進行一次調(diào)整。這種掃刷接地壓力的調(diào)整方式,使清掃車作業(yè)時的掃刷接地壓力隨著 路面的高低不平和清掃車減振彈簧高度的變化而產(chǎn)生變化,而這種變化帶來的后果則是清掃效果 不穩(wěn)定和加劇掃刷磨損。因此,清掃車生產(chǎn)企業(yè)有必要對清掃車掃刷的最佳接地壓力進行探討,并 設(shè)計能對掃刷接地壓力進行自動調(diào)整的清掃裝置,以期在達到最佳清掃效果的同時使掃刷磨損最少。 還有除塵系統(tǒng)研究:除塵系統(tǒng)的優(yōu)劣,影響到清掃車的二次排放。清掃車的除塵分為濕式除塵和干 式除塵,其中濕式除塵又可分為噴水除塵和循環(huán)水除塵。
掃路機風(fēng)道的設(shè)計如何,嚴重影響到清掃車的吸塵能力和功率利用率。掃路機的風(fēng)道型式只有帶 反吹風(fēng)的風(fēng)道和不帶反吹風(fēng)的風(fēng)道兩種,但形狀各異。風(fēng)道形狀、是否帶反吹風(fēng)以及反吹風(fēng)風(fēng)量占風(fēng) 機風(fēng)量的比例大小都會對清掃車的氣流阻力產(chǎn)生影響。這種氣流阻力的影響,將使風(fēng)機的全壓和風(fēng)量 產(chǎn)生變化。在清掃車的設(shè)計中,若風(fēng)道設(shè)計不合適,氣流阻力大,為使掃路機吸嘴處和吸管中能達到一 定的風(fēng)量,就必須使風(fēng)機轉(zhuǎn)速更高或采用更大風(fēng)量的風(fēng)機,這樣,就必然會增大風(fēng)機的功率,降低清 掃車的功率利用率,加大油耗。為此,必須對清掃車的風(fēng)道系統(tǒng)進行試驗研究,確定清掃車風(fēng)道形狀 對氣流阻力產(chǎn)生影響的阻力系數(shù),確定反吹風(fēng)風(fēng)道對產(chǎn)生的阻力的大小以及其阻力對風(fēng)機風(fēng)量的影 響。只有這樣,才能設(shè)計出清掃效果好、氣流阻力小、功率利用率高的風(fēng)道系統(tǒng)。
液壓系統(tǒng)是清掃車的重要組成部分,完成清掃車作業(yè)過程中大量的動作,液壓系統(tǒng)的工作狀況直 接影響整車的性能,下面詳細介紹液壓系統(tǒng)完成的功能:完成盤刷的外伸和下降,使其接觸路面進行清掃作業(yè);完成盤刷的收起使其恢復(fù)行使狀態(tài);完 成盤刷的旋轉(zhuǎn)作業(yè);擺動油缸驅(qū)動滾刷的左向和右向斜置;滾刷的旋轉(zhuǎn);護欄清洗裝置的外伸收回與 旋轉(zhuǎn);垃圾箱的舉升降落和傾斜。
清掃車的易磨損零部件主要有:掃刷、吸管、風(fēng)機、吸嘴、風(fēng)道等。清掃車零部件的耐磨性直接 影響到清掃車的使用成本,特別是掃刷是否耐磨對清掃車的使用成本影響最大。可以說,掃刷磨損是 目前我國清掃車磨損問題中最嚴重的。提高清掃車零部件耐磨性是提高其可靠性的直接有效的方法之 一,所以清掃車生產(chǎn)企業(yè)應(yīng)對如何提高零部件的耐磨性引起高度重視。
sweeper key technology research
3 清掃車的關(guān)鍵技術(shù)研究 路面清掃車作為環(huán)衛(wèi)設(shè)備之一,是一種集路面清掃、垃圾回收和運輸為一體的新型高效清掃設(shè)備。在我國,由于清掃車發(fā)展時間較短,使用數(shù)量較少,研究開發(fā)人員有限,又沒有專門的研究機構(gòu)對其進行研究,所以缺少對清掃車主要部件的關(guān)鍵技術(shù)研究,為了提高吸掃式和純吸式清掃車設(shè)計的能力,必須對其主要部件——清掃系統(tǒng)、 風(fēng)機 、風(fēng)道系統(tǒng)和除塵系統(tǒng)以及零部件的耐磨性等進行試驗研究,以提高清掃車設(shè)計的理論水平。 In our country, as a result of the development of clean vehicles is shorter, the use of the small number of research and development personnel is limited, there is no specialized research institutions to study, so the lack of clean vehicle technologies major study of the key components, in order to enhance the sweeping and pure suction sweeper's ability to design, to be its main components - cleaning systems, fans, air duct system and dust removal systems, as well as wear parts, such as a pilot study to improve the cleaning of the theory of the level of car design.
3.1加強對清掃車專用的關(guān)鍵技1 strengthen the sweeper dedicated fan of the key technologies
的外形應(yīng)盡可能緊湊,同時降低噪聲是選擇風(fēng)機時考慮的重要因素之一。 Fan is a very important cleaning car parts, fan is the heart of dust sweeper parts, large air volume and air pressure is a reliable guarantee for high efficiency dust collection, we must choose high-performance centrifugal fan, as the sweeper operating condition instability, so in the selection of fans must have a certain margin in order to ensure that cleaning cars in a variety of road dust to achieve perfect results, due to space restrictions layout fans as far as possible, compact appearance, while reducing noise when the fan is to choose one of the important factors to consider. 我國清掃車的。 China's clean car fan and have a wide gap between the developed countries, at present, our country clean cars fan most common fan or general fan of the system fan. 由于通用是為一般用途的通風(fēng)而設(shè)計的,其體積、耐磨性、防塵能力等都不能滿足清掃車惡劣工況的要求。 As the general fan is a general-purpose and design of ventilation, and its size, resistance to abrasion, dust and so can not meet the cleaning ability of the poor condition of vehicles requested. 可以說,目前我國清掃車使用的, 大大影響了清掃車的性能。 It can be said that China's use of clean vehicles fan has significantly affected the performance of the sweeper. 因此,清掃車生產(chǎn)企業(yè)應(yīng)加強對清掃車專用風(fēng)機的研究,從風(fēng)機葉片形狀、葉片材料、進出風(fēng)口的形狀和位置、加工工藝等進行探討,設(shè)計出體積小、風(fēng)量大、噪聲低、耐磨的風(fēng)機 。 Therefore, the clean-up car production enterprises should be strengthened sweeper dedicated fan of research, from the fan blade shape, blade material, and out of shape and location of outlet, such as processing technology to explore the design of small and large air volume, low noise, wear-resistant the fan.
2 The key technology compressed air systems research
壓縮空氣系統(tǒng)也是清掃車作業(yè)動力的重要組成部分,壓縮空氣系統(tǒng)是由底盤發(fā)動機提供壓縮空氣驅(qū)動氣缸產(chǎn)生預(yù)定動作完成以下各項功能:調(diào)節(jié)盤刷接地壓力、對盤刷起緩沖保護作用, 當遇到凸起地面時會順勢上浮,氣壓的調(diào)節(jié)在駕駛室內(nèi)完成, 滾刷兩端各有一個提升氣缸,另一端懸掛在車架上,操縱電控系統(tǒng)使氣缸帶動滾刷完成升降動作, 提升氣缸還可以調(diào)整接地壓力,使之與地面有20o 圓弧接觸。 Compressed air system is operating power sweeper an important component of the compressed air system is provided by the chassis engine cylinder of compressed air-driven action is scheduled to have completed the following functions: regulation of the pressure plate grounding brush, brush on the disk buffer to protect the role of when the ground will be raised up homeopathy, pressure regulating indoor driving completed upgrade at either end of a cylinder, the other end hanging in the frame, the manipulation of electronic control system to enable the completion of the cylinder-led take-off and landing action to enhance the cylinder pressure can also adjust the ground so that 20o arc and ground contact. 提升氣缸為液壓阻尼氣缸,保證始終與地面接觸且接地壓力相等,還可起阻尼緩沖作用, 保證滾刷不受沖擊。 Enhance the hydraulic damping cylinder to cylinder to ensure contact with the ground and has always been pressure on the same ground, but also played the role of damping the buffer to ensure that the impact from. 吸口翹角氣缸可抬高吸口前緣將大塊垃圾吸入,在開始或停止時提升氣缸將吸口提升或降至地面。suction suction cylinder can be up front will be large garbage inhalation, in the start or stop smoking when I upgrade will enhance the cylinder or to the ground.
3 key technology research
清掃集塵系統(tǒng)包括盤刷裝置、滾刷裝置、吸口裝置、和集塵箱等部分,這是清掃車的關(guān)鍵部件。 Dust collection system, including disk cleaning brush device devices, suction devices, and some, such as dust collection box, which is a key component sweeper. 盤刷裝置擔負著清掃和收集護欄附近和隔離帶角的垃圾的任務(wù),它由盤刷及支架、油馬達、擺臂機構(gòu)、油缸及支架、鋼絲及滾輪機構(gòu)擋板及傳動機構(gòu)組成。 Plate bears a brush cleaning device and collection and separation barrier near the angle with the task of garbage, brush and set it by the frame, oil motors, the arm body, the fuel tank and frame, steel body and tailgate and drive wheel institutions. 滾刷裝置主要是對公路中部大面積的路面清掃和將垃圾收集到吸口附近,它由滾刷、罩殼、油馬達、擺動油缸、提升油缸及轉(zhuǎn)動支架等部分組成。device is a large area on the highway in central road sweeping and refuse collection will be near to the suction, which, casing, oil motors, oscillating cylinder, the fuel tank and upgrade the stent, such as rotating parts. 吸口裝置將吸口經(jīng)過區(qū)域的垃圾經(jīng)吸口管道吸進集塵箱,主要由吸口、軟管、支架、支撐小車、 吸口提升缸、吸口翹角缸等組成。 Suction device to suction through the region refuse suction pipe by the inhalation of harmful dust box, mainly by suction, hoses, frame, support vehicle, enhance suction cylinder, suction cylinder composed of. 集塵箱:它是清掃車垃圾收集沉降儲存運輸?shù)娜萜?,集塵箱門的開啟和垃圾的傾卸是由底盤發(fā)動機動力輸出接口驅(qū)動液壓油泵提供動力的,在集塵箱中有沖擊板,折流板,尾部還有長方形鐵絲濾網(wǎng),這些板塊增加了氣流的碰撞效果,易于垃圾從氣流中分離沉降。 Dust box: it is a sweeping settlement of refuse collection trucks transport storage containers, dust door open and the dumping of garbage by the chassis engine drives the hydraulic power output pump power, in the dust collection box impact plate, baffle, the rear there is a rectangular wire strainer, which increased the flow of plate collision effects, easy to refuse settlement isolated from the airstream. 另外掃刷接地壓力的大小,不僅影響清掃車的清掃效果,而且對掃刷的磨損也產(chǎn)生重大影響。 So the pressure of another grounding brush size, not only affects the cleaning effectiveness of cleaning cars, but also for sweeping brush wear also have a significant impact. 我國清掃車的掃刷接地壓力是由清掃車操作人員手動調(diào)整,一般情況下,操作人員最多只是在出車時對掃刷接地壓力進行調(diào)整,有的甚至是幾天才對掃刷接地壓力進行一次調(diào)整。 China's clean sweep vehicles grounding brush pressure cleaning truck operators from manually adjusted, under normal circumstances, the operator only up to a sweeping brush on the ground when the pressure to adjust, and some only a few days or even ground pressure sweeping brush another period of adjustment. 這種掃刷接地壓力的調(diào)整方式,使清掃車作業(yè)時的掃刷接地壓力隨著路面的高低不平和清掃車減振彈簧高度的變化而產(chǎn)生變化,而這種變化帶來的后果則是清掃效果不穩(wěn)定和加劇掃刷磨損。 So the pressure of such a grounding of the adjustment brush, so as to enable operation of the sweeper brush sweep the ground pressure and severe as the road sweeper damping spring changes in a high degree of change, and the consequences of this change is sweeping So the effect of instability and increased brush wear. 因此,清掃車生產(chǎn)企業(yè)有必要對清掃車掃刷的最佳接地壓力進行探討,并設(shè)計能對掃刷接地壓力進行自動調(diào)整的清掃裝置,以期在達到最佳清掃效果的同時使掃刷磨損最少。 Therefore, the cleaning vehicle manufacturers need to brush sweeper sweep the best ground to discuss the pressure and the design of grounding brush can sweep to automatically adjust the pressure of the cleaning device, with a view to achieve the best cleaning results at the same time so that at least sweeping brush wear . 還有除塵系統(tǒng)研究:除塵系統(tǒng)的優(yōu)劣,影響到清掃車的二次排放。 There are dust system: the advantages and disadvantages of dust removal system, affect the secondary emission sweeper. 清掃車的除塵分為濕式除塵和干式除塵,其中濕式除塵又可分為噴水除塵和循環(huán)水除塵。 Into the dust sweeper wet and dry dust removal, in which water can be divided into wet dust removal and recycling of water removal.
3.4風(fēng)道關(guān)鍵技術(shù)研究 4 Key Technologies of duct
掃路機風(fēng)道的設(shè)計如何,嚴重影響到清掃車的吸塵能力和功率利用率。 Road sweeper design wind Road, seriously affecting the cleaning ability of cleaning cars and power utilization. 掃路機的風(fēng)道型式只有帶反吹風(fēng)的風(fēng)道和不帶反吹風(fēng)的風(fēng)道兩種,但形狀各異。 So the way of air duct machine only with the anti-hair type of the air duct and without anti-air duct of the two types of hair, but different shape. 風(fēng)道形狀、是否帶反吹風(fēng)以及反吹風(fēng)風(fēng)量占風(fēng)機風(fēng)量的比例大小都會對清掃車的氣流阻力產(chǎn)生影響。 Duct shape, whether or not with anti-hair-and anti-hair-style accounts for the ratio of air volume fan size sweeper will have an impact on the flow resistance. 這種氣流阻力的影響,將使風(fēng)機的全壓和風(fēng)量產(chǎn)生變化。 The effects of air resistance that will make fans of the whole amount of pressure and wind changes. 在清掃車的設(shè)計中,若風(fēng)道設(shè)計不合適,氣流阻力大,為使掃路機吸嘴處和吸管中能達到一定的風(fēng)量,就必須使風(fēng)機轉(zhuǎn)速更高或采用更大風(fēng)量的風(fēng)機 ,這樣,就必然會增大風(fēng)機的功率,降低清掃車的功率利用率,加大油耗。 In the design of car cleaning, if the design inappropriate for wind, air resistance, in order for the road sweeper nozzle and the straw in the wind to reach a certain volume, it is necessary to enable the fan speed higher or greater air volume of fan, This will inevitably increase the fan power, the power to reduce the utilization of clean vehicles, increased fuel consumption. 為此,必須對清掃車的風(fēng)道系統(tǒng)進行試驗研究,確定清掃車風(fēng)道形狀對氣流阻力產(chǎn)生影響的阻力系數(shù),確定反吹風(fēng)風(fēng)道對產(chǎn)生的阻力的大小以及其阻力對風(fēng)機風(fēng)量的影響。 To this end, the need for air duct cleaning system cars to carry out pilot studies to determine the shape of air duct cleaning truck to have an impact on air flow resistance of the drag coefficient to determine the anti-hair duct to generate the size of the resistance and its resistance to the fans of the impact of air volume. 只有這樣,才能設(shè)計出清掃效果好、氣流阻力小、功率利用率高的風(fēng)道系統(tǒng)。 Only in this way can the design of effective cleaning, flow resistance small, the utilization of high-power air duct system.
3.5液壓系統(tǒng)關(guān)鍵技術(shù)研究5 Key Technologies of the hydraulic system
液壓系統(tǒng)是清掃車的重要組成部分,完成清掃車作業(yè)過程中大量的動作,液壓系統(tǒng)的工作狀況直接影響整車的性能,下面詳細介紹液壓系統(tǒng)完成的功能:完成盤刷的外伸和下降,使其接觸路面進行清掃作業(yè);完成盤刷的收起使其恢復(fù)行使狀態(tài);完成盤刷的旋轉(zhuǎn)作業(yè);擺動油缸驅(qū)動滾刷的左向和右向斜置;滾刷的旋轉(zhuǎn);護欄清洗裝置的外伸收回與旋轉(zhuǎn);垃圾箱的舉升降落和傾斜。 Sweeper hydraulic system is an important component of the operation to complete the process of cleaning a large number of car movements, the hydraulic system of the working conditions of a direct impact on vehicle performance, the following details to complete the function of the hydraulic system: the completion of the outer disk brush stretch and fall so that it contacts the road surface for cleaning operations; complete set brush away to resume the exercise of the state; complete set of rotating brushes operations; swing tanks drive to the left and right home syncline; rotation; cleaning device barrier recovery and rotating outriggers; litter and tilt of the lift landing.
3.6易磨損零部件關(guān)鍵技術(shù)研究6 parts easy to wear the key technology research
清掃車的易磨損零部件主要有:掃刷、吸管、 風(fēng)機 、吸嘴、風(fēng)道等。 Easy clean-up cars and wear parts are: sweeping brush, straw, fan, nozzle, such as air duct. 清掃車零部件的耐磨性直接影響到清掃車的使用成本,特別是掃刷是否耐磨對清掃車的使用成本影響最大。 Cleaning car parts and components directly affects the wear resistance of the clean-up costs of car use, especially wear-resistant sweeping brush is used to clean cars cost the most. 可以說,掃刷磨損是目前我國清掃車磨損問題中最嚴重的。 It can be said that sweeping brush wear is the wear and tear our country clean cars in the most serious problem. 提高清掃車零部件耐磨性是提高其可靠性的直接有效的方法之一,所以清掃車生產(chǎn)企業(yè)應(yīng)對如何提高零部件的耐磨性引起高度重視。 Cleaning car parts and components to improve wear resistance is to increase the reliability of one of direct and effective way, so clean-up on how to deal with car manufacturers to improve the wear resistance of components a high degree of attention.