4 熱力學第一定律熱力學第一定律4-1 改變系統(tǒng)改變系統(tǒng)dl做功做功熱傳遞熱傳遞改改變變內(nèi)能內(nèi)能兩者等效兩者等效熱功當量熱功當量 1 cal =4.186 J 4-2 熱力學第一定律熱力學第一定律1.
新啟翔制作新啟翔制作Unit 41aListen and number the pictures 1-4 in the order you hear them.2134Talk with your p.
1Fill in each blank with the correct word and the correct form.feel spell write down join find1.You.
The Shortest player in the NBAReading 1Learning aims1.1.了解斯巴德了解斯巴德韋伯以及全美職業(yè)籃球聯(lián)賽韋伯以及全美職業(yè)籃球聯(lián)賽2.2.學會簡述某個.
環(huán)境污染的危害視頻環(huán)境污染的危害視頻_ _標清標清_ _標清標清.flv.flvpopulationincreaserapidlycrowdedpollutedSolar systemMarsEart.
Unit 4Unit 4Which is your favourite TV programme?How do you feel when you watch it?Activity One Warm.
qng tng 蜻 蜓h di蝴 蝶qi yn蚯蚯 蚓蚓m y螞蟻k du蝌蝌 蚪蚪zhzh蜘蛛qngtng h di 蜻蜻 蜓蜓 蝴蝴 蝶蝶 m y k du 螞螞 蟻蟻 蝌蝌 蚪蚪qi yn zh.
Period 4 Vocabulary Unit 1 Star signsRevision(1)Useful expressions:Have a dictation:1.不輕易放棄不輕易放棄 2.