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摘 要
一般部分為陳四樓煤礦1.8Mt/a新井設計。陳四樓煤礦位于河南省永城市,井田南北長約12km,東西寬約6km,勘探面積約72km2。此井田中只有3煤層厚4.18m,2煤層厚2.95m,這兩層煤從厚度和賦存條件是可采煤層。井田工業(yè)儲量為30396萬t ,礦井可采儲量20467萬t,礦井服務年限為87.4年。井田開拓采用立井單水平開拓,設置輔助水平。采煤方法采用一次采全高綜合機械化采煤,工作面布置為帶區(qū)式布置。大巷布置為軌道大巷進風兼輔助運輸,皮帶大巷運煤兼回風。礦井通風方式為中央并列式,采煤工作面采用U型通風方式,掘進工作面采用局部通風機通風。
礦井總進風量為3782.16m3/min,通風阻力容易時期為820.8Pa,困難時期為1168Pa。礦井巷道等積孔容易時期為2.62m2,困難時期為2.18 m2。通過計算決定選用2K60No.24軸流式通風機,其能滿足礦井對風量的要求。
英文題目為:Characteristics of coal mine ventilation air flows
關鍵詞:陳四樓礦井; 新井通風設計; 綜合防塵; 空氣流動特點
This design consists of three parts: The general part, the special part and the translation part.
The productive capacity is 1.8 million tons per year. The Chensilou minefield lies in the special area of Yong Cheng city, Henan province. Total area of the mine is 72 km2. The boundary of the minefield runs 12 km on north south and 6 km on west east on average. There are two main seams—the third layer with thickness of 4.18 meters and the second one with thickness of 2.95 meters. According to the thickness and deposit, the two coal layers are able seams.
The industrial storage of the mine field is 30396 million ton, the reserves exploitable in the whole mine field is 20467 million ton,and it’s service life is 87 years, with only one working faces is used in the mine. One standards development are used in the Mine shaft pioneering,with subinclined shaft extension.The Coal mining use a high-wide integrated mechanized mining,with face layout of the belt-type layout.The track roadway with the airflow into are mainly used to transported the coal while the belt roadway are used to the auxiliary transport with the return of airflow.The method of whole mine ventilation is central juxtapose ventilation system.The ventilation of the dead-end working places is the application of the auxiliary ventilation by the auxiliary fans.
The total amount of wind required is 3490 m3/min, and the ventilation resistance 386.7 Pa at easy period while difficult period of 602.7 Pa. The equivalent orifice is 3.26 m2 when easily period whlie difficult period is 2.62m2.So I choose the 2K60No.24 with the axial-flow as the main fan which can meet the need of the whole airflow of the requirement.
In summary, the Chensilou mine ventilation system is simple, reasonable, stable and meet the ventilation requirements of fighting ability.
The special part is the integrated dust of the application in Chensilou mine .The content is to discusse coal injection, add active agent in the water and use water to improve coal injection magnetic effect, the shearer with spray system. the spray the roof stent system,the measures of in and out wind Gate, the excavation of the dust and various measures of the nozzle selection and installation. Through research, for the Chensilou mine dust and gas outburst to prevent a theoretical basis, greatly enhanced the accuracy coal dust accident prevention and reliability.
The translation part is characteristics of coal mine ventilation air flows
Key words: Chensilou mine; The design of ventilation system; Comprehensive and dust control technology ;Characteristics of coal mine ventilation air flows