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The main Elements of Horizontal Milling Machines
Column and base
The column and base form the foundation of the complete machine. Both are made from cast iron, designed with thick sections to ensure complete rigidity and freedom from vibration. The base, upon which the column is mounted, is also the cutting-fluid reservoir and contains the pump to circulate the fluid to the cutting area.
The column contains the spindle, accurately located in precision bearings. The spindle is driven through a gearbox from a vee-belt drive from the electric motor housed at the base of the column. The gearbox enables a range of spindle speeds to be selected. Twelve spindle speeds from 32 to 1400rev/min are available. The front of the column carries the guide-ways upon which the knee is located and guided in a vertical direction.
The knee, mounted on the column guide-ways, provides the vertical movement of the table.
Power feed is available, through a gearbox mounted on the side, from a separate built-in motor, providing a range of twelve feed rates from 6 to 250mm/min. Drive is through a lead-screw, whose bottom end is fixed to the machine base. Provision is made to raise and lower the knee by hand through a lead-screw and nut operated by a hand-wheel at the front. The knee has guide-ways on its top surface giving full-width support to the saddle and guiding it in a transverse direction.
A lock is provided to clamp the knee in any vertical position on the column.
The saddle, mounted on the knee guide-ways, provides the transverse movement of the table.
Power feed is provided through the gearbox on the knee. A range of twelve feeds is available, from 12 to 500mm/min. Alternative hand movement is provided through a lead-screw and nut by a hand-wheel at the front of the knee.
Clamping of the saddle to the knee is achieved by two clamps on the side of the saddle.
The saddle has dovetail guide-ways on its upper surface, at right angles to the knee guide-ways, to provide a guide to the table in a longitudinal direction.
The table provides the surface upon which all work-pieces and work-holding equipment are located and clamped. A series of tee slots is provided for this purpose. The dovetail guides on the undersurface locate in the guide-ways on the saddle, giving straight-line movement to the table in a longitudinal direction at right angle to the saddle movement.
Power feed is provided from the knee gearbox, through the saddle, to the table lead-screw. Alternative hand feed is provided by a hand-wheel at each end of the table. Stops at the front of the table can be set to disengage the longitudinal feed automatically in each direction.
The spindle, accurately mounted in precision bearings, provides the drive for the milling cutters. Cutters can be mounted straight on the spindle nose or in cutter-holding devices which in turn are mounted in the spindle, held in position by a draw-bolt passing through the hollow spindle. Spindles of milling machines have a standard spindle nose to allow for easy interchange of cutters and cutter-holding devices. The bore of the nose is tapered to provide accurate location, the angle of taper being 16.36”. The diameter of the taper depends on the size of the machine and may be 30, 40 or 50 IST (International standard Taper). Due to their steepness of angle, these tapers-known as non-stick or self-releasing-cannot be relied upon to transmit the drive to the cutter or cutter-holding device. Two driving keys are provided to transmit the drive.
Over-arm and arbor support
The majority of cutters used on horizontal machines are held on an arbor which is located and held in the spindle. Due to the length of the arbors used, support is required at the outer end to prevent deflection when cutting takes place. Support is provided by an arbor-support bracket, clamped to an over-arm which is mounted on top of the column in a dovetail slide. The over-arm is adjustable in or out for different lengths of arbor, or can be fully pushed in when arbor support is not required. Two clamping bolts are provided to lock the over-arm in any position. The arbor support is located in the over-arm dovetail and is locked by means of its clamping bolt. A solid bearing is provided in which the arbor runs during splindle rotation.
Controls of Horizontal Milling Machines
The various controls of a typical horizontal milling machine. These are identical to those of a vertical machine:
Spindle speeds are selected through the levers 4, and the speed is indicated on the change dial 5. The speeds must not be changed which the machine is running. An ‘inching’ button 3 is situated below the gear-change panel and, if depressed, ‘inches’ the spindle and enables the gears to slide into place when a speed change is being carried out. Alongside the ‘inching’ button is the switch for controlling the cutting-fluid pump 1 and one for controlling the direction of spindle rotation 2. The feed rates are selected by the lever 9 and indicated on the feed-rate dial.
To engage the longitudinal table feed, lever 8 is moved in the required direction-right for right feed, lever 8 is moved in the required direction-right for right feed, left for left feed. Adjustable trip dogs 6 are provided to disengage the feed movement at any point within the traverse range. Limit stops are incorporated to disengage all feed movements in the extreme position, to prevent damage to the machine in the event of a trip dog being missed.
To engage cross or vertical traverse, lever 12 is moved up or down. The feed can then be engaged by moving lever 11 in the required direction. With cross traverse selected, movement of lever 11 up-words produces in-feed of the saddle, moving it downwards produces out-feed of the saddle.
With vertical traverse selected, movement of lever 11 up-words produces up-feed to the knee, moving it downwards produces down-feed to the knee.
Rapid traverse in any of the above feed directions is engaged by an up-ward pull of lever 10. Rapid traverse continues as long as up-ward pressure is applied. When released, the lever will drop into the disengaged position. Alternative hand feed is provided by means of a single crank handle 7,which is engaged by slight pressure towards the machine. Spring ejectors disengage the handle on completion of the operation, for safety purposes-I. E. the handle will not fly round when feed or rapid traverse is engaged. The single crank handle is interchangeable on table, saddle, and knee movements.
Milling Operations
The variety of milling operations which may be performed on a given milling machine depends on the type of machine, the type of cutter used, and the accessories or attachments available for use with the machine. Milling machine are used for machining flat surfaces, including horizontal, vertical, and angular surfaces. They are used for machining many kinds of shoulders and grooves, including keyways, T-slots, and dovetails. They are used to machine formed or irregular surfaces with the use of many types of formed-tooth cutters.
Milling machines equipped with a dividing head may be used for machining equally spaced flat surfaces, straight grooves, or spiral grooves on parts with a cylindrical shape. This type of machining is involved in making gears, taps, reamers, drills, milling cutters, and splines on shafts.
Milling machines, particularly those of the vertical type, may be used for all of the common hole-machining operations which normally are performed on a drill press. With the milling machine, holes may be precisely located through the use of the table feed screws. The longitudinal and cross-feed screws are equipped with micrometer collars accurately graduated in hundredths of a millimeter (thousandths of an inch)or smaller. Hole depth also may be accurately controlled through the use of graduated collars on the vertical-feed control.
Because of the wide variety of operations which may be performed on a milling machine and because of its general efficiency and speed of metal removal, it is one of the most important of the basic machine tools. It ranks in versatility and importance with the metal-working lathe.
Safety and Maintenance For CNC Machine
Safety Notes for CNC machine operations
Safety is always a major concern in a metal-cutting operation. CNC equipment is automated and very fast, and consequently it is a source of hazards. The hazards have to be located and the personnel must be aware of them in order to prevent injuries and damage to the equipment. Main potential hazards include: rotating parts, such as the spindle, the tool in the spindle, chuck, part in the chuck, and the turret with the tools and rotating clamping devices; movable parts, such as the machining center table, lathe slides, tailstock center, and tool carousel; errors in the program such as improper use of the G00 code in conjunction with the wrong coordinate value, which can generate an unexpected rapid motion; an error in setting or changing the offset value, which can result in a collision of the tool with the part or the machine; and a hazardous action of the machine caused by unqualified changes in a proven program. To minimize or avoid hazards, try the following preventive actions:
(1) Keep all of the original covers on the machine as supplied by the machine tool builder.
(2) Wear safety glasses, gloves, and proper clothing and shoes.
(3) Do not attempt to run the machine before you are familiar with its control.
(4) Before running the program, make sure that the part is clamped properly.
(5) When proving a program, follow there safety procedures:
Run the program using the machine Lock function to check the program for errors in syntax and geometry.
Slow down rapid motions using the RAPID OVERRIDE switch or dry run the program.
Use a single-block execution to confirm each line in the program before executing it.
When the tool is cutting, slow down the feed rate using the FEED OVERRIDE switch to prevent excessive cutting conditions.
(6) Do not handle chips by hand and do not use chip hooks to break long curled chips. Program different cutting conditions for better chip control. Stop the machine if you need to properly clean the chips.
(7) If there is any doubt that the insert will break under the programmed cutting conditions, choose a thicker insert or reduce feed or depth of cut.
(8) Keep tool overhang as short as possible, since it can be a source of vibration that can break the insert.
(9) When supporting a large part by the center, make sure that the hole-center is large enough to adequately support and hold the part.
(10) Stop the machine when changing the tools, indexing inserts, or removing chip.
(11) Replace dull or broken tools or inserts.
(12) Write a list of offsets for active tools, and clear (set to zero) the offsets for tools removed from the machine.
(13) Do not make changes in the program if your supervisor has prohibited your doing so.
(14) If you have any safety-related concerns, notify your instructor or supervisor immediately.
2. Daily Maintenance
<1>Checking the External View
(1) Machine oil (cutting oil, lubrication oil) has been scattered onto the servomotor, detector, or main unit of the NC, or is leaking.
(2) Damage is found on the cables of the movable blocks, or the cables are twisted.
(3) Filter clogging
(4) A door of the control panel is not open.
(5) Ambient vibration
(6) The unit is located in a dusty location.
(7) Something that causes high frequency is placed near the control unit.
<2>Checking the inside of the control unit
Check that the following troubles have been eliminated:
(1) Cable connectors are loosened.
(2) Installing screws are loosened.
(3) Attachment amplifier screws are loosened.
(4) The cooling fan operates abnormally.
(5) Cable damage.
(6) Printed circuit boards have been inserted abnormally.
3. Fault Diagnosis and Action
When a running fault occurs, examine the correct cause to take proper action. To do this, execute the checks below:
<1>Checking the Fault Occurrence Status Check the following:
When did the fault occur?
During what operation did the fault occur?
What fault?
(1) When did the fault occur?
Time of day when the fault occurred.
(2) During what operation did the fault occur? What running mode?
For automatic operation…program number, sequence number, and contents of program?
For manual operation…Mode?
Operating procedure?
Preceding and succeeding operations?
Set / display unit’s screen?
During I/O operation?
Machine system status?
During tool change?
Controlled axis hunting?
What fault occurred?
What does the alarm display of the set/display unit’s alarm diagnosis screen indicate?
Display the alarm diagnosis screen to check the contents of alarm.
What dose the driving amplifier status display indicate?
Check the contents of alarm based on the driving amplifier status display
What dose the machine sequence alarm indicate?
Is the CRT screen normal?
Is the control axis hunting?
(3) Frequency of fault?
When did the fault occur? Frequency? (Did the fault occur during operation of another machine?) If the frequency is too small, or the fault occurred during operation of another machine, the cause may be noises of the supply voltage. For example, in this case, check that 1 the supply voltage is normal (does momentary drop occur during operation of another machine?) and 2 measures have been taken against noises.
In specific mode?
When did the ceiling crane move?
Frequency for the same kind of work?
Dose the fault occur when the same operation is made? (Repeatability check)
Change the conditions (override, contents of program, operating procedure, etc.).
Dose the same fault occur?
2. Fault Example
(1) The power cannot be turned on. Check the following points:
The power is being supplied?
(2) The NC unit dose not operate when being activated.
Check the following points:
Mode selected normally?
All conditions for start satisfied?
Depending on the machine, the start may be locked until the predetermined conditions are satisfied. Check this by referring to the manual published by the machine manufacturer.
Override or manual speed=0?
No reset signal is being generated.
No feed hold signal is being generated.
Machine lock is on.
3. Alarm Message When the menu key ALARM is pressed, the ALARM/DIAGN screen is displayed.
(1) Alarm The code and number or message relating to an operation alarm, program error, servo alarm, or system error are displayed.
(2) Stop code The automatic operation disable state or stop state in automatic operation mode is displayed in code and error number.
(3) Alarm message The alarm messages specified by the user PLC (built-in) are displayed.
(4) Operator message The operator messages specified by the user PLC are displayed.
When an alarm occurs, the class code will display on all screens.
Refer to the Appendix. List of alarms for details on the alarms.
精確地安裝在精密軸承中的主軸,為銑刀提供驅(qū)動力。銑刀可直接安裝在主軸端部,或者安裝在刀夾裝置上,再將刀夾裝置安裝在主軸上,用一穿過主軸軸孔的牽引螺栓將 其固定在合適的位置上。銑床主軸具有標準軸端,可方便刀具或刀夾裝置的更換。軸端孔具有錐度,以便精確定位,錐角為16度36分。錐孔內(nèi)徑取決于機床的尺寸,一般為30,40及50IST(國標標準錐度)。由于其角度大,這些錐體連接(眾所周知不能自鎖)不能將運動傳到刀具或刀夾裝置上,所以用兩個鍵來傳遞動力。
1. 計算機數(shù)控機床安全操作注意事項
(1) 使用機床制造商提供的機器原有防護罩。
(2) 帶上安全眼鏡,手套,穿上合適的衣服和鞋。
(3) 不熟悉機床操作控制前不要開動機床。
(4) 運行程序之前,確認零件已被正確夾緊。
(5) 驗證一個程序時,遵循下列安全步驟:
使用RAPID OVERRIDE快速倍率開關(guān)降低速度或空運行程序。
刀具切削時,用FEED OVERRIDE進給倍率開關(guān)來減慢進給速率,防止超負荷切削。
(6) 禁止用手處理切削以及用切削鉤子弄斷長而卷曲的切削。編制不同的切削狀態(tài)程序以便更好地控制切削。如果要徹底清除切削,應(yīng)當關(guān)閉機床。
(7) 如果懷疑刀片在編程的切削狀態(tài)下有可能折斷時,可選擇一個更厚的刀片及減少進給或切削深度。
(8) 盡可能保持刀具懸出短些,因為它可能成為一個導致刀片折斷的振動源。
(9) 當用頂尖支撐一個大零件時,確保中心孔足夠大足以支撐和夾住零件。
(10) 換刀,查找刀片或清理切削時關(guān)閉機床。
(11) 替換已磨損或損壞的刀具和刀片。
(12) 列出現(xiàn)行刀具的偏移量清單,從機床上取下刀具,清除(設(shè)置為0)刀偏。
(13) 在未得到主管許可的情況下不得擅自更改程序。
(14) 如果你有任何與安全有關(guān)的擔憂,立即通知你的技術(shù)指導或主管。
2. 日常維護
(1) 伺服電動機,探測器或數(shù)控主單元上的機床用油(切削油,潤滑油)或者滲漏情況檢查。
(2) 可移動部件的電纜上有無損傷或電纜絞合情況檢查。
(3) 過濾器堵塞情況檢查。
(4) 控制面板的門是否打開檢查。
(5) 外部環(huán)境震動檢查。
(6) 數(shù)控裝置單元是否放置在有灰塵的位置。
(7) 引起高頻的某物體是否位于控制單元附近。
3. 檢查控制單元內(nèi)部
(1) 電纜連接器松動
(2) 裝配螺釘松動
(3) 固定放大器螺釘松動
(4) 冷卻風扇工作異常
(5) 電纜損傷
(6) 印刷電路板插入不正確
《1》檢查故障發(fā)生狀態(tài) 檢查下列幾個方面:故障出現(xiàn)時間?在何種操作過程中出現(xiàn)故障?故障類型?
(2)在何種操作過程中發(fā)生故障?何種運行方式? 對于某項自動操作…程序號,序列號,程序內(nèi)容?對于手工操作…模式?什么操作步驟?前一步和后一步操作?設(shè)置/顯示的單元屏幕是什么?是否發(fā)生在輸入輸出操作過程中?機床系統(tǒng)狀態(tài)如何?是否發(fā)生在換刀過程中?受控制的軸跟蹤檢測情況如何?發(fā)生了什么故障?設(shè)置/顯示的單元屏幕上警告監(jiān)測的報警顯示說明了什么?運用顯示警報診斷屏幕來檢查報警內(nèi)容。驅(qū)動放大器狀態(tài)顯示什么?根據(jù)驅(qū)動放大器狀態(tài)顯示檢查報警內(nèi)容。加工順序報警顯示表示什么?CRT顯示屏幕是否正常?控制軸是否在跟蹤?
(1)電源不能開啟 檢查下列要點:電源是否被供給/供給電源是否正常?
警報信息 當按下報警菜單鍵時,顯示ALARM/DIAGN屏幕
《1》報警 對于每一項操作報警,程序出錯,伺服系統(tǒng)報警或系統(tǒng)錯誤顯示警報代碼,警報編號或警報信息。
(1)停止代碼 在自動操作模式里,用代碼或錯誤編號顯示自動操作,不能進行或處于停止狀態(tài)。
(2)警報信息 顯示由用戶PLC(內(nèi)置的可編程控制器)指定的警報信息。
(3)操作者信息 顯示由用戶PLC(內(nèi)置的可編程控制器)指定的操作者信息。
1.《CHELIC 氣立可 氣動設(shè)備產(chǎn)品目錄》8F 版
2.《AirTAC 亞德客產(chǎn)品目錄》2008版A
3.《氣動自動化系統(tǒng)的優(yōu)化設(shè)計》作者:陸鑫盛 周洪
4.《液壓與氣壓傳動》第二版 機械工業(yè)出版社
5.《機械設(shè)備控制技術(shù)》 機械工業(yè)出版社