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關鍵詞 減速器;改向滾筒;壓輪;托輥
Hoist is a progressive realization of the transport of materials engineering machinery, it is the most modern equipment capable of conveying one of its widely used mines, docks, chemical and other occasions, but a different condition of its equipment requirements are different The
In this paper, food processing industry as the background, design enhance food machinery. Enhancing food in the belt conveyor belt machine is developed on the basis of. Food and upgrade the traditional belt machine, like a belt conveyor belt, strip, with steel fibers, plastics and chemical fibers with a transmission belt, and other materials and the delivery of mechanical traction workpiece. Its characteristics are carrying the material conveyor is also the change of power transmission parts, machinery and other transport has significant differences. The design of the food enhance belt machine is a small transport machinery, its carrying capacity requirements of small, relative to other low-cost requirements of the belt conveyor, compact design.
The design of the overall structure of the entire device in the drive and drive some parts of the design and calculation. One driver in the design and calculation, the electrical design options - as a reducer of the device to drive equipment in the transmission part of the design, selected the design of the timing belt pulleys connected with the drive to transfer power . This paper was also installed in the bend of the drum, roll and rack some pressure to choose a design, while the other auxiliary equipment have also done the necessary calculations and choices.
The main design reducer design the structure, determining the internal transmission gear and the axis of the main parameters, and bend the drum design, and the principle of detailed analysis.
Keywords: Reducer Bend pulley Pressing wheel Roller
目 錄
1緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.1.1背景介紹 1
1.1.2運輸機簡介 1
1.1.3食品提升皮帶機簡介 5
1.2方案確定 6
1.3設計方案綜述 7
2減速器結構的設計 8
2.1電動機的選擇 8
2.1.1選擇電動機類型和機構形式 8
2.1.2功率的計算 8
2.1.3電動機功率的選擇 8
2.2確定傳動裝置的總傳動比和分配傳動比 10
2.2.1總傳動比 10
2.2.2分配減速器的各級傳動比 10
2.3計算傳動裝置的運動和動力參數 11
2.3.1各軸轉速 11
2.3.2各軸的輸入功率 11
2.3.3各軸的輸入轉矩 12
2.4減速器的結構設計 13
2.5傳動零件的設計計算 13
2.5.1第一級齒輪傳動的設計 13
2.5.2第二級齒輪傳動的設計 19
2.5.3齒輪軸的校核 24
2.5.4中軸鍵的選擇 27
2.6軸承的選擇 28
2.6.1軸承的選擇因素 28
2.6.2軸承的型號確定 29
2.6.3軸承校驗 29
3間歇機構 32
3.1槽輪機構 32
3.1.1槽輪機構的組成及工作特點 32
3.1.2槽輪機構的類型及應用 32
3.1.3槽輪機構的運動系數及運動特性 33
3.2棘輪機構 33
4改向滾筒的設計 35
4.1改向滾筒的結構設計 35
4.2改向滾筒軸的強度校核 35
5改向壓輪的設計 39
5.1改向壓輪的結構設計 39
5.2設計方案的比較與選擇 40
5.3輸送帶的跑偏處理 41
5.4拉緊裝置 42
6托輥的設計 44
6.1托輥的類型 44
6.2托輥的設計計算 45
7食品提升皮帶機的安裝和操作維護 48
7.1啟動和停機 48
7.2食品提升皮帶機的維護 48
7.3食品提升皮帶機的安裝 48
結論 50
致謝 51
參考文獻 52
附錄 53