壓縮包內含有CAD圖紙和說明書,均可直接下載獲得文件,所見所得,電腦查看更方便。Q 197216396 或 11970985
華南橡膠輪胎廠投產10多年來,所排放的高含硫量廢氣,不但對周邊農業(yè)和林業(yè)生產造成很大危害,而且直接影響了周邊居民的身體健康。建廠以來, 該廠的污染問題一直成為群眾投訴的熱點。
The emissions that South China Tire & Rubber plant exhausted, which included high level of sulfur, not only cause a great risk to the agricultural and forestry industries nearby, but also affects the surrounding residents of their health directly since 10 years ago. The pollution problem has become the hot spot that people complains since then.
In recent years, the environmental protection departments at all levels and the South China Tire & Rubber Limited Company, Guangzhou committed to solving air pollution nuisance. The company has built a boiler and rubber exhaust emissions processing system, which has reduced pollution in a certain extent. But the exhaust emissions are still impacting the surrounding environment and the nearby residents there.
In rubber tire production process ,mixer produces multi-component emissions, including carbon black dust, rubber granules, rubber dust and other dust components; oil, aromatic oil components and non-methane hydrocarbons, toluene, methanol, methyl mercaptan, CS2, H2S and other organic and inorganic gases.
This design is set up to deal with the problem that South China Tire & Rubber Plant caused, during the process of wasted air exhausting treatment, according to “The National Standards of People's Republic of China -- atmospheric pollutant discharge standards” (GB16297- 1996)
First, eliminate the oil from the emissions, avoiding that the effect of the dust collector declines, even it can not operate properly with the oil.
Then, use bag filter on the process, and further removed the dust-like substances from the emissions. Bag filter uses pulse filter cleaning methods. DMC84- II pulse jet bag filter is selected.
Finally, the novel ring adsorption bed and activated carbon fiber are disposing the emission, cleaning the taste, reaching the gas emission standards. After absorbing the gases, Activated Carbon are renewed in the 120 ° C in low-pressure steam.
Keywords : Compound emissions, Oil remover, Bag filter, Ring adsorption bed