1、Introduction To Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology of Education,Created by Jeff Strauss MA Educational Foundations,Branches of Study,Philosophical Theories of Human Existence: Pre-Socratic, Medieval, Modern, 19th and 20th Century Theories of Human Behavior and Development: Biological, Religious, P
2、sychological, Behavioral, Socio-cultural Historical Eras: Ancient, Dark Ages, Enlightenment, Age of Reason, Modernism, Industrial, Information Sociological Theories of Society and Cultures: Structuralism, Conflict Theory, Marxism, Critical Theory, Post-Modernism,,,,,Philosophy,From the earliest begi
3、nnings of recorded history it has involved discussions and debates not just about truth, but what are our methods of inquiry into truth. So one of the differences between philosophy and straightforward scientific inquiry is that in philosophy the issue isnt merely about what the truth is, but how we
4、 can know what the truth is. A physicist and biologist know things, but the philosopher asks, How do they know?,It is for that reason that philosophy is often described as a second-order activity: thinking about thinking, knowing about knowing.,Thales (624-546 B.C.E),“Everything is made of water”,Th
5、ere is an underlying reality beyond appearances that is radically different from things as they appear to us through our senses,25 Centuries Since Philosophy and Science Have altered only 1 word,Everything is made of water Everything is made of air Everything is made of the indeterminate boundless E
6、verything is made of fire Everything is made of numbers Everything is made of atoms Everything is made of quarks,Aristotle,Plato,Socrates,The ancient Greeks as a starting point for western civilizations philosophical traditions,Los Tres Amigos,Socrates (470 to 399 B.C.E),“The unexamined life is not
7、worth living” This statement sets the stage for a revolutionary progression of Western thinking. That the individual is responsible to answer questions such as What meaning do I want to give my life? How should I live? What really matters? What is truth and how can I know it. Intrinsic Value,Plato (
8、428-348 B.C.E),Plato and the Allegory of the Cave,Plato viewed the world of appearances as an illusion True knowledge (ideas) could not be sought through the senses Wisdom requires us to see beyond sense experience and to learn about the underlying first principles and causes of things.,Aristotle (3
9、84-322 B.C.E.),Aristotle collapsed the physical world of matter (the realm of appearances) and the world of ideas to explain change. He saw the soul as not independent of the physical body He invented the syllogism (deductive logic) as well as inductive logic,THE DARK AGES,Decent into The Darkness,M
10、arcus Aurelius (121-180) 14th Emperor of Rome. He regarded Christians as the most subversive and dangerous element within the Roman Empire and warned that if Christians were allowed to corrupt the intellect and souls of the citizens of Rome, the Empire would fall They would have been wise to heed hi
11、s warnings,The Rise of Christianity,In the third century the philosophical traditions from Thales to Aurelius ground to a screeching halt. To the enlightened citizens at the height of the Roman Empire, with the Hellenic philosophical genius behind them and the emerging political, social and cultural
12、 advances before them, it must have seemed as if some great, cosmic awakening was about to happen, as if the next level of enlightenment within human consciousness was just around the corner. What they got instead was the Dark Ages: the burning of books, the closing of the philosophy schools, the co
13、llapse of the Roman Empire. - Daniel Kolack “From the Pre-Socratic to the Present”,Medieval Philosophy,By 3rd century C.E., Roman Empire is unwinding Because they were no longer persecuted the Christians were now winning more converts Catholic philosophy developed from the view of Plato, the Stoi
14、cs and Neo-Platonists dominated Western thought for a 1000 years Augustine, Averroes, Maimonides, Aquinas Ockham, Bacon, Martin Luther, Copernicus,How Ancient People Envisioned the Universe,Martin Luther first, between people (interpsychological) and then inside the child (intrapsychological). This
15、applies equally to voluntary attention, to logical memory, and to the formation of concepts. All the higher functions originate as actual relationships between individuals.,Howard Gardner: Multiple Intelligences,DefinitionThis theory of human intelligence, developed by psychologist, suggests there a
16、re at least seven ways that people have of perceiving and understanding the world. Gardner labels each of these ways a distinct intelligence--in other words, a set of skills allowing individuals to find and resolve genuine problems they face.,Jean Piaget: Genetic Epistemology,The concept of cognitiv
17、e structure is central to his theory (Schemas). There are four primary cognitive structures (i.e., development stages) according to Piaget: sensorimotor, preoperations, concrete operations, and formal operations. In the sensorimotor stage (0-2 years), intelligence takes the form of motor actions. Intelligence in the preoperational period (3-7 years) is intuitive in nature. The cognitive structure during the concrete operational stage (8-11 years) is logical but depends upon concrete referents. In the final stage of formal operations (12-15 years), thinking involves abstractions.,THE END,