1、人肌紅蛋白基因外顯子一的生物信息學(xué)分析 一. Introduction : Myoglob in, the article is composed of a peptide cha ins and a binding prote in of heme prosthetic group, is within the muscle oxygen storage protein, its oxygen saturation of the elliptic curve.Myoglobin is the main protein of skeletal muscle and cardiac muscl
2、e, whe n muscle damage, leakage to the circulating in the blood in muscle tissue, increase the serum concen tratio n of myoglob in, the in dex is used to determ ine whether muscle damage. 二. Purpose : 對 人肌紅蛋白基因外顯子一基因序列使用 “ Bioed和DNAMAN、anthe5.0及相關(guān)網(wǎng)站進(jìn)行GC含量統(tǒng)計(jì)、電 子酶切、引物設(shè)計(jì)、基因在人類基因組中的定位、電子克隆及蛋 白在細(xì)胞內(nèi)的定位、
3、氨基酸組成統(tǒng)計(jì)、分子量、等電點(diǎn)、親疏水 性、信號肽分析 <跨膜區(qū)域)、二級結(jié)構(gòu) <含保守結(jié)構(gòu)域)及三維 結(jié)構(gòu)分析,miR分析,啟動(dòng)子分析等。其中抗原表位分析、多序 列比對和進(jìn)化分析等。 三. The n ature and fun cti on of myoglob in : Nature: myoglob in = a polypeptide cha in + a prosthetic group polypeptide cha in, composed of 153 amino acid residues Prosthetic group: heme prosthetic group
Molecular weight: 16, 700
Fun cti on: tran sport of oxyge n and oxyge n storage fun cti on in muscle
tertiary structure of myoglob in
四. Key word:肌紅蛋白 5、行序列的基本性質(zhì)分析,限制性酶譜分析及其基因 在染色體上的定位分析。具體操作方法將根據(jù)上述各個(gè)軟件上 “ Help文件進(jìn)行
從 pubmed 蛋白質(zhì)數(shù)據(jù)庫中搜索到人的 Myoglobin和整個(gè)前體Myoglobin蛋白質(zhì)序列,分別進(jìn)行蛋白序列的基本性質(zhì)分 析 < 氨基酸組成、分子量、等電點(diǎn)),親疏水性分析,蛋白酶切位點(diǎn)分析,信號 肽序列分析,二級結(jié)構(gòu)和三維結(jié)構(gòu)分析,同源序列和進(jìn)化分析。二級結(jié)構(gòu)分析 包括結(jié)構(gòu)功能域、Motif、保守位點(diǎn)等,具體操作方法將根據(jù)上述各個(gè)軟件上 “H
6、1. 從NCBI中可以得到一下有關(guān) Myoglobi蛋白分子的信息:
Huma n myoglob in gene, exon 1
GenBank: M10090.1
LOCUS HUMMGI1 2552 bp DNA linear PRI
DEFINITION Huma n myoglobi n gene, exon 1.
VERSION M10090.1 GI:187580
KEYWORDS Fok family repetitive sequenee 。direct repeat 。
myoglob in 。re 7、peat
regi on 。tan dem repeat.
SEGMENT 1 of 3
SOURCE Homo sapie ns (huma n>
ORGANISM Homo sapie ns
Eukaryota 。Metazoa 。Chordata 。 Craniata 。Vertebrata
Euteleostomi 。
Mammalia 。 Eutheria 。 Euarchontoglires 。 Primates 。
Haplorrhi ni 。
Catarrhini 。 Hominidae 。 Homo.
REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 255 8、2>
AUTHORS Akaboshi,E.
TITLE Cloning of the huma n myoglob in gene
JOURNAL Ge ne 33 (3>, 241-249 (1985>
PUBMED 2989088
COMMENT Origi nal source text: Huma n: fetal liver DNA (library of
Law n et
al.>, clone lambda-HMB151 。delta-thalassemia leukocyte
DNA (library
of Kimura et al.>, clone lam 9、bda-HMB159.
Draft entry and computer-readable copy of seque nee [1]
ki ndly
provided by E.Akaboshi, 22-OCT-1985.
A tan dem repeat seque nee is found at positi on 142-794.
Positi on of
the mRNA cap site was deduced from that of the seal
myoglob in gene
(Bla nchetot et al. 1983>.
FEATURES Loc 10、atio n/Qualifiers
source 1..2552
/orga ni sm="Homo sapie ns"
/mol_type="genomic DNA"
/db_xref="taxo n: 9606"
repeat_region 1100..1750
/no te="Fok family repetitive eleme nt"
prim_tra nscript 1895..>2552
/no te="myoglob in mRNA and in tr on"
ge ne joi n(1965..2552,M14602 11、.1:1..2671,M14603.1:1..501>
/gen e="MB"
joi n(1965..2059,M14602.1:1415..1637,M14603.1:355..501>
/gen e="MB"
/no te="myoglobi n"
/codo n_ start=1
exon <1965..2059
/gen e="MB"
/n ote="myoglobi n 。G00-119-378"
/n umber=1
intron 2060..>2552
/gen e="MB"
/no te="myoglob in intron A"
ORIGIN 2 bp upstream of RsaI site.
1 gtactgtatt ttcattcctc ttagttatct ccctaaaa 13、ag actctgagtt
61 aggaaggtgt tttatttgat tttgttatcc tcagcatgta gcagtgtctg
121 ggtgctctat cactgtgaga gggatggatg gatgggtgga gttacagatg gatagaagga
181 tagatggagg gatgggtgga tgatggatgg atagatggat ggagggggga tgatgaatgg
241 agggataatg agtggatgaa tgagggaatg ggtggatgga tggatggagg g 14、atggaggaa
301 cagatagata gatggaggga tgggtgggtg atggatggat agatggatgg
361 gatgaatgga gggataatga atggatgaat gaggggatgg gtggatggat gaatggaggg
421 atgatgggtg gatgaatgaa ttgagggatg gatggatgaa cacatggatg gatggataga
481 tggatagatg gaggaactgg tggattttgg atggatgggt ggatggatag atgaatgaat
541 15、gcctggatag acaaagagat gatggataga tgaatagatg aattaaggga
601 atggagggat tgatagatgt tggatggatg ggtggtggat ggatagatga
661 ggatagacaa agagatgatg gatggatgaa ttaagggatg acagatggat
721 gtaactggat ggacaagtgg ataaatggat agatggttga atacctgaat ggattgaagg
781 aggatgcatg ga 16、tgtaagat aaggctaatc atcctccact ctctttcttt gcaaaaccat
841 ccacccattt actcaataaa catttattca gttcaaactt ggcacaaagc accatgtgag
901 gcccaagaga tacgtgggtt aataaaacag agctcctgcc ctcctgaaaa
961 aggggcgtgg cttcctgagt tcaaatccca actctgccag cgactagctg tacatcagtg
1021 atgtttccct actttctctc aatta 17、aatag ggataatgtc agtacctatc acattgggag
1081 gtcttgcggg gattaaatga gttaccaaat gccaagtgtt tgggacaggg cctggcaccc
1141 agcaaagtct cttgtgagtg ctggctgcta ttatcctaat ggagaagatg gcatgaaaac
1201 caggaaatag gatgcccttt gggaagcaat gcaacaggaa cttacacaaa gaaaggaaag
1261 gaggaagcaa ttagtggtgt ctcaaaggag tatgtc 18、aaga aaaacttttc agagggaaac
1321 ctttgagcag ggtcatgaaa acaggagttc tctaagagat tgtggacttg cctgggacca
1381 cctggctata agcacaaaac catccggttc ctttctgtca cttctggcgg gtgaggggtc
1441 tctggcaaag gggcagaagg tgcgtgagag gttgcgaatg gccaggactg tcctggggcc
1501 agccggggca cctggtggcc aagcttagaa acatgacagg tcctctt 19、ggg agggctgacc
1561 gcagggagcg ttgggtttca ggctgctggc gtcggcttct gtggtgccct ttctgtcggc
1621 tatgagagtc cagacagtgc ccaacctcct ccccttcttt ccacacgcac aaccacccca
1681 ccccctgtgg cctgagctgt cctgcctcgc cacaatggca cctgccctaa aatagcttcc
1741 catgtgaggg ctagagaaag gaaaagatta gaccctccct ggatgagaga gagaaagt 20、ga
1801 aggagggcag gggaggggga cagcgagcca ttgagcgatc tttgtcaagc atcccagaag
1861 gtataaaaac gcccttggga ccaggcagcc tcaaacccca gctgttgggg ccaggacacc
1921 cagtgagccc atacttgctc tttttgtctt cttcagactg cgccatgggg ctcagcgacg
1981 gggaatggca gttggtgctg aacgtctggg ggaaggtgga ggctgacatc ccaggccatg
2041 ggc 21、aggaagt cctcatcagg taaaaggaag agattccatt gcccctgcca cccacaccct
2101 aagatcaagg gtgttcagct gcaaggtgga aagtttgcac gtggggtagg tcagttggct
2161 gcattagtta agggtgttag aacggtcact tgctttttct ttgcttttaa gtgtcaggga
2221 ttggactcag gagagggaaa ggagccattt caggctgatg tcagcagctg gaggaagcat
2281 gagaatcaaa ccta 22、ggatgc tcagagtcca ccaggaagaa ttttagaatt
2341 agagttaaca agggtcctga gagattttgt acagccacct ctcttacagg
2401 aaagcgactg agaaggggag gacatttcca gagtcacagc tcattaaatg
2461 gtcaaggtta agacatgctc ttcaagggga gacagatctg gttctagact
2521 actgagccac tgggtgacct t 23、tgggaaggt ac
Official SymbolMBprovided by HGNC
Official Full Namemyoglob in provided by HGNC
Primary source :HGNC:6915
Locus tag :RP4-569D19.7
Seerelated :
Ensembl:ENSG00000198125 。 HPRD:01170 。 MIM:160000 。 Vega:OT
Gene type:prote in cod ing
Refsep status: REVIEWED
Organi 24、sm : Homo sapiens
Lin eage : Eukaryota。 Metazoa。 Chordata。 Crani ata。 Vertebrata。 Euteleostomi。 Mammalia。 Eutheria。 Euarchontoglires。 Primates。 Haplorrhini。 Catarrhini。 Hominidae。 Homo
Also known as : PVALB
Genomic context
Locati on:
Seque nee:
Chromosome: 22。NC_000022.10 (36002811..3 25、6019401, compleme nt>
See MB in Epige no mics, MapViewer
Chromosome 22 -
NC 000022.10
Genomic regions, transcripts, and products
Geno micSeque nee
NC_000022 chromosome 22 reference GRCh37.p13 Primary Assembly
Go to nucleotide Graphics FASTA GenBank
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2. 利用Primer premier5.0 軟件對myoglobin核酸序列進(jìn)行引物設(shè)
An ti-se nse primer:
3. 蛋白質(zhì)序列分析
19 / 18
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