1、2021國家開放大學電大??啤队⒄Z教學法》期末試題及答案(試卷號:2145) 注意事項 一、 將你的學號、姓名及分校(工作站)名稱填寫在答題紙的規(guī)定欄 內e考試結束后.把試卷和答題紙放在桌上。試卷和答題紙均不得帶 出考場監(jiān)考人收完考卷和答題紙后才可離開考場。 二、 仔細讀懂題目的說明.并按題目要求答題。答案一定要寫在各 題紙的指定位置上,寫在試卷上的答案無效「 三、 用藍、黑圓珠筆或鋼宅答題,使用鉛忍答題無效。 Information for the exaniinees: ? This examination consists of I pans. They are: I :C
2、hoose the best answer(40 points) II :Matching(20 points) III :Multiple choice questions( 10 points) K : Activity Designing(30 points) ? The total marks for this examination arc 100 points. Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes. ? There will be no extra time to transfer answ
3、ers to the Answer
Sheet; therefore, you should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do each task.
Chocwe the best answer (40H)
Directions: In this part, you arc givon twenty qiNmUom which am Collnwtd by t choker marked
H9 (: and I). Keud lhe choirs currfully and ch 4、 run the
qncMion. (10 point*t 2 points cch|
h How do children learn thru firti hnuuAwe?
A. By miitmisd H. by bring corrrrted hy prrfHiv.
C? Hy knrninK hn|(uA|{r ruleiu 【)? By acting und pcrlorminitt
2. Which of tlir lollowmR bent exprewo ihc (rftiurc ol children in IrarnmH Im山叩 longungc?
A. S 5、hort Attnntum span> H Annlytioil Ictitnu^.
C. Cle^r purt)or. D? Not caally diMrgcicd.
3. Whet type of IcArnrr* enn bvneht mo*l Ircun hxikifig ht pi 6、ocs the teflehrr phy〔he ro!r of prompter *
A. (living inatrucuons bu(orr nn rtivity
K Rending out thr new woriU tn the
(? I nking pnrl in the pupih1 uunvcraatlotu
I). Encouraging s1ndrnti to go on with I heir folk
Whin type of inteiliKencc H cMniinx best wuited for?
A. IrHrr舛rtorud infclligrn 7、cr. I、Muwtol intcllitfrniT>
Q LuW?l intelliicenrr. □ Linguistic lntelhencr.
6. What doe? thr Following pruetiM?
? Frrr anJ I u5 tu tht ctnrmu y^Urrday.
Pm,and + / wr”f In th^ cinrma
P”,and I wrn/ to the ^cinffna y^tlerday^
P?” urU / wrnl In tAr cinftna
A. StreA A ArticukitioB
C Luriton U tri 8、tonftiiqn
7. Which of thr following gramTnar artivittr* u tnn 9、ivity enn train ImtrninK?
A. Ijibrhng I hr pict uren*
K Writing cAptinnn for pictures
C. "Simon w”” gme.
IX Brnwing wnd。山聽 qumnonc ia find oui.
l0< Which of thr following dc^tiption o( teaching grammiir to ehildrrn U not right?
/\< Crc4tin^ n contrxl for rhildroii lo dincuvcr fhr mcAning nnd r 10、ulrn lor thctrimrlvc%.
K OrfiigninK rnriininuful nctivitir% (ur them to prAdkc iinhik thr rulct in 11、n>c strAtcKy docs (hr following nintcruil help t
12、to the catrnory they belong to.
I>. LenrnmM worth according 1u the pJirt of speech.
12. Which of the (ullnwittK involve writing?
A. luibchnK pwturcMa
It LtAtcnin^ And idcntifyinK-
(? Dtnwinn according to the given inntructinnA>
h l otnl Phynicul Rexpon^.
13. Accurchng to ihr tvxllHK^k. which 13、 14、CH a rrry gooc/ foalhuU match yeiterciay^
S i Oh . .yc? I watched a match
A. Correcting students1 misinkv directly
FL (hvihk n him thnl the student hm iihcd the wrong tcnM-
C. AMkiriK another Mtudrni to correct I he mistake
11 Ankinx rhe Rtudcni whether he rrnlly mw the film
I 5. Which q( the 15、followinK octivitirh ctt br br*f done with pair work?
A. Oipinrt the trxt silrntly< K M gnme<
C. InformAiion w D. Drama |jcr(onnflncv<
16. Whrtt in the teacher doing m the following part of instruction? T| AU ri^hi ? / think il n khtt /imr.
A. Introducing the oriiviiy. K (riving m Rinrt<
C ( hr 16、ekinR nndrrft 17、 i,true?
A. It in mainly tmnrd an testinge
It Th< wrtxhtniM <4 unit 18、pictures,
G Surveys !)? Worksheet
Which al thr (o!Uwin qurng. can be uxd m thr qne>!ioamiirr lor .““w partial
A.【Xd you grf <11 lhe quest tun* right tn rhtt?
R IM you fmiBh the Uak an time*
CC.口 you il# the strategies w have learned today?
" Wh*i rfiii ytni do m your group work today?
II.MiiM 19、岫(20%)
DlrccUnn^: hi thh pnrtf >uu r 20、y muti h with imr anuihcr.
2, Mm I h i hr trNrruntf xiylrs c)n thr Irft with thr type ul uctivHim an the righL DGroup IranirrM A. l>iNCUiiion
2)RrnecHvc IrarrirrA B. MnkifiH judiinientn
3>!ndividul lornar* G Copying
?OTAHiilr lcnrnct 【). bomu hnndrrnftii
Match tht type ol activitittn on lhe lef 21、t with the Incut on the right#
1) Simon A. RrndinK
2) Look und w K Writing
3) Si*rnrnre completion (\ SpeMkitiH
Ol irnwihR according to kntru( ni)n D. l.iKicninK
23. VL 22、many *hort activitie* ifijuriicl of
2)Short unuhfion upan
n Iuhk onr.
R Ciivr children opportunttiea to hr
3)Difhcuh to undrmtAnd
IniaHituitive and errutivr.
C\ Pfovtdr goad modtfla (or children
vrrbil iiivrurilon9
t)lmaginntivr and crcAiivr
U. Kerp thu inMniction* nimpk mid ?npport them.
23、24. Match thr Adiviticib un thr left with the corrc-ipomling Hmzoom organurttion.
DDrarnn prrhjrniance
2)QiK^tion and nwer prnctire
A. Wholr dms work
H. tndividunl work
3)WMtchinK videos
C. Pair work
?DSentrncr complrtinn
D. Group work
25. M^tch thr Activity type on thr left with tin mot 24、suitable seating nrrangcnivnra on
口口 口口 □□ □□
□□ □口 □□
□□ □□ □□ □□
□□ □□ □□ □□
□□ □□ □口
2) Pair work
□ □□ □□□ □□□ □□□ □□o □□□ □□□ □□□ □□□ □□□
□□□ □□□ □□□ □□□ □□□ □□□ □□□ □□□ □na □□□
I) Group disruMion of 3 6 ntudcntn 11
□ 口口
□ □
口 ,□
□ □
□ □
口 口口
111 ? Multiple choke questions (10% ]
DlivctlotH: hi Ihh prtt yirn arc uivcn Che qur^llon% which rr fullowed by 4 chuivcs marked A. Ba C und 1) Rcud lhe choker ctiivhilb mid make ynur choice*. You may huve more than line Mn 26、he fullowing raleji du ilw primnry nchiMil tcHchrth pliy7
A- A corrector. B. A partiapanu
C. An infltriinon Fh A controller.
27. Which of tlir fulluwnig bc%t cxprciMeM how children acquire ihctr Grut lAngiiugc?
A> Enough cKpoturr to :hr nnturnl lonRiinge.
K Sy^icmnth trniinng tn Ihnguttgr yitru 27、cturr-
「? Friendlyi supportive nnd lolentnt contcxu
IL Mrrhnnical prnctlrt! to nuikr lAngunur tivciirnw.
28. What uNpcri% of vocnbulnry cltiei "exampk"1 help to prcuctil?
z\. I h< meaning n( a word> It 1 hi- Emmm of n word*
G The affix of n word. Il Unagc of ■ word.
2!). Whm doc。ihr hidden ren 28、oune for knrmriK include^
A. 1/mhk your nnd childrentnuHinaliuniM
B> C rrntuift your own art ion fion^n and rhymes.
C. Making uc al children^ drnwingtu
D. Making use of wall ditphyiu
3U? Which of the lollowing arc the purposes of a^scMsrncnt?
A. I n provide IrrdtiAck tn pupils, purerils and u 29、thcx tracher*.
H. To motivate pupils nnd improve lheir future performance.
C. To evaluate the rflrctivcnnss of teachinR^
D. To punish the student with low sct”f
皿 Activity Dmlanlnc (30%)
31. Dlmllunft; In Ihh purl, >uu urc t< (Ic^iun n 10-nihiiitc Ihlcnlnu m*lK”y 、
blrthduy part) n(xordlng In 30、thr material rIfi. fhc activity should h< bused on the fol low I ok mutcrlal hicludhiu u picture and Mimr Mfitrncck wllh hlnn卜 Make zrr ymi h,< h, 31、the mds in m? soH
)Won for a flower to grow )Wait for the sprout.
t )h|rt llvr(、>
CU>hrcx>m orgiinUiitlnn
A-FiEvd linir
TenchinK sidx
TrAchrr fn triMtruction
Studrniiaf ori
?? ?
Prfdictrd prohla-rnCw>
SjIiiihiiH )
| . ( Koom? thr hc 32、M unHwrr
本融為申此助"t 20個小蚓,州 40分,何購2分.
3. D
h D
5. H
6. A
10. D
11. B
12. A
13. C
H. H
17. H
IH. I)
19. C
20. B
|| ? Mttlrhlntf
本■為匹flEfil.JU個小BhQ計20分,fOSfi 1分?匹配對J項裾1分.
2) 15
1) — I)
22. D-D
21 -C
3> -H
23. 1) C
33、3) D
4) B
21. 1)-1)
3) A
1) B
25. 1) B
2) A
||| Multiple chnicc quwtlon*
26. A. B. C. I)
2t At C
2. A. B. D
加.A. H. C. l>
30. A . H. C. n
31. 參考酉案與評分標準
一?與 $答案
Ohjctlkcs: to rnciblr Rtndcntn to identify 34、wpcdfic infornuuitin iiboui birthdny pr<**rn!w in li^lrninR
Classniom iirK^niznUfin: whdlr cIasm work tu pnir work
AMwumrd limr: 1()
Inichhia aid: Pictures, multi^rncdin record player
(l}Mlcro-lktcninx (2*)
Bcfurr liittcnintf la the recording! Rhow thr students ^umc ptctutc?i of s 35、rrcL null. protn and plnnn In rhm w“y? tin trnchcr can gel ta know whether the :viudcntn already know the pronuncmtian of the worth. U thry do no!t it in neermry io prActice rending.
? Teacherinntructian:
Firsl I be tcnchrr con nssesn whether ihr pupiln can identify the foilowiriK ihinx、to rnnkr < 36、urt they can associntv thv *ounri with the objrcc^ before pinyin^ the rcrording< 、44 \<>Wt boys and girl^ Do you know the tlungs in the picture? Yes> seed* 心舛 Whut Mlxtut thin ane^ Soil, great. H
? Studrnl act i
Student-* hxicn to ihr irnchrr nnd repeat after him/her.
(2) Listen and match. (49)
37、thr MturJmts to liBtcti to the recording nnd number the trifliruetiorm in thr ^Number and Say" paru
? Teacher (nwiruction
"Thz i< how wr grow a phint. Nowt hsMrn and match the MentenrrM with the jncturce Write the number ol the picture in from ol the sentences,"
? Studentsf net
Students limn to 38、the recording and number the senteners.
(3) Pulr work to check (2,)
Arrangr the students into pHirj to check their annwrr. While thr stndentfi are working ? I hr trm her should wnlk uround to see how the Htudrntn understand*
? rcarher? instruction:
“All nghf? boys and irls> plrajie stop> Now< en 39、n you compare your Annwer with your pnrtncr? ”
,? Student,net
Situlrnrs work in point lo com parr thrir nnfiwer^
(4) Feedback (2‘)
The teacher calh on Btudenta by piir to nuteas the litening< Thm in no need to < nil nn nil pnir* ta nt^wen When one pair hz iven the nn 40、f thry hnvc ciifferent idea
41、 Hnt tep>
(2) Sornc pnim muy not be wbk to hnmh the mulching if Hj
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