畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)任 務 書
3.任務書內(nèi)填寫的內(nèi)容,必須和學生畢業(yè)設計(論文)完 的情況 一 , ,應 經(jīng) 所在專業(yè)
系(院) 領導審 后 可 填寫。
4.任務書內(nèi) 學院 、 專業(yè) 名 的填寫,應寫 文 ,不 寫 字 。學生的 學號 要寫
號,不 寫 后2 或1 字。
5.任務書內(nèi) 要 文 的填寫,應按?¢£?¥?學院§¥畢業(yè)設計(論文)currency1寫'“?的要求書寫。
6. ??fi fifl的填寫,應 按? 標GB/T 7408—94¢ 據(jù)–和??格式、· ??、fifl和??
??”?'?的要求,一…用‰ ? 字書寫。 2002?4?2fi 或 2002-04-02”。
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)任 務 書
1.? §畢業(yè)設計?學生ˉ?、˙¨和 ?所學? ,??和ˇ—學生 用所學專業(yè)? 和? 工
題的 。
2.§設計? 根據(jù) 轎車 要 轉向系的要求,查 、書?, ?a車 轉向系 體
,設計其 要 ?,并?行?o,?學生學 的 、 、整?和正 ?用工具, 、?
¥學 的?§ ”;ˇ—學生 用? 設計 ”?? 工 題的 , 正 的設計 想。
同???學生獨 ??和處?專業(yè) 題的 ,?學生初步具 工 設計和從事¥學 的 。為從事§專
業(yè)工作打下堅 的?礎。
2.§畢業(yè)設計(論文)課題任務的內(nèi)容和要求(包括原始 據(jù)、? 要求、工作要求 ):
要內(nèi)容和要求:汽車轉向系是用來保持或改 汽車行駛 向的機構,在汽車轉向行駛?,保證各轉向輪之?
協(xié) 的轉角 系。機械轉向系依靠駕駛員的手 轉動轉向盤,經(jīng)轉向器和轉向傳動機構?轉向輪偏轉,采用
動 轉向的汽車,還? 動 系統(tǒng),并借助此系統(tǒng)減輕駕駛員的手 。
要求完 : ?轎車轉向系統(tǒng) 體 ,選?轉向器;轉向器 轉向傳動機構設計計算;繪制 ?圖 ?o圖。
工作要求:結合 習 開?,完 設計。所需條?: ? 工具 手段(儀器、儀? ); 的手冊
文 ; 車輛 設備;電腦 CAD軟?并 上網(wǎng) 。
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)任 務 書
3. §畢業(yè)設計(論文)課題 果的要求〔包括圖?、 物 硬?要求〕:
§畢業(yè)設計課題 果的要求為:
1.在 和 ?礎上, ?轎車轉向系統(tǒng) 體 ,選?轉向器;轉向器 轉向傳動機構設計計算。
2.符合要求的 ?圖 ?o圖。
4.翻譯一篇1萬印刷符以上 課題 的專業(yè)外文 。
4. 要 文 :
[1] 陳家瑞.汽車構造(上下冊)(第3版)[M].北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,2009.
[2] 余志生.汽車?論(第5版)[M].北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,2009.
[3] 王望予.汽車設計(第4版)[M].北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,2004.
[4] 喻凡,林逸.汽車系統(tǒng)動 學[M].北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,2005.
[5] 徐石安.汽車構造——底盤工 [M].北京:清華大學出版社,2008.
[6] 王 權,龔 慶.汽車設計課 設計指導書[M].北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,2010.
[7] 劉濤.汽車設計[M].北京:北京大學出版社.2008.
[8] ¢汽車工 手冊?編輯委員 .汽車工 手冊(設計篇)[M].北京:人民??出版社,2001.
[9] 王霄峰.汽車底盤設計[M].北京:清華大學出版社,2010.
[10] 黃£?.汽車車身設計[M].北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,2007.
[11] 彭莫,刁增祥.汽車動 系統(tǒng)計算匹o 評價[M].北京:北京?工大學出版社,2009.
[12] 濮良貴, 名 .機械設計(第 版)[M].北京: 教 出版社,2006.
[13] “ , . 學(第2版)[M].北京:清華大學出版社,2008.
[14] 劉 安.AutoCAD2011 文版機械設計 教 [M].北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,2010.
[15] 林清安.完 ?Pro/ENGINEER 5.0 文版 ?設計?礎 [M].北京:電子工業(yè)出版社,
[16] 王 峰.CATIA V5機械(汽車) CAD/CAE/CAM ?教 [M].北京:人民??出版社,2007.
[17] .汽車轉向系 系統(tǒng)匹o ¨設計[J].機械工 師,2007,08fl.
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)任 務 書
5.§畢業(yè)設計(論文)課題工作? 計 :
2015-11-04 2015-12-31
2016-01-02 2016-03-05
2016-03-06 2016-03-20
2016-03-21 2016-04-20
2016-04-21 2016-05-05
2016-05-06 2016-05-26
選題,查 任務書, 整?課題 ;
?行畢業(yè)設計 ,完 開題 ,畢業(yè)設計外文 翻譯,畢業(yè)設計?¢;
?轎車轉向系統(tǒng) 體 ,選?轉向器;
轉向器 轉向傳動機構設計計算;繪制 ?圖 ?o圖;??畢業(yè)設計草£,?行 fl?查;
完 畢業(yè)設計說明書、設計圖紙 ?£?由指導¥師審 ,指導¥師審?? 后,??畢業(yè)設計 § ,準
根據(jù)學院 專業(yè)安“,?行畢業(yè)設計(論文)currency1'。
負責人: 2016 ? 1 ? 22 fi
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)開 題 報 告
參考文獻應不 15 (不 );
4. 期的填寫,應 按 標GB/T 7408—94 據(jù) 交 格式 交 期 時
的要求,一?用¢£? ¥書寫。?“2004 4 26 ”或“2004-04-26”。
5 開題報告(文獻綜述)¥§currency1按'§ “??書寫,? fi1.5fl。
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論文) 開 題 報 告
1. –畢業(yè)設計(論文)?題?·, 據(jù)所查?的文獻資料,???寫不 1000¥”?的文獻綜述:
一 前…
‰車轉向系統(tǒng) 整車系統(tǒng)?必不 的`′本的?成系統(tǒng),?要由轉向ˉ?˙¨ 轉向 轉向??˙¨ ?
?ˇ?成,其作用 — 員的ˉ作, 據(jù) 要 或 ‰車? 或 向。轉向系統(tǒng) ‰車 的
要?成?ˇ,轉向系統(tǒng) 的? 直接a ‰車? 的 ˉ?? ?? ,它對 o 車
的? 交— 及 ? 員的? 員的工作 ? 要作用?!胲囖D向系統(tǒng)
按轉向? ?的不?, ?轉向系ˇ為˙ 轉向系統(tǒng) ??轉向系統(tǒng) ? 。轉向系統(tǒng) 員的§?作為轉
向 ?的轉向系, ˙ 轉向系統(tǒng);兼用 員§? 發(fā)?˙的??為轉向 ?的轉向系統(tǒng) ??轉向系統(tǒng)。
二 ?題研究領域的現(xiàn)狀 ?態(tài)及發(fā)展 向
據(jù)LMC Automotive公司 前發(fā)布的 據(jù),2015 ? ‰車銷量?比增長5.3%達2489.24萬臺。銷量再
次刷新 球記錄,已連續(xù)七 蟬聯(lián) 球第一?!胲囦N量超 了第二名美 (1744萬 ) 第 名 本(490
萬 )的總 ,占 球銷量的27.9%?!胲嚠a(chǎn)業(yè)作為 民經(jīng)濟支柱型產(chǎn)業(yè)之一,對我 民經(jīng)濟發(fā)展具
要a 。而作為‰車的一個 要?成?ˇ,‰車轉向系統(tǒng) 決 ‰車?? 的 鍵總成,?何設計‰車的
轉向特 ,使‰車具 良?的ˉ? ,始終 各‰車生產(chǎn)廠家 科研˙¨的 要研究?題。特別 在車 高
速化 ?員非職業(yè)化 車流密集化的今天,針對更多不?水平的 ?群,‰車的ˉ?設計顯得尤為 要。
‰車轉向系統(tǒng)經(jīng)歷了純˙ 式轉向系統(tǒng) 液壓助?轉向系統(tǒng) 電?液壓助?轉向系統(tǒng) 電?助?轉向系統(tǒng)4個
階段。純˙ 式轉向系統(tǒng) ¨簡單 工作 靠 造價低廉,目前在一?ˇ轉向ˉ??不? 對ˉ控 要求不
高的微型轎車 農(nóng)用車上仍 使用;液壓助?轉向系統(tǒng)技術成熟 提供?的轉向ˉ?助?,在 型車 上廣
泛應用電?助?系統(tǒng)無疑 未來的發(fā)展趨勢, ¨簡單緊湊 低成本 低 耗 高精度 高 應速度 便 集
成控制 便 功 擴展(?自?泊車)的特 那些′ 液壓助?衍生而來的 助?系統(tǒng)所無 比擬的,尤
其在 “ 耗” “ ”的今天,電?助?系統(tǒng)發(fā)展的趨勢 不 轉的,并 未來其 靠 ?
?會 一 提 。
1)‰車轉 ? 時, ?車 應 時轉向? 轉, 何車 不應 。不 要求會 速
, 低‰車的? ? 。
2)‰車轉向? 后,在 員 開轉向 的 ?下,轉向 自? 直 ? ?,并? ? 。
3)‰車在 何? 狀態(tài)下,轉向 ¢不得產(chǎn)生自£,轉向 ? ¥?。
4) 轉向??˙¨ ?架導向§?currency1?工作時,由 '?不“?使車 產(chǎn)生¥?應`“。
5) ?‰車 ?高的˙? ,具 fi速 “轉 ? 的 ?。
6) ˉ?fl便。
7)轉向 – ??·后,?給轉向 的 ??要? 的“。
轉向 轉向??˙¨的球?處, ?”? 而產(chǎn)生 …的?整˙¨。
8)在車‰?, 轉向 轉向 由 車架或車 ?而currency1?后 時,轉向系應 使 員`′或 fl??
? ?
`終— 本次畢業(yè)設計對‰車轉向系統(tǒng) 一 的了˙,并 — ¨ ¨?了˙的? 對轉向系統(tǒng) ?現(xiàn)
的?題 ?ˇˇ ˙決 ,設計?—–¨ 應用的轎車轉向系統(tǒng), 而提高自 對轉向系統(tǒng)的 ,并
設計?更 更高效的轎車轉向系統(tǒng)。
[1] 家 .‰車¨造(上下 )(第3 )[M]. :˙ 工業(yè)? ,2009.
[2] 生.‰車 論(第5 )[M]. :˙ 工業(yè)? ,2009.
[3] ? .‰車設計(第4 )[M]. :˙ 工業(yè)? ,2004.
[4] a , .‰車系統(tǒng)??學[M]. :˙ 工業(yè)? ,2005.
[5] ? .‰車¨造?? 工?[M]. :o ?學? ,2008.
[6] ? , .‰車設計??設計指導書[M]. :˙ 工業(yè)? ,2010.
[7] ?.‰車設計[M]. : ?學? .2008.
[8] ‰車工? 委員會.‰車工? (設計 )[M]. :?民交—? ,2001.
[9] ? ?.‰車 設計[M]. :o ?學? ,2010.
[10] ?.‰車車 設計[M]. :˙ 工業(yè)? ,2007.
[11] ??,?增 .‰車??系統(tǒng)計 及評價[M]. : 工?學? ,2009.
[12] 濮良貴,紀名剛.˙ 設計(第八 )[M]. :高 教育? ,2006.
[13] 范欽珊,殷雅俊.材料?學(第2 )[M]. :o ?學? ,2008.
[14] 平 .AutoCAD2011?文 ˙ 設計¨例教?[M]. :˙ 工業(yè)? ,2010.
[15] o .完 精—Pro/ENGINEER野火5.0?文 零?設計′礎 門[M]. :電子工業(yè)? ,
[16] ?登?.CATIA V5˙ (‰車)產(chǎn)品CAD/CAE/CAM 精—教?[M]. :?民交—? ,2007.
[17] 牛多青.‰車轉向系與?架系統(tǒng) 優(yōu)化設計[J].˙ 工?師,2007,08期.
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論文) 開 題 報 告
2.本?題要研究或˙決的?題 擬采用的研究 段(途徑):
一 本?題要研究或˙決的?題
本?題?要研究的對象 轎車轉向系統(tǒng)設計。(1)o 轎車轉向系統(tǒng)總§設計 案(2)選 ˙ 式轎車轉向
系統(tǒng)?要零??的參 及設計計 (3)— Pro/E CAD 軟?繪制相 零?及其§ 圖。
二 擬采用的研究 段(途按徑)
(1)查?轎車轉向系統(tǒng)設計相 資料, 了˙轎車轉向系統(tǒng)總§ ¨;
(2)熟悉CATIA,Pro/E,CAD 繪圖軟?;
(3)查?相 期刊 論文了˙新的設計 ˇˇ ;
(4)擬 論文?綱并按 論文?綱逐 ¨施。
(5)遇 ?題及時與指導老師交流 currency1教。
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論文) 開 題 報 告
學生 夠在收集查?畢業(yè)設計(論文)?題相 文獻資料的′礎上總 ?寫文獻綜述,文獻綜述? o晰 格
式 范,—–文獻綜述的特點與要求。
2.對本?題的 度 廣度及工作量的意見 對設計(論文) 果的預測:
本?題 度廣度??,工作量—–畢業(yè)設計要求;經(jīng) 真充ˇ的準備工作,應 夠?期完成畢業(yè)設計(論
3. 否?意開題:√ ?意 □ 不?意
2016 03 13
2016 04 07
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)外 文 參 考 資 料 及 譯 文
譯文題目: 動力轉向系統(tǒng)的演變
專 業(yè):
職 稱:
年 02月 18日
The Evolution of Power Steering
By Randy Wilson
Brief introduction for power steering
Power steering helps drivers steer vehicles by augmenting steering effort of the steering wheel. Hydraulic or electric actuators add controlled energy to the steering mechanism, so the driver needs to provide only modest effort regardless of conditions. Power steering helps considerably when a vehicle is stopped or moving slowly. Also, power steering provides some feedback of forces acting on the front wheels to give an ongoing sense of how the wheels are interacting with the road; this is typically called "rοad feel".
Representative power steering systems for cars augment steering effort via an actuator, a hydraulic cylinder, which is part of a servo system. These systems have a direct mechanical connection between the steering wheel and the linkage that steers the wheels. This means that power-steering system failure still permits the vehicle to be steered using manual effort alone.
In other power steering systems, electric motors provide the assistance instead of hydraulic systems. As with hydraulic types, power to the actuator is controlled by the rest of the power-steering system.
Some construction vehicles have a two-part frame with a rugged hinge in the middle; this hinge allows the front and rear axles to become non-parallel to steer the vehicle. Opposing hydraulic cylinders move the halves of the frame relative to each other to steer.
History about power steering
The first power steering system on an automobile was apparently installed in 1876 by a man with the surname of Fitts. Little else is known about him. The next power steering system was put on a Columbia 5-ton truck in 1903.
Robert E. Twyford, a resident of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, included a mechanical power steering mechanism as part of his patent issued on April 3, 1900 for the first four wheel drive system.
Francis W. Davis, an engineer of the truck division of Pierce Arrow began exploring how steering could be made easier, and in 1926 invented and demonstrated the first practical power steering system. Davis moved to General Motors and refined the hydraulic-assisted power steering system, but the automaker calculated it would be too expensive to produce. Davis then signed up with Bendix, a parts manufacturer for automakers. Military needs during World War II for easier steering on heavy vehicles boosted the need for power assistance on armored cars and tank-recovery vehicles for the British and American armies.
Chrysler Corporation introduced the first commercially available passenger car power steering system on the 1951 Chrysler Imperial under the name "Hydraguide". The Chrysler system was based on some of Davis' expired patents. General Motors introduced the 1952 Cadillac with a power steering system using the work Davis had done for the company almost twenty years earlier.
Charles F. Hammond, an American, born in Detroit, filed several patents for improvements of power steering with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office in 1958.
Most new vehicles now have power steering, owing to the trends toward front wheel drive, greater vehicle mass, and wider tires, which all increase the required steering effort. Heavier vehicles as common in some countries would be extremely difficult to maneuver at low speeds, while vehicles of lighter weight may not need power assisted steering at all.
These systems have come a long way but still require regular maintenance.
Steering assist and control is one of the many systems we have seen continually change and evolve over the years. All of the OEMs have invested millions of dollars into the advancement of steering controls.
We, as technicians, have seen simple manual gear boxes replaced by hydraulic ones. We've seen gear boxes, or sectors, give way to rack and pinion assemblies that operate with more advanced hydraulics. And now, electronic steering systems are not uncommon.
Not only do we have to continually learn new material as these systems come to market, but we have to maintain our knowledge of past and present systems. Whatever the age of the system or how advanced it might seem, regular inspection and maintenance is the common factor they all share and need to work properly.
Pieces, Parts and Components at a Glance
With steering being such a safety related aspect, and with such a high demand placed on this part of a vehicle, inspection of the steering and suspension system on every vehicle should be a priority.
An important thing to look at first, of course, is the hardware, it takes very little time to do a good, thorough inspection of steering components when you have a customer's vehicle in the air. Don't be afraid to grab a tire at the top and bottom and give it a good flexing in and out to make sure a hub and bearing assembly doesn't have excessive play. Bearings carry a lot of weight and pressure and should be checked on a regular basis.
Almost no play at all should be felt in a sealed hub and bearing assembly. Tapered bearings should be cleaned, lubricated and properly adjusted for preload to prevent overheating and bearing failure.
Upper and lower ball joints are a must for inspection. Many are sealed and have no accessible grease fittings for service. These take quit a beating. Not only are they the pivot point for the front steering knuckles, but they also endure a ton of lateral force. Always inspect the boots for splitting or damage and make sure to check for play in both upper and lower joints. To accurately test ball joints for wear, be sure to follow the specific procedure outlined in your service information system for the vehicle you are working on. Some vehicles use visual indicators; some require specific lifting procedures to "unload" the joints for inspection.
Tie rod ends, both inner and outer, should be checked in much the same way. Inspect the boots and check for excessive play or wear. Most vehicles can be checked by grabbing each wheel at the 9 and 3 o'clock positions, and attempting to rock the wheel back and forth. If any noticeable movement is felt, use one hand to grab the outer tie rod assembly to see if it is the cause of the play. If not, grabbing the tie rod shaft will allow you to feel any movement that may exist in the inner tie rod joint.
Steering systems that use a drag link or center link set up with idler and pitman arms should be inspected just like the tie rod ends. Wear in these components can have some serious safety concerns and cause excessive tire wear. Always make sure that any of these parts having fitting for service are properly lubricated. Do not overfill the grease boots, as this will lead to rupture and premature failure of the components.
If the system is hydraulic, always inspect for leaks. Whether it's a rack and pinion or worm gear and sector type unit, both operate under high pressures. Pressures can exceed 1,000 psi in many systems, and a leak can deplete the system of fluid rapidly. Make sure hoses and lines are routed properly and away from exhaust components or moving parts.
Make sure to look at compression fitting, as well as connection to power steering pumps and gears, for leaks. Always inspect pumps for leaks at case seams and shaft seals and make sure to maintain the correct level of fluid in the reservoir.
If the pump is belt driven, inspect the belt for wear or damage. Listen for unusual noise from the pumps as compared to a like vehicle. A noisy pump is a definite indication of a problem whether it's a failure or something like air being induced into the system that can lead to a failure. Air being pulled into a system can cause an excessive whine and can lead to premature pump failure if not addressed.
Of course the driver's feedback for the entire system is the steering wheel. Always inspect the steering shaft from the gear back up to the column no matter what the design. Most systems entail a series of universal joints, slip yokes, crush shafts or some type of intermediate steering shaft that leaves the gear and connects to the column. This is the last thing you want to fail on a curvy stretch of highway at 65 mph. Most of these are manufacturer specific and require very little in the area of maintenance, except for inspection, but are a vital part of the steering system. The column itself should be checked for freedom of rotation to make sure there is no loose play in the column bearings.
Electric power steering systems will usually have an integral column and an electric assist design. These systems are usually replaced as an assembly and will not likely have serviceable components in the column except for the electric components themselves. With that being said, they should still be inspected as any other column design.
Service is Still the Answer
As with any other system on the vehicle, we know power steering needs service as well. There are many serviceable hard parts in any steering system, but with good routine maintenance, most components will last for a long time. Our customers have to be educated on the need for regular service to a system like power steering.
Pivot points and fittings should always be lubricated or greased at regular service intervals. Pinch points or steering stops should be lubricated as well. And of course let's not forget about that fluid in the hydraulic systems. These fluids are under very high pressures and operate at extremely high temperatures. Even though the fluids are designed for this kind of environment, viscosity and thermal breakdown can and will occur. The fluid can begin to burn and break down, and as components in the system degrade where the fluid travels, contaminants begin to build up in the fluid.
Should these fluids be serviced like any other fluid in the vehicle? Absolutely. It takes only a few minutes to pull a sample of fluid from a system and inspect it for burning and contamination. If they're present, it's probably a good time to flush, clean and refill the system.
There are many good systems on the market for flushing and cleaning power steering systems. Some systems will connect right into the vehicle power steering system, while others simply extract and reintroduce fluid or cleaners right through the fluid reservoir.
There are also some pretty good conditioning products that come along with these systems as well. With the advent of high quality synthetic power steering fluids, you can offer your customer an even better choice when it comes to fluids operating under extreme conditions. With these products we can offer a good service that can save customers a lot of money and give them peace of mind.