Hydraulic actuators have nonlinear dynamics and are often used in environments (robotic, aerospace, underwater explo-rations/inspections, mining) where uncertain disturbances are present. Linear controllers designed using a linearized model of the hydraulic system are widespread. In alternative, nonlinear and ro-bust control techniques can be used to achieve better performances. Among these techniques, sliding mode control with dynamics inversion is a good choice, but it usually requires measurements of actuator’s velocity and hydraulic pressures in addition to actu-ator’s position. This paper presents the design and experimental evaluation of a position controller for an hydraulic actuator where the only available measure is the actuator’s position. A detailed description of servosystem components is firstly presented. Then a linear control law, whose design is based on a linearized model of the actuator, is designed and tested. Finally, a sliding mode control law is developed. Experimental results, carried out on a real case study, have shown the ectiveness of the proposed controllers even when only actuator’s position is available for feedback.
Key Words :Hydraulic actuators nonlinear systems nonlinear control system sliding mode control.
1. Introduction
Hydraulic actuators are used in many industrial appli-cations as they over the following advantages: ness; compactness; payload capability; high immunity to wear thanks to lubricant action of fluid; high speed of response, with fast starts, stops and speed reversals;
ability to main-tain their loading capacity indefinitely, while this would usually cause excessive heat generation in electrical com-ponents [1, 2]. Furthermore, their high power-to-weight ratio allows their use in a direct-drive manner, as e.g., in industrial robots, so that wear-sensitive gear-boxes can be avoided.
? DIIIE, Universit`a degli Studi di Salerno, Via Ponte Don Melillo, 1-84084, Fisciano(SA), Italy; e-mail: {fbasile, ddel-grosso}@unisa.it
Recommended by Prof. Zhihua Qu (paper no. 206-3128)
One of their major drawbacks is their strongly non-linear behaviour. The main nonlinearities are: magnetic hysteresis in the armature of the servovalve driving the actuator, usually neglected [3, 4]; static nonlinear relation between the control input and the flow to the actuator; ori-fices tolerances (overlap/underlap), which generate dead-zones; pressure and temperature dependency of isothermal bulk modulus; asymmetry of the hydraulic cylinder [5]; friction force acting on the actuator [6]. Another ma-jor drawback is the dis culty of accurately estimating the model’s parameters, and their variations under dis erent operating conditions. Therefore, to design a servo posi-tion system for an hydraulic actuator nonlinear and robust control techniques have to be used to achieve good per-formances. Today more complex control laws, like inverse dynamics laws, are successfully used in many applications and have been recently applied also to hydraulic servosys-tems [4, 7–10]. It is important to point out that in all these works control laws are presented which rely on mea-surement of at least actuators’s position and velocity and hydraulic pressures.
Figure 1. Control architecture’s overview.
The hydraulic actuator considered in this work is com-posed of a flapper-nozzle type two-stage servovalve and an asymmetric hydraulic cylinder. A servo position system has to be devised. First, an accurate model of the actu-ator has been written obtained which takes into account the main phenomena influencing its behaviour. Dynamic parameters were partly available by the supplier. To vali-date these parameters and identify the others, it was not possible to procede with open-loop experiments but it was mandatory for safety requirements to move the actuator only if closed-loop controlled. To this purpose, a discrete-time linear controller has been first designed based on a linearized model of the actuator. Then, a sliding mode con-trol law has been designed in the continuous-time domain by using a Lyapunov-based approach and implemented in discrete-time without requiring direct measurements of ve-locity and pressures. As it is commonly accepted in prac-tice [11] for control engineers the sliding mode controller designed in continuous-time domain has been implemented in the discrete-time by selecting a ciently fast sampling rate. The model uncertainties, the fact that pressures are not directly measured and frictions are not compensated,
and the time delays make the chattering reduction crit-ical [11]. To avoid this undesirable phenomenon [12] a boundary layer approach has been adopted.The main contribution of this paper is to prove that low-cost robust control of hydraulic actuators is possible even if not all the required direct measurements are avail-able. In fact, the proposedcontrollers requires only direct measurement of actuator’s position.
2. Experimental Setup
2.1 Control Architecture
The hydraulic actuator taken into account in this work is a linear single-rod cylinder whose piston’s position is measured by a Linear Variable Dis erential Transformer (LVDT) sensor. The digital control architecture, shown in Fig. 1, has the following features:
PowerPC CPU running at 500 MHz; The sampling rate is 500 Hz; 12 bit A/D and D/A converters; Voltage-to-current and current-to-voltage converters with a bandwidth of 10 KHz; LVDT Current Conditioningand Transmitter (LCCT) with a bandwidth of 250 Hz; A 100 Hz second-order Butterworth anti-aliasing filter; Hydraulic system (the actuator) including an LVDT sensor for position measuring. Notice that The only available measure is piston’s position; The digital implementation and the presence of limited bandwidth circuits and filters makes possible to neglect all components over 100 Hz; The presence of quantizers produces a measurement noise, in fact the measures resolution is 2.3 · 10?5 m; The actuator has to work in a wide and variable range of temperatures.
2.2 Implementation Issues
Experimental tests on the real architecture have drawn the attention to some important aspects for the design of both the linear and the robust controller.
1. Time delays on feedback chain: A time delay on the feedback chain of about 6 ms has been measured which
heavily influences the dynamics and must be taken into account in designing the controllers.
2. Noise in the position’s measure: The LVDT sensor’s non-ideal behaviour, joint with the presence of quan-tizers, produces a not-negligible measurement noise. Then, it is necessary to verify the filtering capacity of the controllers, to avoid vibrations of the actuator.
3. Unavailable measures: The only available measure is the actuator’s position. Thus, the proposed sliding mode controller works without the chambers’ pressure measures as commonly required. Actuator’s velocity and acceleration have instead been obtained from the position measure by using a derivative filter (see Fig. 2) for which the considered transfer function is:
Filter’s parameters have been tuned to realize a deriva-tive behaviour up to 100 Hz without amplifying high-frequency components.
Figure 2. Re-constructor filter.
3. Model Description
The structure of the electro-hydraulic servoactuator, com-posed of a nozzle-flapper flow control servovalve and an asymmetric hydraulic actuator, is shown in Fig. 3 where the scale factors for the valve and the actuator are erent for sake of clarity. All the symbols reported in Fig. 3 are defined in Table 1 and will be used in the model description below.
Figure 3. Hydraulic servoactuator layout.
3.1 Servovalve Model
3.1.1 Servovalve Nonlinear Model
The nonlinear model of the nozzle-flapper valve [1, 2] can be represented by the scheme in Fig. 4 where its main elements are shown. The input is the electrical current of the torque motor I which is transformed in a torque at the armature:
As the rotation of the armature is very small, a simplified linear relation is often considered:
The equation describing the armature flapper’s dy-namics relating armature torque to flapper displacement (in case of small rotation) is:
The equations describing nozzle’s flows relating flapper displacement to flows on spool’s sides are:
摘 要
關(guān)鍵詞 : 液壓作動(dòng)器 非線性系統(tǒng) 非線性控制系統(tǒng) 滑??刂?
第一章 介紹
圖1 控制架構(gòu)的概述
第二章 實(shí)驗(yàn)設(shè)置
?powerpc CPU運(yùn)行在500 MHz;
?采樣率是500 Hz;
?12位A / D和D / A轉(zhuǎn)換器;
?10 kHz帶寬的電壓-電流和電流-電壓轉(zhuǎn)換器;
?量化器產(chǎn)生的測(cè)量噪聲的存在,事實(shí)上,測(cè)量分辨率為2.3 · 10?5米;
第三章 模型描述
圖3 液壓伺服作動(dòng)器布局