340 自動換刀機械手設計
340 自動換刀機械手設計,自動,機械手,設計
13 換刀機械手的總體方案設計3.1 設計任務本次設計的主要任務是:自動換刀機械手,實現(xiàn)數(shù)控鏜銑床的自動換刀,需要換的刀具主要是 BT40型刀柄,需要實現(xiàn)的工作是抓刀—換刀—松刀的動作。主要技術參數(shù):刀具最大重量 6kg,雙臂回轉式換刀,刀臂數(shù)量和長度以及直徑主要依據(jù)配套刀庫的設計要求。換刀時間 2.5S。3.2 機械手的平穩(wěn)性工業(yè)生產(chǎn)要求機械手工作速度快,運動平穩(wěn),定位精度高。應注意其影響因素,設計合理結構,以滿足要求。3.2.1、影響平穩(wěn)性以定位精度的因素1、慣性力的影響圖 3.1 慣性曲線機械手速度突變,加(減)速度不連續(xù),會產(chǎn)生巨大的慣性沖擊力,以至使工件滑動、部件松動、零件破裂。定位時,大的減速度使臂部往復振動,直接影響定位精度。因此,應根據(jù)機械手的運動特性,選擇適宜的控制系統(tǒng),使加(減)速度按所需的運動歸路變化,同時,在保證剛度的前提下,減輕機械手運動件的重量。2、結構剛度的影響2零件結構剛度性差,配合間隙大及整機固有頻率低時,受較小慣性沖擊,就發(fā)生振動。不但降低定位精度,而且降低機械手壽命。應選擇合理結構,提高機械手固有頻率及承受慣性載荷的能力。 3、定位方法的影響常用的定位方法中,電氣開關的定位精度最低,伺服定位較高,機械擋塊的定位最高。4、控制系統(tǒng)的影響電控系統(tǒng)的誤差,閥類泄漏,檢測元件失靈,擋塊偏移等會降低定位失靈。5、驅(qū)動源的影響液壓、氣壓、電壓及油溫波動都會降低平穩(wěn)性及定位精度,必要時,用蓄能器等穩(wěn)定液壓、氣壓、電壓,用加熱器和冷卻器控制油溫。3.2.2 機械手的運動特性深入分析機械手的運動特點,有利于根據(jù)工作條件選擇適宜的運動特點。下面為我們所選工業(yè)機械手所具有的運動規(guī)律,在減速較大時的情形。圖 3.2 運動特性曲線3按上圖的運動,機械手的速度變化呈等加速或不等加速運動,其減速過程亦分為等減速運行和不等減速運行,在呈等加速運行,而不等減速運行時,由于速度行程短,故有利于提高機械手的工作速度。特點:速度變化基本上連續(xù),運動中不會產(chǎn)生沖擊,可以滿足高速、平穩(wěn)和定位精度高的要求。3.3 機械手運動特性的分類氣動機械手:氣動機械手的加速或調(diào)節(jié)系統(tǒng)采用氣路節(jié)流調(diào)速系統(tǒng),控制系統(tǒng)采用氣缸端部節(jié)流緩沖裝置、氣路節(jié)流緩沖回路、液壓緩沖氣等。定位系統(tǒng)采用機械擋塊或多點定位幾機構定位精度。液壓機械手:液壓機械手的加速或調(diào)節(jié)系統(tǒng)油路節(jié)流調(diào)速系統(tǒng),控制系統(tǒng)采用油缸端部節(jié)流緩沖裝置及緩沖回路、減壓節(jié)流繼續(xù)能緩沖系統(tǒng)、伺服系統(tǒng)等。定位系統(tǒng)采用關閉電磁換向閥定位精度、機械擋塊定位精、伺服系統(tǒng)定位精度度等。電動機械手:電動機械手的加速或調(diào)節(jié)系統(tǒng)采用電路節(jié)流調(diào)速系統(tǒng),控制系統(tǒng)采用反接制動電路、減速電路、凸輪或連桿機構等。定位系統(tǒng)采用電磁制動器、脈沖電路定位精度、機械擋塊定位精度等。機械聯(lián)動機械手:機械聯(lián)動機械手的加速或調(diào)節(jié)系統(tǒng)采用凸輪連桿機構,控制系統(tǒng)采凸輪曲線和連桿機構。定位系統(tǒng)采用凸輪基圓及凸輪頂點、連桿極限位置。3.4 開關型機械手的速度及位置控制用電氣開關、換向閥、節(jié)流閥和機械擋塊等來控制的機械手稱為開關型機械手。液壓機械手的速度控制:開關型液壓機械手一般采用截流減速方法,少數(shù)采用蓄能器或溢流閥減速方法,也可以幾種方法一起采用。氣動機械手的速度控制:氣動機械手有很多優(yōu)點,但氣動的壓縮性大,阻尼效果差。符合大的氣動機械手采用液壓緩沖回路。一般采用的裝置是氣動-液阻裝置。開關型機械手的定位系統(tǒng):定位系統(tǒng)與速度控制系統(tǒng)有密切的關系,但他們都有其獨立性,例如,節(jié)流減速后既可以發(fā)出指令關閉油路定位,也可以壓在擋塊上而定位。4電氣開關定位:電動機械手一般采用電磁制動器定位。當機械手運動到定位點時,行程開關發(fā)出信息給電控系統(tǒng),激勵電磁制動器而定位。特點:結構簡單,工作可靠,維修方便,但定位精度低。機械擋塊定位:一般是在減速后,驅(qū)動壓力將運動件壓在機械擋塊上或驅(qū)動壓力將活塞壓靠缸蓋而定位,定位精度較高??煞譃閱吸c定位或多點定位的擋塊機構。3.5 機械傳動型機械手速度及位置控制為了便于控制機械手的速度及位置,一些專用機械手采用凸輪機構和連桿機構進行驅(qū)動。特點:工作速度可以提高而且與主機同步工作而不產(chǎn)生誤動作。通過以上論述和比較,選用液壓緩沖器和油缸端部緩沖的方式,定位選用機械擋塊定位。3.6 機械手類型確定根據(jù)以上的介紹,通過比較我確定選用電動機械手。這樣選擇的原因主要是根據(jù)精度和成本的原因。由于是個單獨的部件大量生產(chǎn),成本是非常主要的原因,氣動和液壓機械手的制造精度要求非常高,成本也就高,而電動機械手作為發(fā)展得最為完善的機械手,在精度滿足需要的同時,成本是最低的,所以選擇了電動機械手。54 總體結構設計4.1 手爪部分設計機械手手爪部分的作用是抓住和放開工件,并且要保證在抓刀后的換刀過程中保證刀具不會重手爪中飛出。目前的加工中心換刀機械手的手爪種類繁多,可以說每個廠家都推出自己的獨特的換刀機械手,目前使用最多的有 4種機械手,分別是單臂單手式機械手,回轉式單臂雙手機械手,雙手式機械手和多手式機械手。單臂單手式機械手的特點是機械手只做往復直線運動,主要用與刀具主軸和刀庫刀座的軸線平行的場合,機械手的插、拔刀運動和傳遞刀具的運動全都是直線運動,因為沒有回轉運動所產(chǎn)生的離心力,因為無回轉運動所產(chǎn)生的離心力,所以機械手的握刀部分可以比較簡單,只需要兩個彈簧卡銷卡住刀柄即可。但是換刀各動作均需順序進行,時間不能重合,所以換刀時間較長。例如在轉塔頭帶刀庫的換刀系統(tǒng)中,不工作主軸的換刀時間與工作主軸的加工時間重合,可使用這類機械手。回轉式單臂雙手機械手的兩手部成 180°,手型種類很多,常見的有固定式雙手、可伸縮式雙手、剪式雙手等。這類的機械手可以同時抓住可拔、插位于主軸和刀庫(或運輸裝置)里的刀具,與單臂單手式機械手相比,可以縮短換刀時間。這類機械手應用最廣泛,形式也最多。雙手式機械手的手臂運動方式有 2種,一種是機械手只做往復直線運動的,這樣的機械手有雙手平行式和雙手交叉式,這樣的機械手可起運輸裝置的作用,使用于容量大、距主軸較遠的、特別是分置式的刀庫和換刀。還有一種是機械手有回轉運動的。這 2種機械手向刀庫還回用過的刀具和選用新刀,均可在主軸正在加工時進行,所以換刀時間較短。多手式機械手的各個機械手順次使用,可以用語單主軸機床(機械手和刀庫為一體),和帶雙刀庫的雙主軸轉塔頭機床。這類機械手的使用者最少。根據(jù)以上的分析,手爪部分的結構我選擇了回轉式單臂雙手機械手,而夾刀的部分我選用了鉤手的結構,這樣選擇的原因是鉤手具有結構簡單,安裝拆卸方便,不需要額外的驅(qū)動,抓刀方式簡單等特點。結構如圖 4.1 所示。6圖 4.1 鉤手結構示意圖如圖 4.1所示,當機械手旋轉的時候,鉤手與刀柄先接觸,由于機械手繼續(xù)旋轉,刀柄對頂柱有擠壓作用,頂柱的后面是彈簧,并且定位頂柱沒有鎖定,所以頂柱收縮到機械手臂內(nèi),刀柄順利進入鉤手內(nèi),旋轉結結束,頂柱通過彈簧的彈力恢復原位,定位頂柱鎖頂,頂柱不能移動,卡住刀具,抓刀結束。刀具重量的范圍,由于溝手結構的刀爪抓刀后,刀具的重量集中在刀爪內(nèi)圈的突起上,頂柱受力不到刀具重量的 1/10,所以當?shù)蹲ψサ逗?,由定位頂柱所提供的推力遠遠大于頂柱所受到的力,所以肯定能把刀具固定住,而不用擔心刀具會在機械手旋轉的時候掉下來。4.2 機械手手臂的設計機械手工作中運動速度較高,在結構位置應保證運動平穩(wěn),這樣可以提高機械手運動的平穩(wěn)性,可以提高機械手適用的可靠性,并提高使用壽命。4.2.1 臂部要防止偏重通常臂部處于懸臂的工作狀態(tài),在設計臂部、腕部和手部結構時,盡量使其總的重心在支撐中心,防止對支撐中心的偏重。一但偏重,將會產(chǎn)生附加的彎矩,引起導向裝置不均勻的磨損。在回轉運動中,偏重對回轉軸附加有動壓力,其方向不斷變化,特別是高速及速度突然變化時更加明顯,這些都將引起機械手的振動,嚴重的會造成卡死。7預防的措施:1.減輕腕部、手部的重量,并盡量減少偏心載荷??刹捎娩X合金制造腕部和手部。2.合理分布臂部上各部件重量和增加平衡重,使臂部平衡。3.某些機械手結構上無法避免偏重,則應加強導向支撐,盡量減輕偏重對運動的影響。4.2.2 加強臂部剛度提高臂部剛度是減少手部顫動的關鍵,有利于提高定位精度,故常采用導向形式來加強定位。4.2.3 改進緩沖裝置和提高配合精度機械手的緩沖裝置是保證運動平穩(wěn)和減少振動的主要措施。機械沖擊,它是在臂部運動中與定位裝置相碰撞而產(chǎn)生的。它可用緩沖裝置來消除。4.2.4 采取的措施:1.提高部件的配合精度,減少間隙,有利于運動平穩(wěn),特別是高速運動的機械手更需要保證加工精度和提高配合。2.機械手的緊固件在運動中受變載荷的作用必須采用防松措施。綜合以上所述,我在設計機械手手臂的時候采用了完全中心對稱的機構,并且通過調(diào)整螺栓來調(diào)整機械手手臂的水平。因為整體的尺寸很小,所以機械手換刀臂的軸的直徑比較小,并不適合采用鍵連接來傳動,所以采取了脹縮環(huán)這一個標準件來連接機械手換刀臂和機械手換刀臂的軸。脹縮環(huán)具有非常好的對中性,并且能夠傳遞非常大的轉距,結構簡單,非常適用在機構尺寸小的結構中。機械手換刀臂的結構簡圖如圖 4.2所示。這個手臂的形狀,完全按照中心對稱的方式設計,但是為了適應不同型號的刀柄,兩邊的刀爪是可以拆卸調(diào)換的。8圖 4.2 機械手換刀臂的結構簡圖94.3 機械手傳動結構的設計根據(jù)第 2章的介紹,我選擇凸輪換刀裝置作為傳動方案。凸輪機械手換刀裝置是目前加工中心常用的機構之一,與傳統(tǒng)的氣動、液壓換刀機構相比,它具有換刀速度快、換刀可靠、運動平穩(wěn)的特點。近年來加工中心得到了廣泛的應用。凸輪機械手換刀裝置通常由 2個凸輪以及相應的機構組成,其中,一個平面凸輪通過連桿機構,用來完成“裝刀”與“ 拔刀”動作;另一個弧面凸輪帶動凸輪分度機構,用來實現(xiàn)機械手的轉位,完成“抓刀”和“換刀”動作。圖 4.3 凸輪機械手換刀機構原理圖1—驅(qū)動電動機 2—減速器 3—錐齒輪 4—平面凸輪5—弧面凸輪 6—連桿機構 7—機械手 8—滾動盤 9—電氣信號盤10凸輪換刀裝置的結構原理如圖 1所示,它主要由驅(qū)動電動機 1、減速器 2、平面凸輪 4、弧面凸輪 5、連桿 6、機械手 7等部件構成。換刀時,驅(qū)動電動機 1連續(xù)回轉,通過減速器 2與凸輪換刀裝置連接,提供裝置的動力;并通過平面凸輪、弧面凸輪以及相應的機構,將驅(qū)動電動機的連續(xù)運動轉化為機械手的間歇運動。圖 4.3中,平面凸輪 4通過錐齒輪 3和減速器 2連接,在驅(qū)動電動機轉動時,通過連桿機構 6,帶動機械手 7在垂直方向作上、下運動,以實現(xiàn)機械手在主軸上的“拔刀”、“裝刀”動作?;∶嫱馆?5和平面凸輪 4相連,在驅(qū)動電動機回轉時,通過滾動盤 8(共 6個滾珠)帶動花鍵轉動,花鍵軸帶動機械手 7在水平方向上作旋轉動作,以實現(xiàn)從機械手轉位,完成“抓刀”和“換刀”動作。電氣信號盤 9中安裝有若干開關,以檢測機械手實際運動情況,實現(xiàn)電氣互鎖。弧面凸輪轉角平面凸輪轉角圖 4.4 平面凸輪和弧面凸輪的運動過程平面凸輪與弧面凸輪的動作配合曲線如圖 4.4所示。在驅(qū)動電動機的帶動下,弧面凸輪在 7.5°~57.5°的范圍內(nèi),完成機械手80°的轉位動作。在 57.5°~72.5°的范圍內(nèi)弧面凸輪、平面凸輪均不產(chǎn)生機械手運動,用于松開刀具。當凸輪繼續(xù)轉動到 72.5°~137.5°的范圍內(nèi),平面凸輪通過連桿機構帶動機械手進行向下運動;其中,在 72.5°~117.5°范圍內(nèi),只有平面凸輪帶動機械11手作向下的運動,機械手同時拔出主軸、刀庫中的刀具;在 117.5°~137.5°的范圍內(nèi),因刀具已經(jīng)脫離主軸的刀座,兩凸輪同時動作,即:在機械手繼續(xù)向下的過程中,已經(jīng)開始進行 180°轉位,以提高換刀速度。在凸輪轉動到 117.5°~242.5°的范圍內(nèi),弧面凸輪帶動機械手進行 180°轉位,完成主軸與刀庫的刀具交換;當進入 222.5°~242.5°的范圍時,兩凸輪同時動作,平面凸輪已經(jīng)開始通過連桿機構帶動機械手進行向上運動,以提高換刀速度。從 222.5°起,平面凸輪帶動機械手向上運動,機械手同時將主軸、刀庫中的刀具裝入刀座;這一動作在 222.5°~287.55°范圍,完成“裝刀”動作。接著的287.55°~302.5°范圍內(nèi),弧面凸輪、平面凸輪均不產(chǎn)生機械手運動,機床進行刀具的“夾緊”動作,這一動作由機床的氣動或液壓機構完成。在 302.5°~360°的范圍內(nèi),弧面凸輪完成機械手 80°反向轉位動作,在機械手回到原位,換刀結束。123 for the sword overall design of manipulator3.1 design taskThe design of the main task is to: automatically change the manipulator, realize the sword of nc boring and milling machine automatically change the knife, need to change tool is mainly BT40 the style of work, need to achieve is to hold knife knife--in--the action of the sword. LooseThe main technical parameters: tool maximum weight 6 kg, arms rotary change knife, the knife arm number and length and diameter of main basis supporting knife library design requirements. Change the tools time 2.5 S.3.2 the smoothness of manipulatorIndustrial production requirements manipulator speed, smooth movement, high precision positioning. Should pay attention to the impact factors, rational structure design to meet the demand.3.2.1, influence factors of position precision to stability1,Effect of inertia forceFigure 3.1 inertia curveManipulator, add (reduce speed mutations) speed discontinuous, can have a huge impact, to make the work and inertia sliding, components and parts broken loose. Positioning, big reducing speed make brachial ministry reciprocating vibration, directly influence the positioning accuracy. Therefore, should be based on the characteristics of the manipulator movement, selecting the appropriate control system, make add (minus) according to the speed of movement of change, at the same time, in the way that the premise of stiffness, reduce the weight of the manipulator moving parts.132, the influence of the structure stiffnessParts structure stiffness sex differences and, together with the big gap and the inherent frequency low, smaller impact by inertia vibration that happened. Not only reduce the positioning accuracy, and reduce the manipulator life. Should choose reasonable structure, improve the natural frequency of the manipulator and bear inertial load capacity.3 and the influence of the localization methodThe location of the commonly used method, electrical switch positioning accuracy of servo positioning, lowest, high mechanical stop the positioning of the highest.4, the influence of the control systemThe error of the electric control system, the kind of leak, the test components failure, block piece of migration will reduce positioning failure.5, driving sourcesHydraulic, pneumatic, voltage and the oil temperature fluctuations will reduce the stability and precision, when necessary, use the accumulator, hydraulic and pneumatic, voltage stability, with heater and cooler control the oil temperature.3.2.2 manipulator the motion characteristicsIn-depth analysis of the manipulator, which is beneficial to the sport characteristics according to the working conditions of the appropriate choice movement characteristics. Below we chose for industrial robots is the motion law of the slowdown, in the situation. Larger14Figure 3.2 movement characteristics curveAccording to the movement, the speed of the manipulator is accelerating or changes such as ranging movement, the deceleration process accelerated also divided into operation and slow down, a slowdown in running range and speed up and running, ranging from running, due to slow down the speed, the short trip to improve the speed of work of the manipulator.Characteristics: speed change, movement of continuous basically won't impact, can satisfy the high speed, stable and positioning precision requirements.3.3 the classification of the manipulator movement characteristicsPneumatic robot manipulator acceleration or adjust the pneumatic system adopt pneumatic throttling speed regulation system, the control system adopts cylinder ends throttling buffer device, pneumatic, hydraulic buffer circuit throttling buffer gas, etc. Positioning system adopts mechanical block piece or more positioning a few institutions positioning accuracy.Hydraulic manipulator of the manipulator: hydraulic acceleration or adjusting system throttle control system, the control system by oil cylinder ends throttling buffer device and buffer circuit, the reduced pressure throttling continue buffer system, servo system, etc. Positioning system adopts closed directional control valve positioning precision electromagnetic, mechanical stop piece of positioning precision, positioning accuracy servo system is spent etc.Electric manipulator: electric manipulator acceleration or regulation system of the circuit throttling speed regulation system, the control system using reverse connect braking circuit, deceleration circuit, CAM or linkage mechanism, etc. Positioning system by electromagnetic brake and pulse circuits positioning accuracy, mechanical block piece of positioning accuracy, etc.15Mechanical linkage manipulator: machinery of the manipulator acceleration or adjust the linkage system, adopt CAM link mechanism, and control system adopt CAM curve and the linkage mechanism. Positioning system adopt CAM and CAM, connecting rod and round vertex limit position.3.4 switch type of the manipulator speed and position controlUse electrical switch, reversing valves, throttle valve and mechanical stop to control of the manipulator called switch type manipulator.Hydraulic manipulator speed control: switch type hydraulic manipulator generally USES the closure slowdown, a few accumulator or the way the overflow valve slowdown method, may also several methods used together.Pneumatic manipulator speed control: pneumatic manipulator has a lot of advantages, but pneumatic large compressibility, damping effect is poor. Accord with large pneumatic hydraulic buffer circuit using manipulator.General use of the device is pneumatic-fluid resistance device.The switch of the manipulator type positioning system: positioning system and speed control system has the close relation, but they all have its independence, for example, can not only after a slow throttling instructions close, also can pressure oil positioning in block block and positioning.Electrical switch orientation: general electric manipulator using electromagnetic brakes positioning. When manipulator movement to anchor point, travel switch to send messages of electronic control system, incentive electromagnetic brake and positioning.Features: simple structure, reliable, easy maintenance, low but positioning accuracy.Mechanical stop piece of positioning: general is slowing down, drive after pressure will be moving parts in mechanical stop block pressure or driver pressure will be the piston and cylinder pressure on location, location accuracy is higher. Can be divided into the single point positioning or more positioning of the block piece of institutions.3.5 mechanical transmission speed and the position control of manipulatorIn order to facilitate control the speed of the manipulator, some special manipulator and position of the CAM mechanism and the linkage mechanism driven.Features: the speed of work can improve and and host synchronous work and do not 16produce false action.Through the discussion above and comparison, choose hydraulic buffer and oil cylinder at the end of the location selection, buffer way mechanical block piece of positioning.3.6 determined manipulator typeAccording to the introduction of the above, through the comparison I select electric manipulator. Such are the main reasons why choose according to the precision and the cause of the cost. Because a single components of mass production, the cost is very main reasons, pneumatic and hydraulic manipulator in manufacturing precision require very high, high cost, and electric manipulator as the most complete development manipulator, precision to meet demand in at the same time, cost is the lowest, and the choice of the electric manipulator.174 overall structure design4.1 PAWS part designThe role of the manipulator PAWS part is to capture and let go of the workpiece, and in ensuring that the change of knife knife after the catch in the process of cutting tool will not guarantee ChongShou claw fly out of.The current processing center for the sword of the manipulator PAWS sort is various, can say that each manufacturer to launch their own unique change the tools at present use most manipulator, there are four manipulator, respectively is a single hand arm of robot arm, rotary hands hands of robot manipulator, and more hands of robot.A single hand arm of robot is characteristic of the manipulator only do reciprocating linear motion, basically use and tool spindle and knife knife a library of parallel axis of the occasion of the manipulator, plug, sports and transfer tool youth movement is all linear motion, because no rotary motion produces the centrifugal force, because there is no rotary motion produces the centrifugal force, so of the manipulator hold a knife parts can be quite simple, just two spring card pin stuck to the handle. But in every action sword all need to order, time can't overlap, so in knife the time is long. For example in turn with the sword of the library tower head change cutters system, not to work with the change of time and sword spindle work the axis of processing time overlap, can use this kind of manipulator.Rotary arm of the manipulator hand into two hands 180 °, hand model is a lot of more phyletic, common have fixed the hands, but the telescopic hands, scissor hands, etc. This kind of robot can at the same time holding can pull out, main shaft and knife inserted in library (or transportation device) of knives, and a single hand arm of robot can shorten the sword, compared in time. This kind of manipulator, form is also the most widely used the most.Both hands of robot arm movement there are two ways, one is only do reciprocating linear motion manipulator, such manipulator has hands parallel type of ideas and hands, such manipulator can be up the role of transportation device, used in large capacity, far away from the main shaft, especially in the separation of the library and the change of knife knife. Still another kind is a manipulator of the movement of the rotary has. The two kinds of manipulator to knife library of cutting tools and recycle also choose new knife, all can in the spindle is processing and so in a relatively short time sword.18More hands each of robot manipulator, can use language followed single spindle machine (manipulators and knife library as one), and take double the library tower head turned double spindle of machine tools. This kind of manipulator users at least.According to the above analysis, the structure of the PAWS part I chose the rotary arm manipulator, and hands nipped dao part I choose the hook of the hands of the structure, this is the reason for the choice of the hook is simple in structure, convenient installation remove, do not need additional drive, catch a knife way of simple features. Structure is shown in figure 4.1.Figure 4.1 the hook structure schematic drawingAs shown in figure 4.1 shows, when manipulator turns, the hook and the first contact, as a result, the type of handle continues to rotate manipulator blind have extrusion action, the back of the blind is spring, and locating the blind not lock, so blind to the mechanical arm contraction in the handle into the hook, smooth, rotating and, in the end by spring elastic recovery blind in situ, the orientation lock top blind blind, can't move, cutting tools, catch a knife stuck over.The range of tools, because the weight of the structure of the hand knife knife after the claw, cutting tool of the weight of the focus on the sword of the inner ring claw bumps, force of the cutting tools weight not blind 1/10, so when the knife knife after the claw, provided by the positioning of the blind thrust far greater than by blind strength, and so 19you can put the tool to fix, and not be worried about the tool will be in the fall when rotating manipulator.4.2 the design of manipulator armManipulator movement in the high speed work, the structural position should guarantee the smooth movement, so that it can improve the stability of the movement of the manipulator, can improve the reliability of the manipulator applicable and improve the service life.2 the brachial ministry to prevent lay particular stress onUsually the arm in the working state of the cantilever, in the design department, the wrist and hand arm structure, make its overall focus in support of the support center, prevent the center of lay particular stress on. A but lay particular stress on, will generate additional bending moment, cause orientation device uneven wear. In the rotation movement, attention to move additional pressure to rotate, its direction changes, especially in high speed and speed suddenly change more apparent, which will cause the vibration of the manipulator, serious can cause jammed.Prevention measures:1. Reduce the wrist, hand weight and reduce eccentric load. Can use aluminum alloy manufacture of wrist and hand.2. The reasonable distribution of each component of weight on the arm and increase the balance weight, make brachial ministry balance.3. Some structure can't avoid manipulator of lay particular stress on, should be strengthened, and try to reduce guide support to the influence of lay particular stress on sports.4.2.2 strengthen brachial ministry stiffnessImprove the brachial ministry is to reduce the hand trembling stiffness key, help to improve the precision, reason often used to strengthen the guidance form positioning.4.2.3 improvement and improve the buffering devices with precisionThe buffering devices is to guarantee the manipulator smooth movement and reduce vibration of the main measures.Mechanical impact, it is in the movement of the arm and positioning device collide and of generation. It is used to eliminate the buffering devices.204.2.4 take measures:1. Raise the parts with precision, reduce gap, be helpful for the smooth movement, especially the movement of the manipulator needed to ensure that more machining accuracy and improve coordination.2. Of the manipulator in sports change by fastener load role against pine measures must be adopted.Comprehensive above mentioned, I in the design of the manipulator arm when completely symmetrical institutions, and center by adjusting bolt to adjust the manipulator arm level. Because the overall size is small, so the manipulator arm of the shaft of the sword in relatively small diameter and is not suitable for the key link to drive, so take the bilge shrink ring this a standard to link the manipulator arm and change the tools in the arms of the manipulator knife shaft. Swell-shrink ring has very good to neutral, and the ability to transfer very large torque, the structure is simple, very applicable in the institutions of small size structure. In the structure of the manipulator sword arm diagram show