1、國家開放大學(xué)電大專科《英語教學(xué)法》期末試題及答案(試卷號:2145) 2022盜傳必究 1 .Chrnnc the best answer (40 polnln) Dlrrctloow: In thh pnrlt yuu art given twrnly quest l?m? which urc follow cd by I rholcc* marked A. B. C und !>. Read ihr choice* carefully anil chomie the one which can bctl Mi?wer the qurnlhm. L What doe* the fo
2、llowing help to train? / want to d” a /'d hkf lo tat lomaio. A. Intonation H? Liaison Q Lo>? of explosion IX Rhythm 2. Whftt im the following >cftfinK nrmn?cmrnt mom ^iHrablr furY 口 口 口口 □ □□□□ 口 口口 口口 口 口 口口口 □ □ □ 口口 n □ n □ □ 口 口 口口口 口口 rl口 A. Whole clns> cIiscumioh K Pnir work
3、G Individual work D. Small group dincunion 3. Which of the following mtelliKcncr dorA the ?ludent if hr atth nbh4 m underntand Another personfn mood? krliriK* rnotivoTionut nnd intention*? A. logical intrlliHcnce K nputbil intelligrncc C. intcrperAOnal intolbRcncc 【)? intraprrsonul intelllRencr
4、 4. Whm kind of Icnrnrr i? Voni il hr IcornR marc effecTivrIy through ucting thing* out or miming 而叩,with his body? A. Auditory learner K tactile IrArncr Q Vibua! learner D? KincMhetic lenrner 5. Whm i? the teacher doinK in tcrmn of error correction? S i I uuti h a \^ry fuvtbaH match i)h TV 火 T
5、 i Yau WAIT" a v^ry Rtwd foot ball mutch yri/rrJav? Si (Mi 9 yti. I watfhed a tnakh ytMrrduy. A. Correcting ?tudcnuf mistake directly H. (itvtnK m hint thfl! ih〃 *tudrnt h/in uncd fhn wron? trnne C. Anking another wtudrnt to correct I hr mintAkr IX A角kinx the NUulrnt wlwthrr hr rr^lly saw the f
6. What should we tcnchcrM clo when cunMidefinH rhildrrn * r difficulty In RnnlyxinH Lingug rulcB?
A. We should not mnkr ?ny nctivity too lonx-
K Wp ahould nat woutc time explnining complicated hrixuNKr
(\ We should provide good rv> 7、pic* rclcvunt IO HtndcnM1 rxperirnrc<
7? Wlmf in the trnchrr domic in the fnllowinK part of iniKruction?
「i A// right ? did I mak< myMf cUar?
A. IntroduciriK thr Activity R Giving a start
(:Checking undrrwUnding D. Concluding an Activity
8. Which af the following In suilablc (or linuning?
A. I 8、 PR Actionw K l.nhding picture.1* or object?
{?? InformAtion g.p IX M/ifrhing piciurcsi with dencripliomi
9. Which o( the (ollowinM t? true of children in Irnming Enxliah?
A. Haive ? dear purpose for learning 隊 FuiRijy iltttratted
C?(ioocl nt plontiinK and momtunnK II Not imaiciruitivr> and crea 9、tive
ID. Which o< I hr following activitin can be bc?t done with pair work?
A. Coping the irxt Mletitly K ?Sww game
CL Informaiion gnii 【入 Drama perlormancr
1U According to the lcxlb 10、Minn
C drawing ■ pxtturr cccordinM to the instruction
ti. dicwioc
12. Wh?t IrsrninK strategy docM lhe followinH Activity help to train? Ps Mr wr>n/? in rAr r^/rw/tr cnluHtnn LwA? hiftn > 6<
— 2
A< Grouping & Collocation
C. tmit?tion D. Itnugery
13. How do chi 11、ldrrn Irarn their first lunRUAitc?
A? By Acting ind performing Fk By being corrrcfrd by perrntB
C. Hy learning hnKUAge rulrw Fl By tmitationji
In which of the foHowinx activitieii doew thr tvachcr play thr rolr of prompter?
A. (Jive inMructittn? before ?n activity*
It Krnd out thr new wohIr to 12、the tludrnciu
(? Takr pun in the pupils1 converiuition^
IK Kncourngr utudenti 13、thauld provide Rood model* lor children to imitate.
IX We should >c!rct lho 14、 dcMcribing oners childhood
B. rnnking sentences according to the picture
C substituting the underlined with given words
D. word ggaing game
18. Which of the following involves reading?
A. Labeling piettirrs
& Listening and identifying
Q Drawing according to the given instructions
D. Total P 15、hysical Response
19. What type of activity does the following belong to?
“ Students tvurk in pair^ 3 cofn pletf their irum map hy asking each ulhrr quetlioni.
A. rol 16、 mainly based on testing
B> done mostly at lhe rn 17、on*. You arv to mutch the options on the left nuirked I). 2). 3). 4 ) wilh rrlcvunl options un the rght marked Ae Bt C und l)f nnd write the answers on the answer sheet. Make sure each opllim can only match with nnc another.
A. Look here. Thm picture shows two people nrta talking. Where arc they?
18、B. Quid now ■ plrasc.
2L Mutch thr icarhrrf* purpose on thr left wilh the corrcNpcindinn inAtructian on the nghu
2) R” the cIhuH Io叩 talking
3) aflk the Biudenrs ro tell nbout the pictures
t )chnngc rule in pair work
Dcnd the aclivity
('. All riKht. ! think it in the lime now.
IX Whrn yuu hnv 19、c (inished# change ovcr< so that you enrh get a turn.
I )Group IcnrncrH
2) Reflective Irftrnrrs
3) ln(lividuAl IrarnerM
4 )Twctik learners
22. Match the Irnrning wylt、on the left with the type of activities on the right.
A. DiacuMion
B. Making judgments
G Copying
D. Doing hnndernfts
23. Ma 20、tch the group* of words an thr left with the way* of teaching them on the nghu I [Apple. Mn?rui? oranges
2) wdke run< lixient wriUt ?und
3) sunny ? dotidye wmdy. Mnowy
4) happy> tad. angry* excited
24* Match the nctivitio on the left with thr corresponding ch&^mom organuatioru
1) Drama performa 21、nce
2) Quc?t>on and answer practcce
3) Watching videos OScntencr compktxin
A. picturen
A fcaI object*
C aclion?
D. (acUI rKprrwion
A? whole class work
K individual work
C pair work
D. group work
25. Match the activities on the left with thr language focus on the righu
A.reading K wcAbula 22、ry lean)in< stratricy C. pronunciation (X writing
1 )grouping word* togrther
2) minimal pair practice
3) hbchng picturo
4) ?cqucnctnK ihr events accurdinR to thr story
QI ? MalUple choke quest torn (10 points) Dirvctlofui: In thb partt >ou arc ghrn five questions which are followed by 4 choice* 23、 mark rd At B. C and D? Read I he chokes carefully and make yoar chokes. Yoo ma, ha*e more than oar answer to each qnotion.
26. Which of the following features are true of children in learning ■ langUAge?
A. Children can not concentrate for very long.
H Children learn English because they think 24、 it mterestmgi.
C? Children are good At planning and munitonng.
fl Children ore good nt understanding concrete things-
27. Which of lhe following belong to formative MMesMmerit?
A< learner portfolio B. wehII quiz at the end of h lesson
C. d心wroom observation D. student diaries
28? What does th 25、e hidden resource for learning include?
A. u 26、n and point
(? drnwtng and ankinR quc?iion ta find out
!X uprnkinK rhmn
30. At whi< li three differrnt levrl* enn Knghfih trArhcr^ plnn their IcsnonM?
A. king term phnning K whort-term plnnniriK
('? cUyJn dny k^iu>ri planninn IX middltrlrrm plAtuihiH
IV. Activity DMlgnlng (30 polntu)
31. Dlrv 27、ctiomi In Ihh purl t ynu urr tn 28、n lhe tnblr rWe, M?kr >urr you give the 味zumrd llnw fnr ruch ?tcp.
I don't like riding bikes
Hike skipping
Idonl like skipping
Clas^roofn organiumon
AMumed nmr
Trachmg aid*
TeacberS instruction
SludentB9 act
29、2) 1
3> '[
Predicted problem(?>
Solution ⑴
I ? ( Immwc Ihc hml iinswcr ( H? point*)
本■為少個小■ ??!+禎分e?B2分。
2. B
& C
5e B
7. C
& A
0. B
n>. r
n. n
12, H
M. 1)
11. 1)
Ifi. A
I7< C
Hh n
II MMtc hhiu ( 20 |xihiU)
*18為匹配hl北[個小 30、nf?i+2o分網(wǎng)h i分.匹ae對一項得i分?
一 C
2) — H
2) B
30 ,
一 u
2J (,
_ b
2) C
2) C
III Mtilllple choke <|wrMhm* (tO
本Bl為IMJi爆得.共,個小BL隱1+ ,分,全1?選頊疝iSff正畛方可用分.
2((. A. D
27. \? B.C.H 31、
%, A, II.C. \>
29. A.H
30. At lh C
l\ ? ActhHy Ih^iKnintt (40 poltiu)
本fl為實踐H.A I小■.總計川分.
Ohjetthru: to ciuibh Rlutlvul^ talk wlut iy|H ?l 中頃仆 Hwy hk< <>r dm/i like
(lA^room oncanixallnn: iriiiivkliinl wink, wliuh rla^> wurk tn p^if wmk
A^uniHl llmr: 10*
Irachiiitt aid: Piciiin tni 32、ihi rnrdiM
L (irt lu kno%* the ^porK ( V )
\?k ilu nt5 io march ih< follnwinn picnirt ** with ihr name 33、 know ?hv>v wponn?
Pkn^r nutch the pkmtt^ wnh lluir n;inie*. Fir^t? look ?t die picture ?n 34、t
StudrntA work tosrilurr U> give the answers m thr teacher to different piciurrn.
2. ( heck %*hrthrr students' knon thr sentence patlcrn% (Z,)
\-k ilu Mudrnr^ whrihcr they know thr |?Anvrn> of "I "I don*i like
? Tpne her ■/ inAirnrtion
H Which of iIhw spurts do you like* II w? likr M)mvthing> 35、wlwi am wr Mty? Look a1 thr pictures, please% "
? St udrnt*f nrt
Answer ihr Trnrht r * > They rnny r ncLording Ki wIihIict they rvnlly
know or itou
PokmIiIu aii^wrr^iI likr ??? I don11 h虹…
X Fair work(3e)
ArrnnKv the ^tudrtit* into pnir* tu prnrticv "I lik-… 1 don11 likv^**
x> Teacher** instr 36、urtinn
yitii ?rv right. Now# can you tell yuur |M>rincr which of Uh m ? ports you like un 37、 in pnir*. (hi trnchvr should walk around to help th(i>< wtudcnt> who vntitiul ?|>ctik well nnd m mouiior ihu>€ whu idle away ihi- linie<
L FerdhMk(2‘)
Call 38、. Lete、印 whvfhiT you know nboin your pnnn?-r< Now you nrv your jiartncr nnd nil u> whut you !ik< and whftt you do nut ltkv> "
V Siudcni^* m \
Siu 39、not kunv^ hov* u?flh 叩。小 IliiHigh they mny Ik* nhk lu
2. Srurfcnlw mny nol know lb? pcittrrn^ lo he ump
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