. 校長寄語 小學階段是人一生中的重要階段。人生的理想在這一階段樹立,學習習慣在這一階段養(yǎng)成,美好的童年生活在這一階段度過。親愛的老師們,我們的工作就是為學生的一生可持續(xù)發(fā)展作奠基工程。在實踐這一偉大而神圣的工程中請遵循: 育人原則: 千教萬教,教人求真; 千學萬學,學做真人。 育人目標: 情感、態(tài)度、價值真觀。 學習方式: 自主、合作、探究。 培養(yǎng)模式: 學思結合、知行統(tǒng)一、因材施教。 小學英語課程標準 根據(jù)全國小學英語課程發(fā)展的實際,以及2001年出臺的《英語課程標準》對小學英語教學的指導性不夠突出,對小學英語的具體學習內(nèi)容目標要求得不夠具體,小學階段詞匯表、語法項目沒有分別列出;對小學英語教學和評價指導力度不夠,缺乏可操作性建議和案例,等等問題,修訂后的英語課程標準在小學階段主要體現(xiàn)如下特點: 一、理念更先進??? 1.更符合社會發(fā)展對人才的需求。修訂稿中首次將英語課程的性質界定為具有工具性和人文性雙重性質。語言學習不僅是為了培養(yǎng)學生交流、溝通的能力,更重要的是在語言學習的過程中,加強人格品質和道德情操的修養(yǎng)。一個人如果具有較強的語言交際能力、較高的綜合人文素養(yǎng),他會更快地適應社會變化,更好地服務于社會。工具性與人文性并重的理念符合社會發(fā)展對人才培養(yǎng)的需求。 2.更符合語言學習的規(guī)律。修訂稿在面向全體學生、突出學生主體、尊重個體差異的基礎上,更注重了語言學習的漸進性和持續(xù)性。不僅體現(xiàn)在基本理念的調整上,也體現(xiàn)在了課程內(nèi)容的設置和各級目標的描述中。語言學習是一個長期積累的過程,學生的學習必然經(jīng)歷由淺入深、由易到難的漸進深入過程。修訂稿強調了語言學習的漸進性和持續(xù)性,更符合語言學習的規(guī)律。 二、目標更清晰 就小學英語教學而言,修訂稿在對原有語言知識、語言技能、情感態(tài)度、學習策略、文化意識目標微調的基礎上,在技能教學參考中,對各項技能教學的目的、技能要求以及主要活動都給予了分級描述,還明確了小學階段語法教學的內(nèi)容與要求,列出了小學階段應掌握的423個基本詞匯,這些也是以往教學中老師們感到比較模糊或困惑的地方,這次課標的修訂能使老師們在教學中更好地把握教學目標。 三、方法更具體 課標對于一線老師而言,不僅是理念的引領,也是方法的指導,老師們看了后知道做什么、怎么做。如實施建議中對教學和評價都給出了具體的、符合實際的建議,同時評價方式與方法的舉例非常詳盡,不僅例舉了各項技能不同級別的評價方案,還有對評價方案的評析,對老師們在教學中的評價操作具有很強的指導性。再如修訂稿中的課堂教學用語更具體、更符合實際教學需要,語言也更具有時代氣息。 備課要求 1、教學過程的四大環(huán)節(jié):設疑自探、解疑合探、質疑再探、運用拓展四個環(huán)節(jié)后必須有時控,并且每個環(huán)節(jié)旁邊必須有自己的個性化設計(添加或刪去),并且每個環(huán)節(jié)要體現(xiàn)師生互動、生生互動,不能太簡單;質疑再探環(huán)節(jié)要有問題預設;運用拓展環(huán)節(jié)有學生自編題。添加的內(nèi)容寫在每個課時教學過程邊留的空白處,要注意排版整齊、美觀、成行、不斜。 2、教學反思分“教師的教”和“學生的學 ”“改進措施”三個方面寫,如: ①教師的教 ②學生的學 ③改進措施 每個方面結合“三疑三探”教學實踐過程中成功、不足和改進來寫,具體對照西峽縣“三疑三探”課堂評價標準內(nèi)容進行反思,每個方面至少兩行。 3、備課修改一律用黑色筆跡。 教學計劃 新年剛過去,我們又迎來了一個新的學期,根據(jù)學校教學工作計劃的安排,現(xiàn)將本學期工作安排如下: 一、 作為一名教師,除了要具備良好的思想品德,高尚的道德情操;還需要具備較高水平的業(yè)務技能。要以國家《英語課程標準》為指導,認真學習新課標各理念及精神。按照新課標和新教材的理念,積極進行課堂教學模式的改革、探索,優(yōu)化課堂教學過程,重視對學生能力的培養(yǎng),不斷提高學生的綜合素質,使每位學生自信且成功地成長。 二、 學情分析 三年級的學生已經(jīng)學了一學期的英語,學生還沒有養(yǎng)成良好的學習習慣,其中有百分之十的學生學英語沒有興趣。學困生更多,這些學生背不會單詞,老師教的越多,背不會的越多,學生也越來越差。 三.教材分析 1.本冊教材注重學生的綜合語言運用能力,重視雙向交流,融合學科知識,提高學生的綜合人文素養(yǎng)。教材力圖激發(fā)學生學習英語的興趣,培養(yǎng)他們學習英語的積極態(tài)度,使他們初步建立學習英語的自信心;培養(yǎng)學生具有一定的語感和良好的語音、語調、書寫基礎,以及良好的學習習慣;使他們初步具備用英語進行簡單日常交流的能力。同時,培養(yǎng)學生的觀察、記憶、思維、想象和創(chuàng)造能力,適當介紹中西文化,培養(yǎng)學生的愛國主義精神,增強世界意識,為學生的進一步學習奠定良好的基礎。 2.教學目標是: 1> 能聽、說、認讀60個單詞和詞組,并簡單運用. 2> 熟練掌握所學歌曲、chant等. 3> 能聽懂、會說 12組會話,并能進行簡單的交流 4> 能了解簡單的中西方文化知識. 5> 能聽懂幽默小故事。 6> 提升學生學習英語的興趣,養(yǎng)成良好的朗讀書寫的習慣. 7> 發(fā)音準確、朗讀流利,準確掌握書中的重點內(nèi)容。 3.重難點: 1> 培養(yǎng)學生學習英語的興趣及習慣,逐步養(yǎng)成認讀單詞及簡單句子的能力2> 培養(yǎng)學生正確、規(guī)范的英文書寫習慣、根據(jù)例句會“舉一反三”進行簡單的英語造句能力. 3> 培養(yǎng)學生根據(jù)規(guī)律背誦單詞的能力、獨立進行完整的問答對話練習的能力. 四.教學措施 1、 認真?zhèn)湔n,深入研究教材教法,以學生為中心,進行課堂的有效教學,提高課堂效率,做到當堂內(nèi)容當堂掌握。 2、創(chuàng)新運用各種不同英語教學法來輔助教學,如:情景教學法、直接教學法和全身反應法,并開展一些有趣的活動、游戲讓學生在輕松的氛圍中學習英語。 3、創(chuàng)設英語情景和環(huán)境,使學生們在一定的英語語言環(huán)境里習得“第二語言”。做到“生活中有英語,英語中有生活”。 4、鼓勵學生大膽說英語,肯定他們的進步(尤其是英語基礎不好的學生),樹立學生的信心,培養(yǎng)學生朗讀和書寫的習慣。 5、注重教材的靈活性和可操作性,以滿足不同層次的學生的需求。幫助英語基礎不好的學生,提升英語基礎好的學生。 6、多教授chant和歌謠或小故事等促進學生多單詞和句型的記憶。充分利用教科書中的課文創(chuàng)設栩栩如生的情景,為學生提供使用英語進行交流的機會。 7、教學生們巧記單詞。在學習單詞的過程中,滲透一些字母以及字母組合的常規(guī)發(fā)音方法,這樣對他們記憶單詞有不少幫助。 8、關心學習有困難的學生,尊重和信任他們,尋找他們身上的閃光點,鼓勵他們自尊自愛,要求上進。了解學生的情況,設計適合他們的課堂教學。要做到每一堂課的內(nèi)容能保證學困生學會,而對于接受能力強的學生要做到上不封頂9、做好每位家長的思想轉化工作, 要想孩子們學好英語,家長的態(tài)度也是非常重要的,現(xiàn)在英語課是主課,希望他們對這門科目要象對待語文、數(shù)學一樣重視。要求家長要給自己的孩子制定一個學習計劃,確保孩子們每天都能在家里讀背半個小時的英語。 五.培優(yōu)輔差 1.了解后進生情況,課堂的設計應該以讓中下等的學生學會為目的,讓全體學生得到發(fā)展,在日常教學中注意對差生的輔導。 2.學生互助,采用“一幫一”的方法,讓差生能有所提高。 3.利用課余時間進行對后進生輔導。 4.對于特優(yōu)生課外適當增加一些常用的單詞、詞匯和句型,并加以操練和運用。 5.提高特優(yōu)學生學習的內(nèi)在動力,不斷鼓勵特優(yōu)學生。 教學進度表 時間 計劃進度 實際進度 備注 第1周 Lesson1 第2周 Lesson2 第3周 Lesson3 第4周 Lesson4 第5周 Lesson5 第6周 Lesson6 第7周 復習 第8周 中考 第9周 Lesson7 第10周 Lesson8 第11周 Lesson9 第12周 Lesson10 第13周 Lesson11 第14周 Lesson12 第15周 復習 第16周 復習 第17周 終考 三年級英語(下冊)教案 第一課時 Lesson 1 I can help you. Teaching topic: Let’s talk. Teaching material analysis:(教材分析) 1)The students can listen, say, read and write some words correctly: again me bad English help glad Me , too. be good at在……方面做的好 2)The students can master the pattern: I’m not good at English. Goal request:(教學目的) The students can master the pattern: I’m not good at English. Key difficulty:(重點難點) How to read and write the words: again me bad English help be not good at Teaching times:(教學時間)1 Teaching metheds:(教學方法)three doubts three searches Teaching aid study:(教學工具)cards, tape Teaching process:(教學過程) Step1設疑自探 (5 minutes) 1.Write the new words on the blackboard. again me hi bad at English help glad, Me , too be good at在……方面做的好 T:Please look at the blackboard and talk about how to pronounce the words correctly. 2.Listen to the tape carefully then answer my question. T:Can you tell me the meaning of the text? Ss:Sorry,we do not know T:Now ,please talk about the meaning of the text from one to four, OK? Ss: OK Step 2解疑合探 (15 minutes) 1.Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read the words,if all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them. 2.The teacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain it.If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it. 3.The teacher read the text. Then let Ss read after the teacher. 4.Then let the Ss read the dialogue by themselves,after that choose one or two teams to stand up and act it out . S1:Glad to see you again. S2: Me ,too. S1: Hello, Tom ! How are you? S2:I’m OK.Thank you.And you? S1: Not bad. S2: I’m not good at English. S1:I can help you. S2:Thank you. S1:That’s OK. Step 3質疑再探 (10minutes) T:Can you tell me something about the text? S1:What is the meaning of the sentence“Me too.”? S2:What is the meaning of the sentence“Not bad.”? S3: What is the difference between“Not bad.”and “I’m fine,too.”?…… Step4 運用拓展 (10minutes) 練習:英漢連線 我(賓格) 再,又 幫助 英語 在…… 壞的 again help English bad me Bb writing desgin:(板書設計) Lesson 1 I can help you. again me bad English help be not good at在……方面不太好 Me, too. 我也是很高興。 Not bad. 我也很好。 教后反思: 教師的教: 學生的學: 第二課時 Lesson 1 I can help you. Teaching topic: Let’s learn ; Let’s chant ;Let’s read. Teaching material analysis:(教材分析) 1)Review the new words: again, me, bad,English,help. 2)Mster the new words: maths,Chinese 3)Make the sentences using the forms:I’m not good at……./I can help you. Goal request:(教學目的) Make the sentences using the forms:I’m not good at……. /I can help you. Key difficulty:(重點難點) Master the Phonetic Symbols:[k] [t] [r] [p] [h] [b] [g] [m] [l] [?] Teaching times:(教學時間)1 Teaching methods :(教學方法)three doubts three searches Teaching aid study:(教學工具)cards, tape Teaching process:(教學過程) Step 1設疑自探一 (3 minutes) 1. 復習導入: T: Good afternoon,class. Ss: Good afternoon,teacher. T: Hi, How are you? Ss: I’m OK. Thank you. And you? T: Not bad. T: Today we go on learning Lesson One.Please turn to Page 3 and let’s learn the part of “Let’s learn”. 2.Write the new words on the blackboard. English maths Chinese T:Please look at the blackboard and talk about how to pronounce the words correctly. Step 2解疑合探一(10 minutes) 1.Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read the words,if all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them. 2.The teacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain the meaning of the song.If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it. Step 3設疑自探二 (5 minutes) The teacher write these Phonetic Symbols on the Bb:[k] [r] [p] [h] [b] [t] [g] [m] [l] [? ]. T:Cany you read these Phonetic Symbols? Ss:Sorry,we don’t know. Then the teacher write these words on the Bb. cat rat cap hat bag bat map lamp T:Can you read these words? Ss:Sorry,we don’t know. T:Now please talk about the meaning of the text in four,OK? Ss:OK Talk about them in pairs, OK? Ss: OK. Step 4解疑合探二(15 minutes) 1.Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read these Phonetic Symbols,if all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them. 2.The teacher choose some Ss to try to read these words and explain the meaning of the words.If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it. 3.After that ask the students to read the me,to make sure all the sudents to read these Phonetic Symbols and these words. Step 5質疑再探 (3 minutes) T:Can you tell me something about the text? S1:Can you tell me the English name of some subjects,such as“體育”“科學”“計算機”and so on? …… Step 6 運用拓展 (4 minutes) 連線。 1.How do you do? 謝謝。 2.Glad to see you,again. 我的語文不太好 3.I’m not good at Chinese. 你好。 4.Thank you. 對不起 5.Sorry. 再次見到你很高興 Bb writing design:(板書設計) Lesson I can help you. Chinese English maths I’m good at Chinese (English / maths ). I can help you. [k] [r] [p] [h] [b] [t] [g] [m] [l] [? ]. cat rat cap hat bag bat map lamp 教后反思: 教師的教: 學生的學: 第三課時 Lesson I can help you. Teaching topic: Teaching material analysis:(教材分析) 1)Review the new words: again,me, bad,English,help. 2)Mster the new words: maths,Chinese 3)Make the sentences using the forms:I’m not good at……./I can help you. 4)Review the Phonetic Symbols:[k][t][r][p][h][b][g][m][l][?] Goal request:(教學目的) Make the sentences using the forms:I’m not good at……. /I can help you. Key difficulty:(重點難點) Master the Phonetic Symbols:[k][t][r][p][h][b][g][m][l][?] Teaching times:(教學時間)1 Teaching metheds:(教學方法)three doubts three searches Teaching aid study:(教學工具)cards, tape Teaching process:(教學過程) Step 1設疑自探一 (3 minutes) 1.復習上節(jié)課所學音標: [k][t][r][p][h][b][g][m][l][?]. 2.談話導入: T:Good afternoon,class. Ss:Good afternoon,teacher. T:Hi,How are you? Ss:I’m OK. Thank you. And you? T: Not bad. T:Today we go on learning Lesson One.Please turn to Page 4 and let’s learn the part of Let’s act.. Step 2解疑合探一(10 minutes) 1.Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read the words,if all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them. 2.The teacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain the meaning of the song.If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it. Step 3設疑自探二 (5 minutes) 1. Group work .Please ask and answer in pairs . E.g:-- Hello, Li Gang ! Are you good at English? --Yes, I am . 2. Then say : ……is / isn’t good at English / Chinese / maths. Step 4解疑合探二(15 minutes) 1.Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read these sentences ,if all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them. 2.The teacher choose some Ss to try to read these sentences in pairs .If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it. 3.After that ask the students to answer the question:“……is / isn’t good at English / Chinese / maths. ”,to make sure all the sudents can understand it. 4.Listen and number.把所聽的材料和圖片對應起來并排序。 Step 5質疑再探 (3 minutes) Can you tell me something about the text? Step 6 運用拓展 (4 minutes) 英漢連線。 1.How do you do? 謝謝! 2.I can help you. 我能幫助你。 3. I’m not good at Chinese. 你好! 4.Thank you. 對不起。 5.Sorry. 我不擅長語文。 Bb writing design:(板書設計) Lesson I can help you. ……is / isn’t good at English / Chinese / maths. 教后反思: 教師的教: 學生的學: 第四課時 Lesson 2 It’s too short. Teaching topic: Teaching material analysis:(教材分析) 1)The students can listen,say, read and write some words correctly. dress ,skirt, like ,vest, let’s= let us , but , short, then , let , us , make , short反義詞:long 2)The students can master the patterns:It’s a dress. It’s short. Goal request:(教學目的) The students can master the pattern: It’s a dress. It’s short. Key difficulty:(重點難點) How to read and write the words: dress, skirt, like , vest, let’s= let us , but , short, then , let , us , make , short反義詞:long Teaching times:(教學時間)1 Teaching metheds:(教學方法)three doubts three searches Teaching aid study:(教學工具)cards, tape Teaching process:(教學過程) Step1設疑自探 (5minutes) 1.Write the new words on the blackboard. Dress skirt, like ,vest, let’s= let us , but , short, then , let , us , make , short反義詞:long T: Please look at the blackboard and talk about how to pronounce the words correctly. 2.Listen to the tape carefully then answer my question. T:Can you tell me the meaning of the text? Ss:Sorry,we do not know. T:Now please talk about the meaning of the text in four,OK? Ss:OK. Step 2解疑合探 (15 minutes) 1.Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read the words,if all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them. 2.The teacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain the meaning of the text.If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it. 3.The teacher read the text. Then let Ss read after the teacher. Then let the Ss read the dialogue,choose a student read the text with me. Step 3質疑再探 (10minutes) T:Can you tell me something about the text? S1:Can you tell me the other names of the clothes,such as“裙子”“連衣裙” and so on? Step4 運用拓展 (10minutes) 練習。(連線) dress 我們(賓格) then 制作 let 連衣裙 nice 但是 us 喜歡 but 那么 like 讓 make 好的 Bb writing desgin:(板書設計) Lesson 2: It’s too short. dress skirt, like ,vest, let’s= let us , but , short, then , let , us , make , short反義詞:long A: It’s a dress. It’s for you. B: It’s too short. A:Then let’s make a skirt. B:I like it. 教后反思: 教師的教: 學生的學: 第五課時 Lesson 2 It’s too short. Teaching topic: Let’s lean; Let’s read. Teaching material analysis:(教材分析) 1)The students can master the patterns:It’s a dress. It’s too short. Is it short? Yes, it is./No, it’s long. 2)Review the Phonetic Symbols:[dr][s][v][n] [t] [b] [k] [h] [g] [p] [r] [d][e]. Goal request:(教學目的) The students can master the patterns: It’s a dress./It’s long Key difficulty:(重點難點) Review the Phonetic Symbols: [dr] [s][v][n] [t] [b] [k] [h] [g] [p] [r] [d] [e] Teaching times:(教學時間)1 Teaching methods :(教學方法)three doubts three searches Teaching aid study:(教學工具)cards, tape Teaching process:(教學過程) Step1設疑自探一(5 minutes) 1.Write the new words on the blackboard. skirt, dress, vest, coat, shirt, T-shirt, short ,old, new. Please look at the blackboard and talk about how to pronounce the words correctly. Step 2解疑合探一(10 minutes) 1.Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read the words,if all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them. 2.The teacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain the meaning of the song.If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it. Step 3設疑自探二(5 minutes) 1.The teacher write the Phonetic Symbols on the Bb. [dr][s][v][n] [t] [b] [k] [h] [g] [p] [r] [d][e] T: Can you read them? Ss:No.. 2.Write these words on the blackboard: skirt, dress, vest, coat, shirt, T-shirt, short ,old, new. T: Can you read them? Ss: Sorry, we don’t know. Now please talk about these Phonetic Symbols and these words in four,OK? Step 4解疑合探二(10 minutes) Choose someone to read them. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it.Then let the Ss read after the teacher, make sure all of the students can read them fluently. Step 5質疑再探 (5 minutes) T:Can you tell me something about the text? S1:The difference between coat and shirt. S2:The difference between dress and skirt. …… Step 6 運用拓展 (5 minutes) 情景搭配。 ( )1.What’s this? A.yes ( )2.Are you Mr Bear? B.Too short?Let’s make a blouse. ( )3.Colour it green. C.OK. ( )4.My dress is too short. D.How do you do? ( )5.How do you do? E.It’s a bird. Bb writing design:(板書設計) Lesson 2 It’s too short skirt裙子 coat外套 shirt襯衫 It’s a dress./It’s short. It’s a dress./It’s too short. Is it short? Yes, it is./ No, it’s long 教后反思: 教師的教: 學生的學: 第六課時 Lesson 2 It’s too short. Teaching topic: Ask and answer; Draw and say ;Look and write ;Listen and number . Teaching material analysis :(教材分析) 1)Review the words which have learned last class. 2)The students can master the patterns: It’s a … What color is your dress? It’s red. Is it short? Yes, it is. 3)Review the Phonetic Symbols: [dr][s][v][n] [t] [b] [k] [h] [g] [p] [r] [d][e] Goal request:(教學目的) The students can master the patterns: 1)It’s a dress./It’s too short. 2)Is it short?Yes,it is./No,it’s long . Key difficulty:(重點難點) Review the Phonetic Symbols:[dr][s][v][n] [t] [b] [k] [h] [g] [p] [r] [d] [e]. Teaching times:(教學時間)1 Teaching methods :(教學方法)three doubts three searches Teaching aid study:(教學工具)cards, tape Teaching process:(教學過程) Step1設疑自探一(5 minutes) 1. Revise the words in last lesson. 2. 設疑自探:Look at “Ask and answer”. Can you ask and answer in pairs? Please practice together.(利用所穿衣服) Step 2解疑合探一(10 minutes) 1.Then encourage the Ss to ask and answer in pairs. if all the Ss do not know how to practice, the teacher should tell them. 2.Play a game : Which is the winner? Step 3設疑自探二(5 minutes) 1. Draw and say .畫一畫自己的衣服,并介紹一下。 如:This is my dress. It’s red. It’s new. I like it. 2.Look and write. 看一看,填一填 。 Step 4解疑合探二(10 minutes) 1. 小組內(nèi)交流匯報學習成果。 2. 全班交流匯報。(各小組派代表匯報并評出優(yōu)勝者。) 3. Listen to the tape and number .(完成聽錄音排序) Step 5質疑再探 (5 minutes) Do you have any questions? Step 6 運用拓展 (5 minutes) 1.Translation. egg_______ vest________ bed________ desk_________ 背心________ 外套_________母雞_________ 鋼筆________ 2.找出下列單詞的反義詞,將其序號填在對應的橫線上. A.small B.long C.new D. not 1.old________ 2.yes_________ 3.big_________ 4.no_________ Bb writing design:(板書設計) Lesson 2 It’s too short skirt裙子 coat外套 shirt襯衫 It’s a dress./It’s short. A:What colour is your dress? B: It’s red. A:Is it short? B: Yes, it is. 教后反思 教師的教: 學生的學: 第七課時 Lesson 3 Is that a pig ? Teaching topic: Let’s talk. Teaching material analysis:(教材分析) 1)To study the new words: on, ship , many, animal ,elephant, where ,there, so , 2)The students can master the pattern: Is that a big pig? No, it isn’t a pig .It’s an elephant. Goal request:(教學目的) The students can master the patterns: The students can master the pattern: Is that a big pig? No, it isn’t a pig .It’s an elephant. Key difficulty:(重點難點) How to read and write the words: on, ship , many, animal ,elephant, where ,there, so. Teaching times:(教學時間)1 Teaching metheds:(教學方法)three doubts three searches Teaching aid study:(教學工具)cards, tape Teaching process:(教學過程) Step 1設疑自探(10 minutes) 1.復習對話導入。 2.設疑:Write the new words on the blackboard: on, ship , many, animal ,elephant, where ,there, so T: Please look at the blackboard and talk about how to pronounce the words correctly. Listen to the tape carefully then answer my question. T:Can you tell me the meaning of the text? Ss:Sorry,we do not know T:Now please talk about the meaning of the text in four,OK? Ss:OK Step 2解疑合探(12 minutes) 1.Then encourage the Ss to stand up and read the words,if all the Ss do not know how to read, the teacher should tell them. 2.The teacher choose some Ss to stand up and explain it.If there is something wrong,the teacher should correct it. 3.The teacher read the text. Then let Ss read after the teacher. 4.Then let the Ss read the dialogue by themselves,after that choose one or two teams to stand up and act it out . T:Please look at the pictures and ask a student to answer my questions. T:(An elephant)Is it an elephant? S1:Yes, it is. T:(A deer)Is that an elephant? S2:No, it isn’t. Step 3 質疑再探(10 minutes) T:Can you tell me something about the text? S1:What is the meaning of the sentence“How nice on a ship!”? S2:What is the meaning of the sentence“So many animals.”? S3:Why do we use “an” before “elephant”,but use “a” before “pig”?…… Step 4運用拓展 (8 minutes) 一翻譯.- 配套講稿:
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- 科普 三年級 英語 下冊 三疑三探 教案