中文題目:一個(gè)方法測(cè)量所有光線的焦點(diǎn)長(zhǎng)度在 徑向和高的力量 Nd 的切線方向中極化的熱透鏡: YAG 激光
英文題目:A method measuring thermal lens focal length of all rays polarized in radial and tangential direction of high power Nd:YAG laser
學(xué) 號(hào):
班 級(jí):
專 業(yè):機(jī)械工程及自動(dòng)化
Optics Communications 241 (2004) 155–158 www.elsevier.com/locate/optcom
A method measuring thermal lens focal length of all rays polarized in radial and tangential direction of high power Nd:YAG laser
Qiang Li *, Zhimin Wang, Tiechuan Zuo
College of Laser Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100022, PR China
Received 23 December 2003; received in revised form 21 June 2004; accepted 29 June 2004
A novel method is applied to measure the focal length of thermal lens of a CW Nd:YAG laser. Using resonator critical stable point G1 ? G2=0, by measuring output power as pumping power increasing, the laser rod thermal lens focal length fr of all rays polarized in radial direction and the thermal lens focal length fhof all rays polarized in tangential direction can be calculated. The method can also be used to obtain the average e?ective thermal lens focal length f. The method requires no special equipment and is simple to implement. The measuring deviation of the method comparing with probe beam method is within the accuracy that is in the range of ±10%. It is less than the unstable-resonator method that is in the range of ±20%. ? 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
PACS: 42.55.Rz; 42.60.Da; 42.60.Lh; 42.60.Pk
1. Introduction
For high power laser operation, the focal length of thermal lens of laser crystal is a crucial parameter for optimizing the laser system. There are many techniques for measuring thermal lens focal length, such as using probe beam [1–4], interfero
Corresponding author. Tel.: +8601067396562; fax: +8601067392514. E-mail address: ncltlq@bjut.edu.cn (Q. Li).
metric method [5–7], unstable-resonator method [8–10], and transverse beat frequency method [11,12]. However, all these methods are used to measure the average thermal lens focal length. For perfect compensating thermal lens e?ect, it is more useful to know the thermal lens focal length r of all rays polarized in radial direction and the thermal lens focal length fhof all rays polarized in tangential direction.
In this paper, we present a novel method to measure thermal lens focal length of high power
0030-4018/$ -see front matter ? 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.optcom.2004.06.061
Q. Li et al. / Optics Communications 241 (2004) 155–158
CW Nd:YAG laser. The methods can measure not only the average e?ective focal length of thermal lens f, but also the focal length fr and fhof the thermal lens. The idea is based on the dependence of the critical stable point on the equivalent G parameter of the stable resonator, which depends on the thermal lens. Our method requires no special equipment and is simple to implement.
2. Analysis of measure method
According to the theory of resonators [1], a resonator is stable if 1 6 G1G2 6 +1, where G1 and 2 are the G parameters describing the design of the resonator. For a resonator with optical elements inside, the rod can be approximated to ?rst order by a thin spherical lens of focal length f, and its G parameters are given as follows:
__ __
1 L1L2 1 ? a11 ? L2 L1 t L2 ? f ; e1T
2 f ? R1
__ __
1 L1L2
; e2T
2 ? a21 ? Lf 1 ? R2 L1 t L2 ? f
where a1 and a2 are the apertures of the mirrors, 1 and R2 are the radius of curvature of the mirrors, L1 and L2 are the distances from the principal planes to the mirrors, respectively.
The laser rod (of length l) can be approximated to a thin lens and two pieces of isotropic medium with refractive index n0 and length h. The parameter h is the distance from the principal planes of the lens to the end of the laser rod [13], i.e., h = l/2n0.
In our experiments, ?at mirrors with identical apertures have been placed separately at equal distances from the Nd:YAG rod. Therefore, a1= a2, 1= R2, and L1= L2.
Eqs. (1) and (2) were simpli?ed as
1 ? G2 ? 1 ? L tel=2Te1 e1=n0 TT : e3T
Hence, the resonator stability is dependent only on the focal length of intra-cavity lens and length of the resonator.
The stability diagram of an optical resonator is shown in Fig. 1. Blank areas indicate regions of stable operation. The straight line (points A–C) corre-
Fig. 1. Stability diagram of an optical resonator. Shaded areas indicate regions of unstable operation. Points A, B, C correspond to plane parallel, confocal, and concentric resonators, respectively.
sponds to a symmetrical resonator with an internal lens of di?erent focal length. Since the thermal lens of the rod is a function of input power, the con?guration of the equivalent resonator changes from plane parallel to confocal and ?nally to concentric. Beyond this point the resonator becomes unstable. The point B (in Fig. 1), corresponds to G1 ? G2=0, it is a critical stable point of resonator stable region. From Eq. (3), we have e?ective focal length:
f ? L tel=2Te1 e1=n0TT: e4T
At the critical stable point B, the focal length of the thermal lens f is the half of the resonator length. For a resonator length, the increment of output power will have a distinct decrease at the critical stable point as input powers increase. Using this method, we measured the thermal lens focal length with di?erent resonator lengths.
In fact, the critical stable point is not simply a point. It can be found that is actually a region for careful adjustment of input powers. It is well known that the thermal lens focal length can be expressed as [14]:
AK 1dn 2fi ? dt t n0bCr;ht r0 ben0 ? 1T1
P inn02n0 n0l ;
e5T where there are two focal lengths fr and fh, i.e., all rays polarized in radial direction and all rays polarized in tangential direction, respectively. And
Q. Li et al. / Optics Communications 241 (2004) 155–158
normally, there is fr/fh= 1.2–1.5 for Nd:YAG crystal. So we can measure not only the average thermal lens focal length f of the rod but also the radial and tangential direction thermal lens focal lengths r and fh, simultaneously.
3. Experiment and discussion
In our experiments, a B9mm · 155 mm AR coated Nd:YAG (science materials 0.8% Nd) laser rod was used in a di?use re?ecting cavity which was pumped by double Krypton ?ashlamps. The ?ashlamps were provided by a laser power supply rated up to 16 kW. The laser head was water cooled by a double cycle chiller, with constant experiments temperature of 20 C(1 C). A plane parallel resonator with an output coupling mirror of 20.5% was used in the experiments. Two apertures with a diameter of 9.5 mm were placed adjacent to the end of the laser rod, respectively.
The output power was detected by an Ophir Model 5000W-SH power meter. The critical stable points of the resonator were determined by detected output power curve. The critical stable points were founded when the output power does not linear increase as input pumped powers increase. In these experiments, the resonator alignment was strictly ensured. Every experiment curve was the average of detected output power as input pumped power changing from 0 to 16 kW and from 16 to 0 kW. For symmetrical resonator with length in a certain extent, the experimental results were obtained by drawing the function curve of laser output power and pump input power. Fig. 2 shows the measurement results for relationship between the output laser power and the pump power with ?ve di?erent resonator lengths. In the curves, it can be found that the output laser power increased linearly as pumping power increased at ?rst, and then appeared a knee point followed by a plateau region, then increased linearly again, ?nally a decrease to zero. The changing process corresponds to the straight line in Fig. 1, in which pumping power increased and the focal length of the rod changed, as well as the con?guration of the equivalent resonator changed from A point to B point and ?nally to C point.
Fig. 2. The measurement results for the output laser power vs. the pump power with a plane parallel resonator at resonator lengths of 584–1344 mm.
We could survey the experiment curves. When the ?rst knee point appears, the resonator enters the critical stable points (near B point). So in our experiment curves, the output power decreased gently. According to (5), the e?ective focal length fhis relative to the pump power. At second knee, the resonator departs from the critical stable point, and the e?ective focal length is fr in relation to the pump power. Between the two knees, there is a plateau region and average the e?ective thermal lens focal length f is in the center of the region.
Fig. 3. Measured thermal lens focal length of YAG crystal rod as a function of lamp input power. Each point represents the calculated e?ective focal length of YAG crystal for fr (), fh(), and average f (.), respectively.
Q. Li et al. / Optics Communications 241 (2004) 155–158
Fig. 4. E?ective focal length of YAG crystal as a function of lamp input power. The average focal length of experimental values are obtained by resonator critical stable points (.) and values obtained with a He–Ne laser ().
Using Eqs. (5) and (4), the e?ective thermal lens focal lengths fr, fh, and average f, can be calculated, respectively. The results are shown in Fig. 3.
In order to check the accuracy of the method, the measurement results were compared with those of probe beam method [3] with He–Ne laser in the same condition (Fig. 4). The values of the average e?ective focal length obtained with our method were a little higher than the values obtained with probe beam method, especial as pumping power increase and the focal length of the thermal lens decrease. The deviation is within the accuracy of the method, which is in the range of ±10%. The limitation for the accuracy of the measurement is attributed to the experiment deviation. The distance deviation of the two mirrors placed separately from the Nd:YAG rod. However, it is less than the unstable-resonator method [8] of ±20%.
4. Conclusion
We have presented a novel method to measure the average e?ective focal length of a ?ash-lamp-pumped CW Nd:YAG laser. Because critical stable points of stability resonator are used, the result is more precise than unstable-res-onator method, and the method is very simple. Especially for measuring the thermal lens focal length fr and fh, to our knowledge, this is the practical one so far.
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一個(gè)方法測(cè)量所有光線的焦點(diǎn)長(zhǎng)度在徑向和高的力量 Nd 的切線方向中極化的熱透鏡: YAG 激光
一個(gè)新穎的方法用于測(cè)量 CW Nd 的熱透鏡的焦點(diǎn)長(zhǎng)度:YAG 激光。使用共嗚器 鑒定 穩(wěn)定的點(diǎn),:G1*G2=0, 藉由測(cè)量輸出使~有力量當(dāng)抽泵力量增加, 所有光線的焦點(diǎn)長(zhǎng)度 fr 全部極化在光線的方向和熱透鏡中焦點(diǎn)的長(zhǎng)度 fhof 光線的激光竿熱透鏡在切線的方向中極化可能是有計(jì)劃的方法也能用來(lái)獲得平均的 焦點(diǎn)的長(zhǎng)度 f 的有效熱透鏡。這個(gè)方法不需要特別的儀器而且是簡(jiǎn)單實(shí)現(xiàn),與探查光線方法相比較這個(gè)方法測(cè)定偏離是在 ± 10% 的范圍中的準(zhǔn)確性里面,改方法在 ± 20% 的范圍中的比不穩(wěn)定- 共嗚器的方法更少。版權(quán)所有。
對(duì)于高能激光操作,激光水晶的熱透鏡的焦點(diǎn)長(zhǎng)度是決定性的參數(shù)對(duì)于最佳化的激光系統(tǒng)。為測(cè)量熱透鏡焦點(diǎn)的長(zhǎng)度有許多技術(shù), 比如用做使用探查光線 [1-4],干涉測(cè)量法[5-7]。
不穩(wěn)定- 共嗚器方法 [8-10], 而且橫斷物打頻率方法 [11,12]。然而,所有的這些方法都用來(lái)測(cè)量平均的熱透鏡焦點(diǎn)的長(zhǎng)度。為完美的修正熱透鏡的熱效應(yīng),
更有用的是知道全部被極化在光線的方向和熱的透鏡中焦點(diǎn)的長(zhǎng)度 fhof 光線的所有光線的焦點(diǎn)長(zhǎng)度 r 在切線的方向中極化的熱透鏡。在這個(gè)論文中,我們將呈現(xiàn)一個(gè)新奇的方法來(lái)測(cè)量熱透鏡焦點(diǎn)長(zhǎng)度對(duì)于高能激光- 見(jiàn)到序文 ?
光學(xué)溝通,方法不光只能測(cè)量平均的,f 的有效焦點(diǎn)長(zhǎng)度 , 也可以測(cè)量 fr 焦點(diǎn)的長(zhǎng)度和 fhof ther- mal 的透鏡。這個(gè)觀點(diǎn)是以在穩(wěn)定的共嗚器的相等的 G 參數(shù) 上的為基礎(chǔ),依賴熱透鏡。我們的方法不需要特別的儀器而且是簡(jiǎn)單實(shí)現(xiàn)。
尺寸方法的分析,依照共嗚器的理論 [1], 穩(wěn)定共鳴器如果 16 G1G26+1, 那么 G1 和 2 是描述共嗚器的設(shè)計(jì) G 參數(shù) 描述共鳴器的設(shè)計(jì),為和光學(xué)的原理 的內(nèi)部一個(gè)共嗚器,竿能被接近到。一個(gè)焦點(diǎn)長(zhǎng)度 f 的瘦球透鏡的 rst 次序, 而且它的 G 叁數(shù)依下列各項(xiàng)有:
1 L1L2 1 ? a11 ? L2 L1 t L2 ? f ; e1T
2 f ? R1
__ __
1 L1L2
; e2T
2 ? a21 ? Lf 1 ? R2 L1 t L2 ? f
在 a1 和 a2 是鏡子的孔地方,1 而且 R2 是村落的屈曲半徑-分別地 rors, L1 和 L2 是從主要的飛機(jī)到鏡子的距離。激光竿 (長(zhǎng)度 l) 能被接近到和折射的索引 n0 和長(zhǎng)度 h 的瘦透鏡和等方性媒體的二塊,parame- ter 的 h 是來(lái)自透鏡的主要飛機(jī)的距離為目的激光竿 [13],也就是,h=l/2 n0。
在我們的實(shí)驗(yàn)方面, 在和同一的孔鏡子在相等的 dis 分開(kāi)的已經(jīng)被放置-來(lái)自 Nd 的 tances:YAG 竿。因此,a1=a2 , 1= R2 和 L1=L2。因此,共嗚器安定是依賴的只有在洞內(nèi)透鏡和共嗚器的長(zhǎng)度焦點(diǎn)長(zhǎng)度上。光學(xué)的共嗚器的安定圖表在圖 1 中被顯示。
直線 ( 點(diǎn)一-C) corre-圖 1. 一個(gè)光學(xué)的共嗚器的安定圖表。陰暗的區(qū)域指出不穩(wěn)定操作的區(qū)域。指出 A , B,C corre- spond 將平行刨平,共焦的, 和同中心的共嗚器,分別地。對(duì)和一個(gè) di 的內(nèi)在透鏡的一個(gè)對(duì)稱的共嗚器的 sponds,焦點(diǎn)的長(zhǎng)度 erent。因?yàn)楦偷臒嵬哥R是一個(gè)輸入力量的功能,gu- 相等的共嗚器的定額改變從飛機(jī)平行到共焦的和,對(duì)同心的,超過(guò)這點(diǎn)共嗚器變成不穩(wěn)定。點(diǎn) B(在圖 1 中), 符合 G1? G2=0,它是共嗚器馬房區(qū)域的緊要關(guān)頭穩(wěn)定點(diǎn),從Eq,我們有 e? 焦點(diǎn)的長(zhǎng)度 ective: f? L tel=2Te1 e1=n0TT: e4T在緊要關(guān)頭的穩(wěn)定點(diǎn) B ,熱的透鏡 f 的焦點(diǎn)長(zhǎng)度是一半的共嗚器長(zhǎng)度對(duì)于共嗚器長(zhǎng)度,輸出力量的增量將會(huì)在緊要關(guān)頭的穩(wěn)定點(diǎn)有一個(gè)清楚的減少如輸入權(quán)力增加。美國(guó)- ing 這一個(gè)方法,我們用 di 測(cè)量熱的透鏡 fo- cal 的長(zhǎng)度。erent 共嗚器長(zhǎng)度。
事實(shí)上,緊要關(guān)頭的穩(wěn)定點(diǎn)不只是點(diǎn)。資訊科技能被發(fā)現(xiàn)那實(shí)際上是輸入權(quán)力的小心調(diào)整的一個(gè)區(qū)域。資訊科技是廣為人知的熱透鏡焦點(diǎn)的長(zhǎng)度可能是新聞媒體當(dāng)做 [14] e5T 哪里有二焦點(diǎn)的長(zhǎng)度 fr 和 fh,也就是,所有的光線在光線的方向和所有的光線 po 中極化-切線的方向 larized,分別地。正常地,為 Nd 有 fr/fh=1.2-1.5: YAG -tal。因此我們能測(cè)量不只有平均的 ther- mal 的透鏡竿的焦點(diǎn)長(zhǎng)度 f 但是也光線的和切線的方向上升溫暖氣流透鏡焦點(diǎn)的長(zhǎng)度 r 和 fh,同時(shí)地。ashlamps 是由激光力量提供供應(yīng)定格的達(dá)到 16個(gè)千瓦。
激光頭是被一個(gè)兩倍的周期冷卻冷鐵的水,藉由 20個(gè) C(1個(gè) C) 的持續(xù)前任 periments 溫度和一面 20.5% 的輸出聯(lián)結(jié)鏡子的一個(gè)飛機(jī)平行共嗚器被用于實(shí)驗(yàn)。
二 aper-和一個(gè) 9.5 毫米的直徑 tures 被放置 adja- 分為目的激光竿,分別地。輸出力量被一個(gè) Ophir 模型 5000 W- SH 的力量公尺發(fā)現(xiàn)了。共嗚器的緊要關(guān)頭穩(wěn)定點(diǎn)被 de- tected 輸出力量曲線決定了。緊要關(guān)頭的穩(wěn)定點(diǎn)被發(fā)現(xiàn)當(dāng)輸出力量如輸入的線增加不抽了權(quán)力嗎在-折痕。在這些實(shí)驗(yàn)方面,共嗚器排列-ment 嚴(yán)格地被確定。每個(gè)實(shí)驗(yàn)曲線是如被抽從 0 到 16個(gè)千瓦和 16 到 0個(gè)千瓦變更的力量輸入的發(fā)現(xiàn)輸出力量的平均。對(duì)于對(duì)稱的 resona-和特定的范圍長(zhǎng)度山,experimen- tal 的結(jié)果被藉由畫條線獲得激光輸出力量和泵的功能曲線輸入力量。為在輸出激光力量和泵之間的關(guān)系圖 2 表演測(cè)量結(jié)果使~有力量由于,在曲線中,它能被發(fā)現(xiàn),當(dāng)抽泵力量增加,外面者放線地被增加的激光力量的在rst, 然后出現(xiàn)了被一個(gè)高地區(qū)域跟隨的膝點(diǎn), 然后再一次線地增加。nally 一個(gè)減少對(duì)準(zhǔn)零位。
變更程序符合圖 1 的直線, 在哪一抽泵力量增加和被改變的竿焦點(diǎn)長(zhǎng)度
相等的共嗚器 chan 的 guration- 從點(diǎn)到 B 的 ged 指出和對(duì) C 點(diǎn)的 nally。
測(cè)量在 584-1344 毫米的共嗚器長(zhǎng)度為和一個(gè)飛機(jī)平行共嗚器的輸出激光力量和泵力量比較產(chǎn)生。我們可以審視實(shí)驗(yàn)曲線。
何時(shí)那rst 膝點(diǎn)出現(xiàn), 共嗚器進(jìn)入緊要關(guān)頭的馬房點(diǎn)。 ( 在 B 的附近點(diǎn)),如此在我們的前任 periment 中曲線,輸出力量減少了一般布告-tly。依照與泵力量相關(guān)的焦點(diǎn)長(zhǎng)度 fhis 的 ective。在第二個(gè)膝,共嗚器從緊要關(guān)頭的穩(wěn)定點(diǎn) , 和 e 結(jié)束。
焦點(diǎn)的長(zhǎng)度 fr , fh 和平均 f 的 ective 上升溫暖氣流透鏡,可能是 calculat-ed,分別地,結(jié)果在圖 3 中被顯示。
為了要檢查方法的準(zhǔn)確性,測(cè)量結(jié)果被與探查光線方法的相較 [3] 由于他- 相同的情況 (圖 4) 的舊姓激光. 平均的 e 的值,與我們的方法一起獲得的焦點(diǎn)長(zhǎng)度稍微比價(jià)值更高的 ective 以探查光線方法獲得, 特別的當(dāng)抽泵使~有力量增加和熱的透鏡減少的焦點(diǎn)長(zhǎng)度。偏離是在方法的準(zhǔn)確性里面,是在 ± 10% 的范圍中。為測(cè)量的準(zhǔn)確性的限制被歸因于實(shí)驗(yàn)偏離。二面鏡子的 dis- tance 偏離放置了分開(kāi)-來(lái)自 Nd 的 ly:YAG 竿。然而,它比不穩(wěn)定- 共嗚器的方法更少 [± 20% 的 8].
我們已經(jīng)將一個(gè)新奇的方法呈現(xiàn)給 meas- ure 平均的 e焦點(diǎn)長(zhǎng)度的 ective 一灰-燈抽的 CW Nd:YAG 激光。因?yàn)榘捕ü矄杵鞯木o要關(guān)頭穩(wěn)定點(diǎn)被用,結(jié)果比不穩(wěn)定精確- 再 onator 方法,而且方法非常簡(jiǎn)單。尤其為測(cè)量熱的透鏡焦點(diǎn)的長(zhǎng)度 fr 和 fh ,到我們的知識(shí),這到現(xiàn)在為止是一個(gè)實(shí)際的。