Computer mapping of faults in coal mining
Vladislav Kecojevica, , Dean Willisb, William Wilkinsonb and Andrew Schisslera
aThe College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University, 154 Hosler Building, University Park, PA 16802, USA
bMincom, Inc., 9635 Maroon Circle, Englewood, CO 80112, USA
Received 3 May 2004;? revised 2 February 2005,?7 March 2005.? Available online 12 April 2005.
Effective mapping of faults in coal mining is critical for reasons of economics and safety. Undetected or ill-mapped geologic hazards can stop or substantially hinder project development with respect to profit and safety. Computer mapping allows the mineral engineering profession to access geologic hazards in a shortened time required by today's rapid rate of extraction. A case study shows that the utility of computer modelingis presented for a coal surface mine with multiple coal seams and multiple reverse faults in Columbia. Mincom's MineScape? model is used for computer mapping.
Keywords: Computer mapping; Modeling; Geologic hazards; Coal mining; Safety
Article Outline
1. Introduction
2. Fault modeling using integrated geologic/mine planning software
3. Case study on surface coal mine in Columbia
4. Conclusions
1. Introduction
The importance of locating and mapping geologic hazards has increased in the last 25 years because mines extract larger areas per unit time with more capital intensive equipment than in the past. Underground longwall mines in the United States best illustrate this factor. Data from Sprouls (1988), Fiscor (2002) and U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA, 2004) show that, in 2002, the average longwall mine in the United States extracted 2749 m?×?280 m or 77 ha of panel area per year compared to 945 m?×?192 m or 18 ha in 1988. Average installed shearer horsepower was 346 kW in 1988 compared to 922 kW in 2002. Similar increases in productivity have been achieved in most international coal mining areas.
Now more then ever, detecting, mapping and mitigating negative affects to production and safety from geologic hazards is an economic benefit to mining, and a critical practice in the mine design process. Long-term design plans, short-term production plans and day-to-day production realities depend on mapping and assessment practices that truly represent the geometry of the coal deposit. This is particularly true of deposits where geologic structure is impacted by large displacement faults (Molinda and Ingram, 1989, Nelson, 1991, Greb et al., 2001 and Coolen, 2003).
Geologic hazard maps are important to the hourly paid miners and mine management. Best-in-class safety performance is driven by miners taking responsibility for their individual safety within an environment where risks have been minimized. Hazard maps constructed collaboratively between geologists, mining engineers and miners reduce risk. Workers and supervisors can use the hazard map as an important tool that communicates unknowns and provides tools to aid in the safety process.
Daily, weekly and longer time-frame operational decisions are based on the initial mine plan and modified as geologic hazard maps are updated with data from actual mining. Roof support effectiveness increases when potential hazards are accurately mapped. Greb (1991), in an analysis of roof falls and hazard prediction in eastern Kentucky coal mines, remarked that roof-hazard prediction is a dynamic process that combines continually updated geologic and engineering knowledge to provide information for best support of mine roof. The iterative geologic and mine design process requires all tools to be available for the analysis. This paper presents example of faults mapping using MineScape? (2004) geological modeling software.
2. Fault modeling using integrated geologic/mine planning software
Faulting and other geologic structures affect the ways in which a coal seam can be accessed. Poor representation of the deposit geometry can lead to a poor access design, which in turn can lead to necessary adjustments in the field that are not optimal for production. Mine plans need to take into account the vertical superimposition of seams in reverse fault areas to insure that resource assessments provide an accurate accounting of the duplication of seams. Because the rock in the zone around the fault is often sheared, accurately delineating faults on hazard maps helps provide a safe mine design. Discovering that the fault geometry is significantly different from the model prediction during mining can be both a production nightmare and a safety hazard.
Commonly, the graphical representation of coal deposits is performed by using Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools. The 3-D design tools have reduced development time and graphics can be generated very quickly. Mining engineers benefit from this progress, as parallel advancements in mining software help them to visualize the complexity and spatial distribution of rock strata parameters, allowing them to make engineering changes, and to test or compare new concepts even before the field action is taken. An overview on visualization in geological modeling and mine planning is given by LeBlanc-Smith et al. (1997), while importance of measuring, understanding and visualising coal characteristics is discussed by Whateley (2002).
Geological, geophysical, geotechnical and topographical field data are collected during the exploration phase of mining. Raw data is verified against a computer dictionary, a list or range of acceptable values, and stored in the relational geologic database. The dictionary is a stored set of validation parameters. In the case of numeric values, it is a range of valid values. In the case of character fields such as lithotype, it is a list of character strings that are considered acceptable values.
The relational database is used to assemble and organize a range of parameters and information needed to characterize the coal deposit. The principles of Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) provide an environment in which various blocks of data can be either displayed, analyzed or cross-correlated.
Modeling geologic structure, using for example MineScape? Stratmodel, allows faults to be represented in true three-dimensional environment. This means that, in areas where the fault produces repeated section, the geometry is accurately depicted in the produced graphics. The user can see the intersection of the fault plane and the coal seams. When reserves are computed, a polygon drawn in plan view in this area will produce approximately double the reserves if evaluated through the vertical range of the repeat. This has an economic impact on the reserves, but more importantly, it allows the planner to know where in three dimensions the intersections are likely to occur. This can impact both surface and underground planning where proximity to the fault plane is a fundamental piece of information required in the planning process.
Another important and unique aspect of computer software for geologic modeling and hazard analyses can be that access to the model is through a set of servers, which allows multiple users simultaneous access to the same model for graphics presentation, reserves calculation and other interrogations. Having one copy of the model on a server reduces design errors and confusion with users and management when multiple interpretations are in circulation.
Other considerations for selecting the right software system to produce the quality of model needed for design include manageability. Even competent users will not provide the best models if the model construction process itself is too labor intensive. The interface between the geologists' interpretation and the modeling system needs to be concise, easily understood and easily modified. Modeling itself needs to be as streamlined as possible to allow for iteration, as in the case of batch processing that is utilized in software models. MineScape? has a “batch” process that can be stored. The batch process is established during the first execution of a multiple step process. For example, the steps might include building the MineScape? Stratmodel table model, followed by creation of the gridded model, followed by production of multiple cross sections and multiple plan maps such as structure contours, thickness isopach, outcrop maps, subcrop maps and other graphic displays. The facility to “record” a batch file and then to replay it and even to specify what date and time the batch will be rerun are integral MineScape? capabilities. When the first pass is completed, the whole set of steps is given a name and the process can be replayed by name. Therefore, one command allows the geologist to literally rerun all the modeling and graphics production steps without any intervention. The approach of batch processing allows the geologist to focus on the results of modeling analysis and not be labored with re-establishing the mechanics for each iteration.
Having the capacity to easily run model iterations is particularly important. The functionality with regard to geologic assessment and volumetric analysis is derived from the continuity of lithologic codes. Geologic intercept information on which lithologic codes are based stem from drill holes, outcrop samples, survey data or scan lines across mining faces, and information gained from non-evasive measurements such as Radio Imaging Method developed by Stolarczyk et al. (2004).
The model-building process is a combination of hard data such as drill hole data and geologic interpretation. This is often a learning process since the attitude of the fault (strike and dip of the fault surface), the displacement (throw) and changes in coal and fault geometry are all dependent of the geologist's interpretation of the data and are results of the modeling process. Because data collection is a dynamic process through the mining cycle, models need to have the ability to be changed and adapted with new data and interpretations. Iteration is useful tool for testing multiple hypotheses. For example, correlations across a fault may change with new data, particularly in areas where multiple faults in a small area add to complexity. If the complete process from modification of fault data through modeling to completed displays such as structure contours, subcrop maps and cross sections can be achieved with a single command, the geologist has the luxury of concentrating on a better interpretation that will aid the mine plan instead of the labor of creating an entirely new model. The easier the modeling, the more likely the geologist can spend the required time to achieve the most accurate model possible.
Model display tools such as plan mapping and cross-section generation need to produce an accurate representation of the model, which shows where the coal is truncated at the fault intersection as precisely as possible, to aid in visualization and planning. Cross sections that traverse faults for underground mines and bench maps constructed for surface mine planning need to show the fault geometry as accurately as possible on either side of the extraction horizon for accurate short term-planning.
3. Case study on surface coal mine in Columbia
A computer model of a coal deposit in Columbia with drill hole intercepts, faults, sections and the floor structure is shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 2 illustrates a surface mine with 10-m horizontal benches. In order to aid miners and planners in visualizing the faults and correlation of coal beds shown in three dimensions in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, two-dimensional cross sections can be constructed (Fig. 3). In this example from a surface coal mine in Columbia (coordinates confidential), the 3-D model provides information for optimal mine planning. Because of the steep inclination of bedding, the mine plan calls for mining to proceed by extracting the inter-burden between seams by truck and shovel methods. Dozers are utilized to push the remaining inter-burden and the coal seam to the reach of the shovel residing on the next lower bench. Mining then proceeds to the next seam and so on. In the diagram in Fig. 2, the offset in the middle of the diagram is caused by different stages of progress on two benches between adjacent panels. Inter-seam burden is blasted in blocks approximately 50 m long along strike in nominal planning geometries called panels. Strike is approximately north?south. Panels are generally mined from the highwall toward the low wall. This is right to left in Fig. 2. Pit highwall limits are usually established as a ratio limit down dip and significant low walls are often planned because major seams have been burned near the surface. Maximum pit depth can be in excess of 200 m and overall highwall slopes range from 52° to 34° depending on pit depth and geotechnical conditions. Proximity to a major fault plane can demand a lower high wall slope. Low wall slopes are less and can be as low as 21.
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Fig. 1. A model of a Columbian coal deposit with drill hole intercepts, faults, sections and the floor structure.
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Fig. 2.?Production benches for Columbian surface mine in a multiple seam terrain with complex reverse faulting.
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Fig. 3.?East?west cross-section (at the most southerly edge of the model shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2).
The accuracy of fault placement in the model was greatly affected by the evidence presented in the drill hole data, the drill hole spacing and other data. If a drill hole demonstrated an intersection with a fault, the exact fault intercept could generally be determined by examination of the core. This provided a much better reference than a case where there were no clear fault intersections in adjacent drill holes, but it was clear that there was displacement between the drill holes. In the later case, placement of the fault between the adjacent drill holes used the trend of the fault between other similar pairs of drill holes nearby, and accuracy was subject to drill hole spacing. As mining proceeded in an area, the location of the fault as recorded by surveyed points in the field was compared graphically to the initial model. Both the trace of the fault and the dip of the fault plane could often be assessed on upper benches during early phases of mining and subsequent adjustment of the modeled fault trace and dip of the fault plane provided a very accurate model of the fault as mining proceeded through lower benches.
4. Conclusions
Computer mapping software provides a comprehensive working environment where stratigraphic deposits can be modeled to represent the local geology. Commonly, the geological model is the base for reserves calculation and other mine planning work.
MineScape? Stratmodel was used for modeling a multiple coal seams and multiple reverse faults for a surface coal mine in Columbia. Faults were stored as graphical 3-D objects and were supported by graphical functions to assist in the interpretation and positioning of faults. Coal seams and faults were modeled using bore hole data and survey pickups or other non-bore hole based data, geologists interpretation of not-logged intervals, crops, pinch-outs and user interpretations of drill hole penetrations.
The ability to visualize faults in 2-D and 3-D is important in both surface and underground mines. Proper interpretation based on a well-built model provides a much-needed margin of safety around areas where rock quality and changing mining conditions could pose a danger to miners. To avoid expensive and unsafe field modification of plans, high-quality displays from a good computer model will insure that the mine design and the real-world conditions are compatible.
Coolen, 2003 J.M. Coolen, Coal mining along the Warfield Fault, Mingo County, West Virginia: a tale of ups and downs, International Journal of Coal Geology 54 (2003), pp. 193?207.
Fiscor, 2002 S. Fiscor, U.S. Longwall Census 2002, Coal Age vol. 107, No. 2, Primedia Business Magazines, Overland Park, KA (2002), pp. 28?32.
Greb, 1991 S.F. Greb, Roof falls and hazard prediction in eastern Kentucky coal mines. In: D.C. Peters, Editor, Geology in Coal Resource Utilization: Fairfax, VA, TechBooks, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Energy Minerals Division (1991), pp. 245?262.
LeBlanc-Smith et al., 1997 G. LeBlanc-Smith, J. Esterle, B. Poulsen, P. Soole and C. Caris, Perspective on visualization: effective integration of coal mine planning and exploration data, Australian Coal Review, July 1997 (1997), pp. 18?21.
Molinda and Ingram, 1989 G.M. Molinda and D.K. Ingram, Effects of Structural Faults on Ground Control in Selected Coal Mines in Southwestern Virginia, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, RI 9289. NTIS No. 90-196809, Pittsburgh, PA (1989).
Nelson, 1991 W.J. Nelson, Faults and their effect on coal mining in Illinois, Circular vol. 523, Illinois State Geological Survey, Champaign, IL (1991), pp. 1?40.
Sprouls, 1988 M.W. Sprouls, Longwall Census 88, Coal Age vol. 25, No. 2, MacLean Hunter Publishing Corp., Chicago (1988), pp. 65?77.
a美國賓夕凡尼亞州州立大學(xué)地球礦物科學(xué)學(xué)院,154 Hosler 大樓, 大學(xué) Park, PA 16802, 美國
b米尼科姆,Inc.,9635 Maroon Circle, Englewood, CO 80112, 美國
摘要:采礦中有效的斷層映射由于經(jīng)濟(jì)和安全原因而顯得非常重要。未被發(fā)現(xiàn)的或錯誤標(biāo)注的地質(zhì)危險能阻礙甚至使項(xiàng)目的發(fā)展停滯,使其利潤和安全受到影響。 計算機(jī)映射能夠滿足當(dāng)今的快速回采率,要求采礦業(yè)在較短的時間內(nèi)排除地質(zhì)危險。一份案例研究表明計算機(jī)建模的作用在哥倫比亞的一個存在著多樣煤層和多樣逆斷層的露天煤礦上實(shí)現(xiàn).米尼科姆的MineScape?模型被用在計算機(jī)映射上.
關(guān)鍵詞:計算機(jī)映射 建模 地質(zhì)危害 采礦 安全
由于有了更重要的加強(qiáng)設(shè)備,煤礦回采面積增大了,定位和映射地質(zhì)危險的重要性也更加突出了,美國長壁開采的煤礦能最有力的說明了這一點(diǎn),來自Sprouls (1988), Fiscor (2002)和美國能源信息中心(EIA, 2004)的數(shù)據(jù)表明2002年美國長壁開采平均回采面積是2749m×280m 或77 ha而在1988年平均回采面積是945 m×192 m 或 18 ha,安裝采煤機(jī)的平均功率在1988年只有346KW,而在2002年達(dá)到了922KW,大多數(shù)國際采煤地區(qū)生產(chǎn)率都有了類似的增長。
映射地質(zhì)危險對按時計薪和礦山管理者很重要,良好的安全性能是在危險減到最小的情況下礦工對個人負(fù)責(zé)來實(shí)現(xiàn)的, 映射地質(zhì)危險是由地質(zhì)學(xué)家、采礦工程師和礦工合作想出來減少危險的。礦工和檢查員可以利用危險映射作為一個重要的、可以用來傳達(dá)未知的和已知的危險的工具,利用它在安全的步驟下救助。
每天,每周甚至更長時間的決策都要以最初的礦山計劃和更具會才工作的數(shù)據(jù)修訂的地質(zhì)危險映射作為基礎(chǔ)。當(dāng)可能存在的危險被準(zhǔn)確映射時,我們要增加有效地頂板支護(hù)。Greb在1991年《肯塔基西部煤礦頂板垮落與危害預(yù)測》的分析報告中強(qiáng)調(diào)頂板事故預(yù)報是一個動態(tài)過程,要結(jié)合不斷更新的地質(zhì)和設(shè)計知識來為最好的煤礦頂板支護(hù)提供信息。反復(fù)的地質(zhì)和礦山設(shè)計要求用上所有能用上的工具來完成分析報告。這篇論文將以利用MineScape? (2004)地質(zhì)建模軟件映射斷層為例作介紹。
通常情況下,對礦床的生動再現(xiàn)是通過計算機(jī)輔助設(shè)計工具(CAD)完成的,三維設(shè)計縮短了過程時間,使制圖法快速產(chǎn)生,采礦工程師在次進(jìn)步中收益頗多,采礦軟件的發(fā)展幫助他們將巖層參數(shù)的復(fù)雜性和空間分布視圖化。從而助其在新領(lǐng)域未進(jìn)行操作之前就可以修改工程設(shè)計,檢驗(yàn)與比較新內(nèi)容。關(guān)于地質(zhì)模型和采礦計劃的總體設(shè)想是由LeBlanc-Smith et al在1997年提出來的,而測量,了解和將煤礦特性視圖化的重要性是由Whateley 2002年提出來的。
地質(zhì)結(jié)構(gòu)模型以MineScape? Stratmodel為例,使在真實(shí)的三維環(huán)境中再現(xiàn)斷層成為可能,這意味著在斷層引起疊加的區(qū)域,其形狀可以在制圖中精確描述,用戶可以看到斷層的上下盤與煤層的交叉點(diǎn)。如果斷層通過垂直疊加,那么當(dāng)計算儲量的時候,次區(qū)域可以有兩倍的儲量,這對儲量有經(jīng)濟(jì)影響,但是更重要的是他允許設(shè)計者在三維圖中意識到哪里可能出現(xiàn)交叉點(diǎn),露天及地下設(shè)計在接近斷層帶的地方都有可能出現(xiàn),這是設(shè)計過程中一條重要信息。
電腦軟件的另一個重要而特別的地方是通過一組服務(wù)器進(jìn)行地質(zhì)模型和安全隱患分析的,使眾多用戶能夠使用 相同的模型進(jìn)行制圖再現(xiàn)、儲量計算、以及解決其他的問題,當(dāng)多種解釋存在時每個服務(wù)器有一個拷貝的模型,可以減少計算失誤和解決管理者和用戶的疑慮。
選擇正確的軟件系統(tǒng)的其他考慮是生產(chǎn)出包括可管理性在內(nèi)的設(shè)計質(zhì)量要求。如果模型在建造過程中需要大量人力,那么即便是有能力的用戶也不能提供最佳模型,地質(zhì)學(xué)家的解釋與模型模型系統(tǒng)的分界面必須精確,簡單易懂,易于修改。模型本省應(yīng)盡可能的合理化以允許重復(fù)操作。正如軟件模型中使用的批處理一樣,批處理是在多部程序中首先建立的。例如這些步驟有可呢個包括MineScape? Stratmodel模型,并接著產(chǎn)生線圖模型、多層交叉步為、復(fù)合計劃圖,例如結(jié)構(gòu)輪廓、等厚線、露頭線和其他的圖表展示。記錄批文件,展示批文件甚至確定重新啟動批的時間都是在MineScape? Stratmode的能力范圍之內(nèi)。第一步一旦完成,整個過程便被命名,并被名字所取代。因此一個命令允許地質(zhì)學(xué)家不受任何干涉開動所有的模型和制圖,對批過程進(jìn)行處理允許地質(zhì)學(xué)家集中精力研究模型分析的結(jié)果,而不為建立重復(fù)機(jī)制浪費(fèi)精力。
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