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1、國(guó)家開放大學(xué)電大??啤队⒄Z教學(xué)法》2021期末試題及答案(試卷號(hào):2145) 盜傳必究 In format ion for the examint'es: ? This examination consists of -I parts. They are: I i( boost?(he best answer(*10 points) il :MntchinR(20 points) III : Muhiplv choice <|uestionN( 10 points) IV : Activity Dcsigning(30 points) ? I hr total marks fo

2、r this examination arc 100 points. Time Allowed (or completing this exarn innt ion is 90 mimnes. ? There will be no extra time to transfer answers to the Answer Shcci ; iIh rcforc. you should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do each task. | . Ch

3、 In thh part, you arr ghen twenty qacutlnn% which urv followed by 4 chnlcm marked A,H,C und D. Read I hr choices carefully und choow the one which can hrM uruwer Ihv que?th>n? (40 pointst 2 poinlB each) What uhould wc tr^chrr* do whrn connidcrinK childrena|i whorl oitenuon spun” A. We tihould not

4、mnkr nny activity too hm"? H? Wr should not wnMo time rxplnihing complicntrd langudKc 川ls. C> Wc should provide Rood tnudeh lor children to imitntr. I) , Wc should select tho?c topicu relevant to itudenU* experience. 2. Whin type of le?rner? can benefit most from seeing real objeci in?tructionM

5、 A. Individual Icurnenu B* I ftctile Icftrncr^. C. Auditory IcArners. D? Visun) kflrnrrn. 3. Whin dne? the (oliowing rhnnictcrmtic of children MiiAgcst (or teachrrn? -Children ore not good nt vcrlml tn*truciionn to begin with” A, Tmchrr!i should unc ninny jihnr! and simple instrnd nf one lonn m

6、hvity. B. Tcnchm need to moke the Icwrning rxpencnce rnjoynblv and plr/iMint- (\ IrnclirrA nho(ild keep mjiiniclionR very amplr? ?nd suppuri thrni with body InngURge. ().Teacher* should ninkr the imk、?nd cnjuynblc. 4. h which of the fullowmK activihc..山心 the lenchcr piny 血 mlr of pmrng/ A? Giv

7、ing instruction* before an activity. Bt Rcn

8、C< Selected Input. IX Formnl instruction. 6. Which of ihe following involves reading? A> IjibelinK pictures H. Listening and identifying. C. hrawinu nccording to thr given inwiruction!i< FX fatal Physind Response. L Which of the following bclongn to projects? A. (luensinK “whm u he eating?0 B

9、. Crrnting a po?tct ('. I ii?trntng and identifying 1). Informntion Hap H. Which of the following i? nuitAblr for tipeakinR? A. TPR Actions B. Information ?叩. c. RccoRHiainK pictures I). LftbclinR picture. 9. Which o( the following rnn trnin hstcninK? A> ScqucnciriR thr pictureBe K Witting co

10、ptionM for pictures* €? Total PhyAical Rcnponsre FX Matching titlrn with different pnrARrnph^ 10. Whnt AitpcetA of vocahuhry dues rrnliM ticlp to present unrl prnctice? A# Word inform/ition* K Word grAmrn/ir. C Word meaning. D? Word nroup. 11. Which of the fallowing nctivitiea is most mechanic

11、al? A. DencribinK oncS childhood# H. Making srntrnceM according !a the picture. (.SulKtitutinK the underlined with given wurdn. Word Hucssing go inc. 12. What does the following help to train? / want to do a gotid deed. ? ? rd like to ca/ tomsta A. Intonation B. Liaison C Loss of explosion

12、 D. Rhythm 13> According to the textbook? which of the following activities helps to Fir” the class? A. Children open the book and practice the dialogue- Ba Children take out their exercise book end do substitution exercises. C Children demonstrate their weekend life. IX Children flraw pictures

13、 according to the mslruction. 11. Whnt is the teacher doing in terms of error correction? "S: I gu tu the theatre last night.” T i You GO to the theatre last sight?” A. Correcting rhe student fs mistake. H. Hinting that there in a mistnkd C. Encouraging peer corrrdion. 11 Asking the student w

14、hether hr really went to the theatre^ 15. Which of the following activities can be best done with group work? A. Guessing gome. B. Story telling. C\ Informaiion gap. D. Dramn performance- 16. Whnt is the teacher doing in the fallowing part of instruction? T t VVr/Z done. You are wmcitrful today

15、. A. Introducing the activity. B. Praising and encouragement. C? Checking understanding- D. Concluding an activity. 17. Which of the following Nrntmg nrranKt-tncntn in rnont ?uitnhlc lot whole elm dijicunsion? □ □ □ n □ □□ □□{! u □ □ □ u □ □□on □ □□Un □ n □ n n □ □ □ n u □ □□no □ □□□□

16、口 口□□□ nn口口□ □ n n n □ 口 口門口口 口 口口 口口 □ □□□□ □ □□ □□□ □□□ □□a □□□ □□□ □□□ □□□ □□□ □□□ □□□ □□□ □□o ano oan CCJU □□□ □□□ □□□ □□□ A口 □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ c D I8? Which of the following hclpn awh langungr prrlnrmnnce? A. AMkniK AiudcniM to reflect on whnt xctivitic5 attru

17、ct them nio^t? H. Asking %tudcnK a bout thrir nttitudcn lowardh n certain ?nnie. C A^kin? ntudrnK to draw pictures accardinR to dcncription> I) . ?\^kiri? the ^tudentn to do n rjuu nt the end of the lc^9on< 】9? Which af the (ollownig qurRtionn can be u>rd in the qucyiionnAirr for pnrticipntion?

18、 A. Did you urt nil rhr t|iir-ihon> right in lodnyclnhs^ H. I)id you finish the lusk on lime? C. Cnn you unr thr Htrntrgio wr hnvc lenrned ">

19、ol “ %vlnxil ycur H? To provide informHtinn on rhll(irrn*M l^rning during the Icnrmng proems C. InfortnAtion collected for the purpose* of improving teaching and Mumw D. Focuitccl on lhr proRrea^ of students || < Matching (20% I lllmlloiut In ihh part. you ore xivrn Five quc^IhmK. Kach qurMlon

20、 h followed by I、頃 columns option*. You nrc to match the oplhm* on the Icfl mnrkcd I) ? 2) ? 3). 4) with rckvunt “pilmz 4II1 (hr riuht murkrd A. B, C nml !>, und write

21、 the type of MCtivitic* on lhe n?ht. DViRUAl A. Handwork 2) KincMhetic 隊(duì) Picture "Ikinn 3) Auditory C? PI" acting OTactile IX Sour "d music liAtcnintf 22. Mutch tin- type of irilclliKvncc on l hr left with th<* nriivittv* <,n 1 )lntcrperwnnl infrlliRrnce A? Active imAgmntiun 2) Mu?tcnl intell

22、i|(encc H. Rhythmic pamrn、 3>Nniurnliatic intelliKcncr SmuinK nthri'* ESivm 4) SpnYinl intelligence 口 PholograpluriH 23. Mutch the itetnn of phonetic* on the left with the n nlu^tion* nn thr right. 1) Articulation A< N?< nt V V 2) !ni0nDtion K She ?clh "ghdK by the "mhom 3) 1 jai?on C I wnnl

23、to do a g(x>d deriL 4) Loss o( cxplodon D? L)u you、"仆 / EnglKh :’ left 1) Whole Hum work 2) Individual work 3) PMr work I) (haup work 2L March thr nctivitlcn on thr 出拈 wtth ihc 函zurn cbtioom iirrnnHcmctit on the A. Rrnding lor wnininl fmrncji H< Afikinq queBtiun!i tu complete n inblr nbout

24、one*> p?rincr C lhiM:uMinR io mnkc a phn lor the wrrkrnd IX LtHtrnmu and rrprntmH ?n the left with hm purpo%r an the right. 】)Now. you c

25、an 2) All right ? I think it in time? 3) Cm you two whow uw how io work? I) We arc 如ng Io do two ihf lodny? Tom. cun you wlwit they nre? HL Multiple choice quenlinn% (10%) Oirvctlom: ,n thU P"rt- you .re tthen rive(|UMtionM which arc folluwcd by 4 choices marked A. H. ( and D? Retd th

26、e cholm CMrefully and mnkc your choices. You may hit* more than m>e anywer to tach qucMlon. (10 pointst 2 paintM each) 26. Which of I hr following rnlc* d。the primary nchonl renchcr% play? A. A |)rotnpter? B. A participant* 仁 An hmwmh. D. A controller 27. Which of the following nclivitich eAn b

27、e uncd td train thr jskill of skimming? A? Picking

28、the dnsx? A* rPR MctiviI!

29、owini? belong to (arnihtivi 伽!WMmcnl? A. 1 vnchiti^ ch?n of teacher talk in cUss. G Studenti*1 prrlormnnce in the cImsju D. Finul exurn rcsultiu N? Activity Dc?t|n)lng (30%) 51. Dlreclions; In thh pnrtv you nrr to design *> 10-nilnutc tpeuking EEty iiXot l,u,e葉* to dewribc u pe

30、rwon Mccording to the mBtcrhl 創(chuàng)g The ■rtivity should be trnucd on the following p|c(urr. Make sure you include nil the Items of the aclkity dtscribed In the Uble ?tvcn. Make Bure you give lhe nviumcd lime for each ?

31、r, big oycs and \ ears She has a small v noso and a big mouth, Shes cute Ohjcctivr(N) CliiMiroom orftAniriifion /Xsiurncd time Teaching Aid> Proccilurr fcachcrS irutructiun Student^1 act 1) 2) 3) ? ?? f^edictcd prolilcni( *) Solutlon(s) 試題答案及評(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn) (僅供參考) ].Chomc t

32、he best answer M為單垃8£?共20個(gè)小0..fi.it 40分?秫嵋2分. 1. A 2. D 3.C 4.1) 5.A 6.C 7?B 8. B 9. C loa* H.C 12. C 13.C 14. B 15. n 16. H 17. P IS, D 19. Fl 20.A ||. Mutchini: 本題為匹配Mh Jl?B個(gè)小川20分,每他4分.匹配對(duì) 珊得1分. 2). D—H 2)T 3)-D 4) A 22. D- C 2)—B 3)—1) 4) A 23. 1)—B 2)-U

33、3) A 4) C 2 們 1 > D 2>-A 3)-15 4)~C 25. D—D 2)—13 3)—C 4)—A III ? Multiple choice questions 本他為多頊逸擇?共5個(gè)小地,總計(jì)10分,粽題2分.全部逸功都選擇正確方可周分, 26. A? B. C, D 27. A. C 28. C 29. B, C 30. A. B. C IV.本網(wǎng)為實(shí)踐H,共】小題,總計(jì)30分。 31. — ?參考答蜜 Objectives: co enable students to tnlk about their friends* looking

34、. Classroom organi/ution: individual work? whale-class work to pair wnrk ■e ■ Assumed time: 10f leaching Hid: PiciurcM> multrmedia Procedure (1) Gel to know the words (3 ?) . Ask ihr students to match the following picture? with the dcscripfiun below them. This ia to ensure ihat students know

35、how to say thr^c dcscriptiun words before they spcAk. 。Teacher's instruction "Now, class. Today wcfrc going to talk about what our friends look like* First let look at Mnry? long ha”, right?w ? Students9 act Students look at the pictures and try to get to fnniiliarize th< mscJve? with the pronu

36、nciation of the phnsscs O Tcncherfs instruevion what about Jenny?* ? StudenU* act Students work together to repeat when the teacher points to different pictures^ (2) Chrck whether student^1 know the sentence patterns (2‘) Ask the students whether they know the pntterns o{ ushe ha^ …二 ? Teache

37、r'、inxtnjction "What is your friend like, what can we *y? 頃)k at the pictures^ plgn ” ? Students* act Answer the teacher 1 % quc^tiuns. They may answer according to whether they rcnlly know nr not< Possible answersi Has short hAir???L (3) Pair work(3,) Arrange the students into pairs to practi

38、ce Mshe/hr has …二 Teacher's instruction “Ym? you nrc nghl. Naw. nm you A?k your partner ? whnt m hz or hri brut rnend like?,I hcn? your partner nr?k you lh?r name question? you nnnwer. * 。Students* net Su,drntn w《,rk in puirn tc ek each other what hit or her friendu look like. Whm the Mudcr,H mt

39、 working in pmrs. the trnchrr nhouhi wulk uround to help thomr Mudrntu who omrHN wenk well nnd fo monitor thuac who idle awny the time (4) Ftedback(2*) Call on some students to check whether students can use the patterns tu tal< about f what is your friend like?* ? Teacherinstruction WK. Let fs

40、see whether you know about your partner Now you arc your partner and tell ut ewhit is his friend like? \ * 。Students9 act Students pretend to be their partners and tell to the class a what is his fnend like?f Backup plan Predicted problems (l)Studcnis may not know how to say the description wor

41、ds though they may be able to matcha (2>Students may not know the patterns to be used in talking about '…?二 Solutions (1) ]( the students do no! know how to say the description words# please practice saying them. (2) 11 the students do not know the paiternst it is necessary to include an activit

42、y to practice the pnHerns according to the pictures in Activity L 二、評(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn) 本禽為實(shí)踐題?共1小題,30分?鳳體分配為, (!)(Objective.2分.要求活動(dòng)I I的描述清楚.與活動(dòng)相適應(yīng),不符合活動(dòng)要求不得分. (2) C18ssroom organiMlian,2分.活動(dòng)級(jí)織形式與活動(dòng)相適應(yīng)?否則不得分. (3) T?chnig Aids.】分,要求教具的使用有助于活動(dòng)的開展,否則不得分. (4) A?sumed time*2分.活動(dòng)每一階段的活動(dòng)時(shí)間?時(shí)間分配合理?旦與活動(dòng)總體時(shí)間相 苻.如果有部分步

43、驟給出時(shí)間,其他的沒有不得分,各步殘時(shí)間總和與整個(gè)活動(dòng)時(shí)間不符?不 得分. (5) Predicted problems.2分,預(yù)測(cè)問題符合小學(xué)生的具體情況,符合活動(dòng)的特點(diǎn),否姻不 得分. (6) Possible solutions.2分?要求解決方式適合向88類型? (7) Procedure部分.共19分,其中: 1) 活動(dòng)內(nèi)容2分。活動(dòng)是圍撓描述人的何的口活活動(dòng).否則扣2分? 2) 圖片的使用2分.活動(dòng)必須使用到圖片.不使用圖片扣2分. 3) 操作 1 )nGetting to know the description words”,分,具體分值分配如下: 活動(dòng)說明"分〉

44、 散帥折令以分),掰?俏筮.筒觸(I分)8活劫嬰求明納(I分) 學(xué)生活動(dòng)描述(I分),9戒學(xué)士沽動(dòng)的描述M本階段的V * 玫?骨則不得分, 4) ■作 2)Mchcck whether wtudcnl* know (he patternin4 分.具體分值分IE如下: 活動(dòng)說明(I分) 放■指令(2分)。描令冊(cè)(#.學(xué)牛卻由嚶做什么 m 開限活勸3、清楚&?不適命學(xué)4 ? 扣I分) 學(xué)生活,Jj(l分兒要求學(xué)生.動(dòng)的描些要符合本階段的軸點(diǎn)H分兒 5) !?作3)|?J伴活動(dòng)4分 活動(dòng)ift刪CI分) 散飾指令(1分) 學(xué)牛活勸(I分).■生估動(dòng)中敏的脊為捕EC分) 6) 播作“反ST3分,具體分值分Bd如下: 反埔反式U分"要術(shù)符合本《5動(dòng)的”業(yè)"£值時(shí)例 能*,與.呼則不將分. 故師指令(2分、要未指令滑能簡(jiǎn)酬? 學(xué)生活動(dòng)(2分兒學(xué)生的行為H學(xué)通煩分h 福住浮員們本必按I*這神方式WPJ悟網(wǎng).御星#求必頊川列囤片中常?個(gè)怙動(dòng)中的句 9. 4的初巾可能會(huì)的說之IMItlW任蚣聽BI片中第一個(gè)活幼中的句F.或俳解-下旬f.ihH 生會(huì)說之居用境習(xí)革二個(gè)也可以. 如1

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